Does the Universe have a purpose?

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Does the Universe have a purpose?

I was out stumbling through the Internet and found this video which I like because of the simplicity. It doesn't get in to any serious, deep facts and bog down the answer.


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 Any one know why my

 Any one know why my embedded code from YouTube doesn't show?

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No idea.

No idea.

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It does and it dosen't.

digitalbeachbum wrote:

 Any one know why my embedded code from YouTube doesn't show?

It shows sometimes on the quote function but not every time. I got a pic of Tyson on one try and not on another.

OK- to your Question.


2-Tyson is working with the religious point of view (Biblical interpretation), which of course I doubt he believes in. (I didn't watch the whole video)

3-In the "old Seers" interpretation"--No, the universe wasn't created for a purpose. The universe on it's own has no intellect so there-fore it could not have created itself for a purpose.

4-Religions believe the universe was created for man--or their version of man. There's no proof that any intellect created the universe. Religious belief is centered on a book they grossly missinterpet (that's according to us).

5- The proper interpretation (we say our's) is, biblical creation is not a material happening, it is merely a discription of "person" useing material labeling to describe the characteristics of person. And, has nothing to do with the creation of the material universe. Biblical creation has to do with enlightenment (knowledge) not material

6-If the science types were to understand this they would/could make a laughing stock of religions.

7-People were not created for a purpose, we are a product of the universe and no different then any Anaimate Bio Structure. We merely are more of an acute intellect.

I might not be exactly correct on this but it's the best I can do on short notice.


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Old Seer

Old Seer wrote:

digitalbeachbum wrote:

 Any one know why my embedded code from YouTube doesn't show?

It shows sometimes on the quote function but not every time. I got a pic of Tyson on one try and not on another.

OK- to your Question.


2-Tyson is working with the religious point of view (Biblical interpretation), which of course I doubt he believes in. (I didn't watch the whole video)

3-In the "old Seers" interpretation"--No, the universe wasn't created for a purpose. The universe on it's own has no intellect so there-fore it could not have created itself for a purpose.

4-Religions believe the universe was created for man--or their version of man. There's no proof that any intellect created the universe. Religious belief is centered on a book they grossly missinterpet (that's according to us).

5- The proper interpretation (we say our's) is, biblical creation is not a material happening, it is merely a discription of "person" useing material labeling to describe the characteristics of person. And, has nothing to do with the creation of the material universe. Biblical creation has to do with enlightenment (knowledge) not material

6-If the science types were to understand this they would/could make a laughing stock of religions.

7-People were not created for a purpose, we are a product of the universe and no different then any Anaimate Bio Structure. We merely are more of an acute intellect.

I might not be exactly correct on this but it's the best I can do on short notice.

I'm not sure how far you got, but the "the universe/people/etc were not created for a purpose"

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digitalbeachbum wrote:

Old Seer wrote:

digitalbeachbum wrote:

 Any one know why my embedded code from YouTube doesn't show?

It shows sometimes on the quote function but not every time. I got a pic of Tyson on one try and not on another.

OK- to your Question.


2-Tyson is working with the religious point of view (Biblical interpretation), which of course I doubt he believes in. (I didn't watch the whole video)

3-In the "old Seers" interpretation"--No, the universe wasn't created for a purpose. The universe on it's own has no intellect so there-fore it could not have created itself for a purpose.

4-Religions believe the universe was created for man--or their version of man. There's no proof that any intellect created the universe. Religious belief is centered on a book they grossly missinterpet (that's according to us).

5- The proper interpretation (we say our's) is, biblical creation is not a material happening, it is merely a discription of "person" useing material labeling to describe the characteristics of person. And, has nothing to do with the creation of the material universe. Biblical creation has to do with enlightenment (knowledge) not material

6-If the science types were to understand this they would/could make a laughing stock of religions.

7-People were not created for a purpose, we are a product of the universe and no different then any Anaimate Bio Structure. We merely are more of an acute intellect.

I might not be exactly correct on this but it's the best I can do on short notice.

I'm not sure how far you got, but the "the universe/people/etc were not created for a purpose"

The universe being created for a purpose is a (as far as we know) man-made concept mainly derived from a particular religious biblical view. We find nothing in our interpretation of the book that shows the universe was created for a purpose. 

The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.

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Old Seer

Old Seer wrote:

digitalbeachbum wrote:

Old Seer wrote:

digitalbeachbum wrote:

 Any one know why my embedded code from YouTube doesn't show?

It shows sometimes on the quote function but not every time. I got a pic of Tyson on one try and not on another.

OK- to your Question.


2-Tyson is working with the religious point of view (Biblical interpretation), which of course I doubt he believes in. (I didn't watch the whole video)

3-In the "old Seers" interpretation"--No, the universe wasn't created for a purpose. The universe on it's own has no intellect so there-fore it could not have created itself for a purpose.

4-Religions believe the universe was created for man--or their version of man. There's no proof that any intellect created the universe. Religious belief is centered on a book they grossly missinterpet (that's according to us).

