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I think Hitchens hits the nail on the head, but it explains Drumpf supporters.

Around 23:30 he speaks about people who give up control and want a dictator. They want to be told what to do. They are willing to give up freedoms to be more secure.

This is what Drumpf offered the voters. He presented the voters a person who would control everything. Build the wall. Ban travel. Arrest more people.



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 Yep.I agreed with him more


I agreed with him more often than not. The funny part about the alt-right is that even if you point out that Hitchens hated North Korea and wrote a book about Jefferson, they would still claim he was a Godless dictator lover. 

The GOP supporters have elected Big Brother and are too stupid to see it.

Even Animal Farm, "Four legs good, two legs bad", Trump ran with very simplistic hyper nationalism us vs them, I am the only one who can save you. Goebbles would be proud.



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One can't entirely rule out

One can't entirely rule out that Hitchens would have favored Trump over Hillary.  He long had it in for the Clintons.

Hitchens was also conspicuous for supporting Bush II's war in Iraq, even after it turned into a morasse.


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zarathustra wrote:One can't

zarathustra wrote:

One can't entirely rule out that Hitchens would have favored Drumpf over Hillary.  He long had it in for the Clintons.

Hitchens was also conspicuous for supporting Bush II's war in Iraq, even after it turned into a morasse.


I find that shocking considering his opinions on the Iraq war.

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zarathustra wrote:One can't

zarathustra wrote:

One can't entirely rule out that Hitchens would have favored Trump over Hillary.  He long had it in for the Clintons.

Hitchens was also conspicuous for supporting Bush II's war in Iraq, even after it turned into a morasse.


I know he did not like the Clintons, but no, it would be more likely he'd have supported Sanders or maybe someone else. 

I think when you read "God Is Not Great" you'd know while he certainly went after religion and religious figures, he hated North Korea, and I am quite sure he'd be reviled by the propaganda Trump used in his run.

I didn't agree with Hitchens on the Iraq war either. 

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digitalbeachbum wrote:I

digitalbeachbum wrote:

I think Hitchens hits the nail on the head, but it explains Drumpf supporters.

Around 23:30 he speaks about people who give up control and want a dictator. They want to be told what to do. They are willing to give up freedoms to be more secure.

This is what Drumpf offered the voters. He presented the voters a person who would control everything. Build the wall. Ban travel. Arrest more people.



I think Hitchens hits the nail on the head, but it explains Hillary supporters.

Around 23:30 he speaks about people who give up control and want a dictator. They want to be told what to do. They are willing to give up freedoms to be more secure.

This is what Hillary offered the voters. She presented the voters a person who would control everything. Government run healtcare for all. Ban guns. Arrest more people.



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Brian37 wrote:I know he did

Brian37 wrote:
I know he did not like the Clintons, but no, it would be more likely he'd have supported Sanders or maybe someone else. 

I think when (if?) you read "God Is Not Great" you'd know while he certainly went after religion and religious figures, he hated North Korea, and I am quite sure he'd be reviled by the propaganda Trump used in his run.

I didn't agree with Hitchens on the Iraq war either.

I think if you read Noone Left to Lie To or the Slate articles I linked (2 of several he wrote targeting the Clintons), you might get an idea of how much he reviled Bill and Hillary, and you might not rule out Hitchens siding with a wild card like Trump.

Despite his anti-religious bent, he unabashedly supported Bush invading Iraq -- Bush, who said he consulted "a higher father" in regard to the war.

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EXC wrote:digitalbeachbum

EXC wrote:

digitalbeachbum wrote:

I think Hitchens hits the nail on the head, but it explains Drumpf supporters.

Around 23:30 he speaks about people who give up control and want a dictator. They want to be told what to do. They are willing to give up freedoms to be more secure.

This is what Drumpf offered the voters. He presented the voters a person who would control everything. Build the wall. Ban travel. Arrest more people.



I think Hitchens hits the nail on the head, but it explains Hillary supporters.

Around 23:30 he speaks about people who give up control and want a dictator. They want to be told what to do. They are willing to give up freedoms to be more secure.

This is what Hillary offered the voters. She presented the voters a person who would control everything. Government run healtcare for all. Ban guns. Arrest more people.



I do not support Clinton, but as an Administrator, she is leaps and bounds beyond the skill set of Drumpf. Clinton was a typical politican who would have functioned better than Drumpf.

Drumpf is not Presidential material. The fact that he is in office is merely the "reality television" generation being duped by a con-man who sold a product. Drumpf is nothing more than a sales agent who sold the goods but now can't deliver.

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digitalbeachbum wrote:I do

digitalbeachbum wrote:

I do not support Clinton, but as an Administrator, she is leaps and bounds beyond the skill set of Drumpf. 

Oh, like how well she administrated cyber security for her campaign? Or how well she responded to the Bengazi attack?

Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen

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Her cyber security was

Her cyber security was better than a few Republicans guilty of exactly the same thing. Where's your outrage towards them? And she responded just fine to Bengazi. Funny how there's a number of serious and real problems with Hillary Clinton, including election rigging, yet retards like you go after her on non-criminal make-believe fantasies. Lmfao.

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EXC wrote: digitalbeachbum

EXC wrote:

digitalbeachbum wrote:

I do not support Clinton, but as an Administrator, she is leaps and bounds beyond the skill set of Drumpf. 

Oh, like how well she administrated cyber security for her campaign? Or how well she responded to the Benghazi attack?

You need to detach yourself from the sound bite machine you have implanted in your skull. You do nothing but repeat what you have been programmed to say.

Cyber Security? Really? I've worked in IT for over thirty years. I've done every thing you can imagine including fiber optics, credit card security, phone switches and a variety of OS's from the 80's through today. I'm pretty knowledgeable about the subject and consider myself an expert on it.

Clinton did not manage her server well because the people in charge of it either didn't know the protocols or they were told to do specific things against the protocol. I don't blame Clinton or the IT people, I blame middle management. Clinton wouldn't know enough about technology to take a shit.

As for Benghazi? How the fuck do you carry a candle for such a fuck up on the behalf of the entire military and the US government and say nothing about the hundreds of fuck ups that the same people have done for the last 50 years? Pearl Harbor? Korea? Vietnam? Mogadishu? holy fuck. I don't think I can count that high.

Benghazi is what it was and the people who died, no matter how tragic and no matter how dumb it was, happened, it's the name of the game. So start blaming Drumpf for what happened recently Yemen?

I say this with all sincerity. Just shut the fuck up until you have something smart to say. I don't want to hear you bitch about Clinton until you bitch about every one else too.


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EXC wrote:digitalbeachbum

EXC wrote:

digitalbeachbum wrote:

I do not support Clinton, but as an Administrator, she is leaps and bounds beyond the skill set of Drumpf. 

Oh, like how well she administrated cyber security for her campaign? Or how well she responded to the Bengazi attack?

i have no idea how she "administrated" cyber security. however, i might look more into how she administered it.

"I have never felt comfortable around people who talk about their feelings for Jesus, or any other deity for that matter, because they are usually none too bright. . . . Or maybe 'stupid' is a better way of saying it; but I have never seen much point in getting heavy with either stupid people or Jesus freaks, just as long as they don't bother me. In a world as weird and cruel as this one we have made for ourselves, I figure anybody who can find peace and personal happiness without ripping off somebody else deserves to be left alone. They will not inherit the earth, but then neither will I. . . . And I have learned to live, as it were, with the idea that I will never find peace and happiness, either. But as long as I know there's a pretty good chance I can get my hands on either one of them every once in a while, I do the best I can between high spots."
--Hunter S. Thompson