Here we go - SCOTUS ignores separation of church and state

Well - We are in for a long ride.
SCOTUS has allowed a Lutheran school and church, who applied for Federal aid to resurface their playground, but was denied by the State of Missouri, now has won a landmark case with SCOTUS saying they are allowed the funds.
What is really fucked up about this?
Trinity Lutheran went to court, claiming that the grant denial interfered with its free exercise of religion and unconstitutionally discriminated against the school based on religion.
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digitalbeachbum wrote:Secular instruction is any thing non religious.
What is the legal standard for what is religious and what is secular? Many people believe environmentalism, climate change and psychology are religious.
digitalbeachbum wrote:
Private institutions who are non-secular yes. Private institutions who are secular no.
So the Italian-Americans club yes? The Moose club yes. Even though they are not open to the general public?
A commercial mall is for public use. The playground is not a public area. I can't walk up and bring my kid over to play on the playground.
So a church must let the playground be open to the public, then they can have funds? Also, I think a lot of playgrounds at public schools are reserved for the students, you can't take your kid their without permission.
What about funds to earthquake retrofit a church building?
Should 911 calls from churches be answerd since this is receiving a public benefit?
If injured kids at church playgrounds end up having their medical bills paid by the government, why shouldn't the government do this if it saves money in the long run?
To me, to not allow this is discrimination against religion. Churches should be treated like private clubs. If you're going to judge the speech that goes on in the club, this is a restriction upon free speech.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
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The GOP has been attacking every secular institution since Reagan. The fundies hijacked that party and have been slowly turning back the clock ever since.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
that praying don't work. Hell sakes, just take it to the supreme court.
Those of you who hate this decision:
Do you want to ban all schools that mix religion with secular instruction? Should a church be allowed to run a school?
Should all private institutions not be allowed to receive these funds? A commercial mall for instance?
Should people that want to send their kids to religious schools be exempt from paying taxes for public schools?
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
you've just turned into a pure contrarian here lately.
Those of you who hate this decision
I don't hate, but I find the decision to be illogical.
Do you want to ban all schools that mix religion with secular instruction?
That's a private decision on their part and a fallcy on your part.
Secular instruction is any thing non religious.
Should a church be allowed to run a school?
That is a private decision on their party and a fallacy on your part.
Churches are allowed to run schools and has nothing to do with use of money for improving a playground with federal funds.
Should all private institutions not be allowed to receive these funds?
Private institutions who are non-secular yes. Private institutions who are secular no.
A commercial mall for instance?
Commercial properties receive funds from the Federal, State and Local governments for a variety of purposes or improvements. This is another fallacy on your part.
A commercial mall is for public use. The playground is not a public area. I can't walk up and bring my kid over to play on the playground.
Should people that want to send their kids to religious schools be exempt from paying taxes for public schools?
Yet another fallacy on your part.
It is a personal decision to send your child to a private school. Taxes are not paid directly to a school tax. It is applied to a specific tax associated with stuff like a property tax or a sales tax.
It is the decision of the board, committee or trustees to apply taxes as needed to the public. Almost all taxes applied to a public school are from a property tax.
There are rare occasions where a sales tax might go up a 1/2 penny for school improvements but I know of no "school tax" specifically.
In this case the separation of religion and state has to be done by the entity recieving the funds. That is---the school wouldn't be able to teach religion in the school. If it does then--the school violates the separation, not the state. Under this idea a private school can recieve the funds insolongas--it doesn't teach religion. So, that means that the school would have to be secular (as is understooid) and the church is held separate. IF, a school teaches religion while recieving public funds it looses it's funding. A religious school could be setup aside from the secular. Would this work--NO---becasue money is God. The question becomes not whether this would work or not, but rather, how long would it take to catch the school useing the funds for religious purposes.
I detect an attempt of government to control religions through the use of money. If they accept the money they've been had by the gov. Becasue, money is loved on planet Earth more then people or what they believe. It is no different with religions. Religions would rather get the money and pretend to obey the Gov. Considering that religion and government are the same thing and exist for the same ideas (controling people) the money takes precident. The Supreme court know this---or they are awful stipid.
The only possible thing the world needs saving from are those running it.
Knowledge trumps faith and I'm not a Theist
Lies are nothing more then falsehoods searching for the truth
You are one dense idiot! The purpose of the tax code ISN'T to prevent ANYONE from using the same laws. If you take tax payer funding you cannot discriminate. This bullshit allows a backslide idiot.
You watch this shit backfire when the first American Muslim school files a lawsuit claiming they have the right to discriminate against Christians.
Morons like you must not understand what it was like 50 years ago for miniorities, much less 100 years ago or at the founding.
This is a horrible decision and fuckfaces like you are advocating going back in time.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
What is the legal standard for what is religious and what is secular? Many people believe environmentalism, climate change and psychology are religious.
So the Italian-Americans club yes? The Moose club yes. Even though they are not open to the general public?
So a church must let the playground be open to the public, then they can have funds? Also, I think a lot of playgrounds at public schools are reserved for the students, you can't take your kid their without permission.
What about funds to earthquake retrofit a church building?
Should 911 calls from churches be answerd since this is receiving a public benefit?
If injured kids at church playgrounds end up having their medical bills paid by the government, why shouldn't the government do this if it saves money in the long run?
To me, to not allow this is discrimination against religion. Churches should be treated like private clubs. If you're going to judge the speech that goes on in the club, this is a restriction upon free speech.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen