Star Trek replicators one step closer to reality

3D Print Your Own Breakfast
A team of researchers at Columbia University has developed a 3D food printer capable of printing and cooking multiple ingredients at one time
By Emily Matchar
AUGUST 9, 2016
Imagine coming down for breakfast and, instead of popping a piece of toast in the toaster and boiling an egg, you stick a cartridge in a printer. A minute or two later, you’ve got a freshly printed banana and flaxseed muffin.
Thanks to a new kind of 3D food printer, the printed breakfast is several steps closer to reality for the average consumer.
Still aways to go before we can print meat products and grow organs for transplant with ease, but we're getting there. Awesome.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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Yeah I saw this... cool shit for space travel
I am tired of that show being treated like it was an actual lab. It is just a fucking show. Gene Roddenbury was a genious as a story teller, but he was not a scientist himself. His insperation came from prior si fi movies and TV shows. The famous teleportation was not anything more than a budget issue because a screen wipe was cheaper on production than constantly using the shuttle in scenes. He did NOT invent the cell phone nor flat screen TVs. If that show had never been created, technology in real labs was already working on making things smaller, which inventors always do to save on resources.
I have no problem with art inspiring to lead to real inventions, but I don't like it being treated like worship. It was still a show. Fans of the movie "Back To The Future" also like to claim it predicted things too. All one has to do to know what bullshit that is, is to look at all the patents in a patent office that fail and lead to nothing.
Roddenberry simply drew off of prior science fiction, just like Christianity is a spin off of Hebrews which is a spin off of Caananite Polytheism.
Teleportation mythology in si fi is much older than Star Trek.
Labs are where inventions get made, not TV shows. And as popular Star Trek is, and as much as it promoted diversity, it still didn't predict anything. There were many prior competing similar ideas in prior si fi, and future si fi. You can only call it an "inspiration" not an oracle.
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Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
wow, brian finds a way to make this thread all about his shit. surprise, surprise...