Comey's Testimony
![digitalbeachbum's picture digitalbeachbum's picture](
I watched Comey's testimony yesterday. One of two things are going to come from it.
1) Drumpf will leave office or he will forever be stained for it. The fucker lied and he wanted the Russian probe to go away.
2) The GOP will suffer massive losses in 2018. They will continue to support Drumpf as his numbers reach the very bottom.
Sessions will resign soon.
They took away his Twitter account but I bet he's climbing the fucking walls, itching to say something, the lawyers are like "fucking shut up you twit"
More people within his circle will peel away as he continues to implode.
Eventually his name-brand will suffer from this venture. The name Drumpf will always be stained with blood, corruption and deceit.
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It is bat shit insane that Trump got this far or even elected. Long before he took the oath, for decades there have been constant lies and ripping off contractors and even bragging about stiffing his universtiy investors. He couldn't even tell the truth about the popular vote or his inauguration numbers.
But add to it his year of attacking 17 agencies who all agreed Russia was involved, I think the choice is very easy to make as to whom was lying.
I really hope the State Department, Department of Justice and FBI crawl up Trump's ass and force the GOP to accept what a smarmy pile of crap he is. Trump is Nixon on bath salts.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
But, the floks who favor Trump don't give a hoot if he lies or not. They want someone to change parts of the system they don't like---if he has to lie that's OK by them. I'm happy to be Apolitical. It's all garbage to me. They're all complaining about the "other" guys garbage.![Smiling Smiling](/modules/smileys/examples/001.gif)
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
I've determined that the United States Government is a sack of lying shit. The law enforcement, the education system, the judical system, the military, etc. They all lie. They all blame every one else. We've become a race of lying sacks of shit.
I'll admit I lied previously. It started when I was a kid and got caught with my hand in the cookie jar. The devil made me do it I said. Lying then became a bit of an art form. When to lie. What to say. Who to say it to.
Drumpf doesn't think of it that way. The fucking orange sack of shit just lies because he doesn't know how to tell the truth. It is like breathing. He knows that no matter what happens he could kill some one and no one would ever put him behind bars.
The people who support him are ignorant sacks of lying shit. They are the most ignorant, most apathetic, most self centered, worthless people ever to walk this planet. I believe a Neanderthal would be a better neighbor than a Drumpf supporter.
No, government does not exist on lies. It exists because humans are social animals as are many species. Fight and flight exist in evolution and so does cooperation and deception, but our eniemies do it too.
Trump's supporters support him because we have unfortunately had 36 years of cold war slurs combined with WWE Jerry Springer crap. Trump simply is the Apex of what propaganda can do when left unchecked.
One cannot be apolitical with a inept and dangerous asshole like Trump in office. You can only be for his bullshit or not.
Government can form the same way evolution does, through cooperation or force, through cooperation or deception, but how those powers arise is not a matter of good or bad unfortunately, but that is what life does. It is still up to our species what we choose.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
I went to the beach and spent some time with family and friends. Most them disliked Drumpf enough to know that he bat shit stupid.
Then today a few people joined us who believe in Drumpf. They said that they thought the GOP was preventing him from solving all the problems.
I found it funny to listen to them talk. They hated Rubio, McConnell, Cruz and Ryan. They hated lobbyists and special interest groups. They wanted term limits.
I didn't ask, but I thought maybe they were a Tea Party member.
We did agree on one thing. The United States Government was corrupt. We both agreed that elected officals rarely did anything that their voters wanted. We agreed none of them did for the good of the many, out weigh the few attitude.
But Obama has taught that the president can ignore the law.
So where do all these impeachment predictions come from?
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
LMAO I have no respect for you. That rag you read is a piece of shit source of fake news.
Other than #8 which I believe as an offense they should have looked in to, the rest of them are a right wing zombie's wet dream. I stopped reading after #18.
Look, I'm not a left wing, democrat, zombie. I'm a realist. People who think the GOP is helping them are either in on the scam or they are too stupid to see the truth. The Democrats are just as bad.
The problem with this government is that we have no more Statesmen (or Stateswomen). We don't have people who actually listen to the voters. They get elected then go off to speak to lobbyists and special interest groups.
The common man is ignored. If the public said "don't put in that nuclear power plant" but some big lobbyist said, "we'll give you $100,000 for your next campaign" or "we'll let you buy in as a shareholder" you can bet the elected offical would take the money and run.
To top it all off, I feel most of them go on to work for big corporations or become lobbyists theirselves so that they can use their connections back in Washington DC to continue making six figured salaries.
It's all bullshit. Every last mother fucking one of them. Drumpf, Pelosi, McConnell, All of them. They are all corrupt. They are all liars.
This article from the New Yorker is brilliant. All those comments from Drumpf. The more the guy speaks the more he tightens the loose around his neck.
As I've stated previously, I'm not sure I want Drumpf gone. I'd rather he stay in office and do absolutely nothing. The GOP can continue eating its own tail chasing nothing.
Then this morning I hear that 190 Democrats are now suing Drumpf for illegally using his position of power to make monetary gains with out speaking with Congress.
The fun thing about this is that he can't use tax payer money to fund himself. He has to pay high priced lawyers to defend himself.
As opposed to CNN, which stages fake news? MSNBC, which has Rachel Madcow constantly spewing conspiracy theories? Where is there 100% fake news free place?
A lot of them are not impeachable, just gross incopetence, like putting a target on Seal Tem. All these items are true, you just pick and choose your facts.
No. I think the problem is the voters. Why as an atheist do you need someone to tell you what to do and how to live your life? We don't need leaders, we need managers. We don't give them any money unless they provide a service. People need to stop this childish need to have god or government controlling them.
The relationship should be that politicians work for the voters and can be fired at will. The goverment tells us who, what, when and where we are allowed to vote. Shouldn't be this way. We should have true public servants that volunteer and don't make their entire carrer being a bureaucrat. The mindset of citizens has to change to stop giving up so much money and power to government.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
lol you literally have a disney tier understanding of government.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
There is something to be said about ALL media. I believe there are a small number of news organizations which are trustworthy. The BBC is borderline with me. Al Jazeera is a good source for news. The India Times. NPR. Even the comedy stations are better than CNN, FOX and MSNBC.
I don't believe Seal Team 6 was attacked on that helicopter (if that is what you are talking about) but honestly if they didn't get attacked and are now in a protection program, then good for them, they deserve to be protected for the rest of their lives. If they did die, I'd be shocked.
As for the voters, yep, the voters voted for either Democrat or Republican. Dumb. Dumb. Dumb.
I need government to act like the hypothalamus. They need to regulate and keep things balanced. The US government doesn't do that so I think they are all crooked.
I hate to tell you something, but we need to pay off the debt so yeah, I need to give them money even if they don't provide a service.
I agree. Work for the voters. However you contradict yourself. You just said the problem is the voters but now you want to put more power in their hands. That's doesn't fly with me and I think you need to rethink your opinion.
Yet you are the one that believes socialist politicians and bearucrats are are a class of super humans. Therefore, all wealth and power must be submitted to them to do what is best for us mere mortals.
They are way smarter at knowing how to spend the masses' money, they can predict the future better than anyone else and therefore plan the economy, and they are way more moral and we must believe there will be way less corruption and theft with leftiists running everything. They won't steal because they told us they are "for the people", and therefore they have zero self-interest. They have a magic wand to make poverty disappear forever, a crystal ball to know the future and super-morality from some unknowable source.
Yet, I live in Disneyland.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Trump has hinted at defaulting on the debt. Default is enevitable, especially for the states with massive unfunded pension oblicagations that can't print money like the Fed. I hope Trump stops paying interest on the debt and negociates a payout to all the lenders.
I hope he does so better now than later. One of the reason I think he is perfect as president for this time is that he has tons of experience with bankruptcy negociating with lienholders. Hoperfully the lenders will loose out instead of taxpayer. Then we can switch from dollars to crypto-currencies.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Do you know how Trump handles debt? He doesn't pay it. He defers it. Then when it gets sold off to other lenders he keeps deferring it until a million becomes $100,000.
Also he doesn't pay his invoices and forces people to take him to court. Then when in court he negotiates a lower settlement.
The guy is a crook. The people who voted for him are fucking morons and all need to be suffocated.
Nope, I never said anything remotely supporting that, lying scum.
Retard logic in action.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.