5- The proper interpretation (we say our's) is, biblical creation is not a material happening, it is merely a discription of "person" useing material labeling to describe the characteristics of person. And, has nothing to do with the creation of the material universe. Biblical creation has to do with enlightenment (knowledge) not material

6-If the science types were to understand this they would/could make a laughing stock of religions.

7-People were not created for a purpose, we are a product of the universe and no different then any Anaimate Bio Structure. We merely are more of an acute intellect.

I might not be exactly correct on this but it's the best I can do on short notice.

I'm not sure how far you got, but the "the universe/people/etc were not created for a purpose"

The universe being created for a purpose is a (as far as we know) man-made concept mainly derived from a particular religious biblical view. We find nothing in our interpretation of the book that shows the universe was created for a purpose. 

I think the key is that the Universe wasn't created. It formed with out intelligent design.

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The universe has no purpose.

The universe has no purpose. Life is simply a temporary blip in as an outcome of a giant weather pattern, the same way hurricans and tornados and snow storms form. 

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Brian can't help but to make

Brian can't help but to make shit up.

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Vastet wrote:  can't help

Vastet wrote:
 can't help but to make shit up.

I have a little app which when I am on this specific website blocks out any time some one posts the name  .

Instead it will erase the word  and put a blank space in its place. Also all the posts by  disappear so I can't see them. And if I happen to reply to a post with the word  in it then the word is removed.

I really got annoyed at the gibberish which  was posting so I had to do something about it.


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Lol nice. Too bad redneF

Lol nice. Too bad redneF didn't do that before he left. Not an option for me.

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for the life of me, i have

for the life of me, i have never understood the fascination with this question. "purpose" is damn near impossible to define and utterly impossible to quantify, so it only has relevance for the theologian or any thinker who works from presuppositions.

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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The part about it that I

The part about it that I find funny is that whether the universe has a purpose or not, it has no relevance to us. It could very well be a giant machine of some kind, but we are certainly incapable of having any impact on it if it is. It'd be like an ant trying to push a planet.

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iwbiek wrote:for the life of

iwbiek wrote:
for the life of me, i have never understood the fascination with this question. "purpose" is damn near impossible to define and utterly impossible to quantify, so it only has relevance for the theologian or any thinker who works from presuppositions.

because they are always trying to justify things, such as their existence.

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Vastet wrote:The part about

Vastet wrote:
The part about it that I find funny is that whether the universe has a purpose or not, it has no relevance to us. It could very well be a giant machine of some kind, but we are certainly incapable of having any impact on it if it is. It'd be like an ant trying to push a planet.

We are nothing more than variables in an equation. The equation is in the eye of the beholder thought so depending on what you are looking for, it will change

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digitalbeachbum wrote:iwbiek

digitalbeachbum wrote:

iwbiek wrote:
for the life of me, i have never understood the fascination with this question. "purpose" is damn near impossible to define and utterly impossible to quantify, so it only has relevance for the theologian or any thinker who works from presuppositions.

because they are always trying to justify things, such as their existence.

why on earth does existence need justification?

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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Because stupid people have

Because stupid people have emotions.

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iwbiek wrote:digitalbeachbum

iwbiek wrote:
digitalbeachbum wrote:

iwbiek wrote:
for the life of me, i have never understood the fascination with this question. "purpose" is damn near impossible to define and utterly impossible to quantify, so it only has relevance for the theologian or any thinker who works from presuppositions.

because they are always trying to justify things, such as their existence.

why on earth does existence need justification?

You haven't ever met a person who says that god has a plan for them? that their life has a purpose to serve god? Some people need their existence justified. They are constantly asking "why am I here?"

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 Attributing purpose to a

 Attributing purpose to a god only begs the question, "Why is god here?  What is the purpose of god's existence?"

There are no theists on operating tables.


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zarathustra wrote:

 Attributing purpose to a god only begs the question, "Why is god here?  What is the purpose of god's existence?"

That's the point of the discussion. There is no purpose to any aspect of living in this Universe. We all do things then react to the results of variables daily.

God is the unknown variable which causes people to not think. They give up and "put it in god's hands" or "god has a plan and I don't need to know what it is" and the most famous idiot comment "when I pray and I don't get what I pray for, it means the answer is no. If I get it, then the answer was yes".


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digitalbeachbum wrote:We all

digitalbeachbum wrote:
We all do things then react to the results of variables daily.

God is the unknown variable which causes people to not think. They give up and "put it in god's hands" or "god has a plan and I don't need to know what it is"

how is taking the threefold refuge any different?

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson

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iwbiek wrote:digitalbeachbum

iwbiek wrote:
digitalbeachbum wrote:
We all do things then react to the results of variables daily.


God is the unknown variable which causes people to not think. They give up and "put it in god's hands" or "god has a plan and I don't need to know what it is"

how is taking the threefold refuge any different?

If I recall correctly you are a student of the history of Eastern belief systems. You should already know the answer to your question.