Kansas proves you can't run a government without taxes, and corporations can't match government efficiency and effectiveness.

Everything EXC says is a lie. The collapse of America approaches.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
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The best argument either side can make is "efficent government" but not "less governmet", why? Even America's founders knew that the population would grow, and that is why they called it "representitive". If today's America were run with the same amount of politicians and government funding as the original 13 colonies America would look like Somalia. Not that the GOP isn't trying to make it look like that.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Last night I met with my mom to talk about some stuff and they had on the resigning of Franken.
I said that I thought it was terrible what he had done but why is he still there and the orange fucktard is not leaving.
She said that it was terrible that Drumpf supported Moore in Alabama.
I said what do you mean? Drumpf said he could grab pussy on the bus interview.
She didn't know what I was talking about.
She nodded her head. Nope. Don't know anything about it.
So I pulled out my phone and I read to her the transcript.
She was appalled.
I sat in disbelief. My mom was either being ignorant or she really had forgotten. How could she forget such a thing.
I believe this is an example of America today. Waking up and coming to grips that they voted the worst person in to office that you could ever vote in to office.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Complete strawman on my position and total misunderstanding of how economics work. States have no choice but to cut taxes because they compete with each other for business, jobs and high income earners to stay there. Illinois is a socialist hi tax state and they have a huge budget/pension crisis.
The prision guard unions are private entities. You believe in fantasy of public servants. They don't exist. It is a myth to dupe the unwashed masses like yourself. My position is that it is impossible for any service to not be private. Everyone is out for themselves. The only question is whether it better to have a protected monopoly or allow competition to select the best solution. That was not privatization, they just changed who had the monopoly.
Prisions should actually generate money not take money from the public. Prisoners are large pool of potential labor. They should be forced to work or train for a job before they are released. But with leftist compassion, we get people rotting away in horrible places where they come out worse than they came in, and waisting tons of taxpayer money. No opprotunity for technology and science to fix the problem of recitivism. We could use electronic monitoring to have them work in agricultre instead of importing millions of illeal alienes. Robots and automation can start replacing prision guards. But that can't happen because of the prision monopoly system we currently have.
The problem can't be fixed overnight because there is almost no businesses that develop technology to reforming and educate prisioners and automate guarding them. Why would there be if there is no financial reward for doing so? You have to give people a carrot.
Also, 90%+ of the people in prision were born to parents that had no business having a child. Yet social responsiblity is just me paying high taxes but it can never be stopping socially irresponsible behavior in the first place. These prisioners in the overcrowded jails, aren't they nearly all products of the so-called public schools, before the tax cuts? The public schools failed to produce people qualified to work in the state hospital. Goverment gave money to university students to follow their heart, not train them to take care of sick people, that is why the hospital crisis.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Bullshit lies. There's no strawman and the only failure to understand economics is exc's.
"States have no choice but to cut taxes because they compete with each other for business, jobs and high income earners to stay there."
Funny how there's only one state in this position, liar.
"Illinois is a socialist hi tax state and they have a huge budget/pension crisis."
Bullshit. Illinois economy is growing, and revenue drops are matched by population drop.
"The prision guard unions are private entities."
As are the prisons, and this proves corporations can't run a prison anywhere near as well as a government can. Privatisation fails. Taxes win.
"You believe in fantasy of public servants. They don't exist."
You can deny the truth right in front of you all you like. It continuously proves you're a lying, ignorant retard.
"It is a myth to dupe the unwashed masses like yourself."
Says a member of the unwashed masses repeating a delusion he was brainwashed into believing.
"My position is that it is impossible for any service to not be private."
And yet you're obviously wrong. There are clear and observable differences between private and public institutions. And public is almost always superior. The only time it isn't is when criminal sociopaths like exc run them.
" Everyone is out for themselves."
Just you and the minority of broken people like you. Most people share.
"Prisions should actually generate money not take money from the public."
And yet your corporations can't do that safely. Governments tend to have problems here too, but their response to problems is far superior. Standards are better, security is better, prisons are safer, and you don't run into America's slavery problem, where corporations are so desiring income they lobby for more laws and stricter punishments just so prisons can make more money
You are so clueless.
"But with leftist compassion, we get people rotting away in horrible places where they come out worse than they came in, and waisting tons of taxpayer money. "
Wrong again. It is the right wing scream of vengeance that prevents prisoners from becoming productive members of society, them and prisons for profit who have absolutely no interest in rehabilitating prisoners and in fact are compelled to get prisoners to offend more. There's a reason prison in the US is school for criminals, and idiots like you will never understand.
It's also hilarious you claim a waste of taxpayer money when the system makes a profit. You fucking useless cunt.
Everything exc says is a lie.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
There are private companies and potential startups that could rather quickly develop the technology to virtually elimate the need for human prision guards. They won't do it until there is not an incentive. What incentive does government currently have to make things more efficient? They collect taxes no matter how crappy the service they provide. This makes no sense to have prision shortage when you have tons of free labor(prisioners) to build more prisions. Liberals just want them to sit and watch cable TV all day long.
Again, I don't by the bullshit that there is a choice between public and private. The choice is between antiqueted methods(human prision guards, blackboard classrooms, etc...) and vastly more effiecient methods(robot prision guards, computer learning, etc...). Why do the 'public servants' need a union to represent themselves? If they are our servants, why do they fight just like a corporation for maximum benefits with the least amount of work?
What I'm advocating is technologization not privatization. Please argue against that, not the made up BS the media feeds you. If we stay with Vastet's 1937 mindset, problems will never get solved and get worse over time. Government must be forced like the rest of us to provide quality service at reasonable cost. This can never happen unless taxes are replaced with user fees, unless government services are open to all bidders especially technology companies.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
No there isn't. We aren't remotely close to being capable of automated prisons. At least decades away, if not centuries. If ever.
No they won't do it because they can't. There's plenty of incentive. Anyone who came up with a workable technology would be instantly and permanently rich.
Saving money, getting elected, not going to prison. Oh I know you Americans let your government walk all over you, but most democratic countries don't work that way. I'd also argue the privatization of everything is part of what screwed up your government in the first place.
When you vote for idiots you should expect crappy service. At least with government you get a vote. You don't get a vote with corporations. If you get crappy service you're stuck with it.
Even with slave labour it is expensive to build prisons. And I don't know what kind of idiot would want prisoners building the prisons. Sounds like a guaranteed way to fuck all your security up permanently.
Lies. There isn't a liberal alive or dead who would support that.
Yes you do.
Science fiction and fantasy will not come to your rescue, brainless one.
So assholes like you don't screw them.
They don't, you're just lying again.
You're not advocating anything but stupidity and collosal wastes of time and money which literally cannot see any benefit whatsoever for the perpetual future.
Everything exc says is a lie.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
It could be years away, but the media's brainwashed masses like yourself can't understand that the real thieves are the tax leaches. Yes, in USA it will be decades away because the scam must be kept up. Money flows to them instead of the engineers and scientists that could solve the problems. And we must make sure our public schools don't produce too many technical workers so scams can continue for decades.
You're like the religious, if some is a member of a religious group, their motives are then 100% pure and unselfish. With you, as long as someone is direct government employee, they're somehow magically become \non-selfish. What a scam, public employee unions are only care out their members, they are a protected monopoly.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Your own link shows nothing but a glorified rolling camera that specifically only alerts real human guards to any problem. You could get the same effect by putting cameras everywhere. This in no way whatsoever removes the human component.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
More like it will never happen because there are simpler and cheaper alternatives. And it will not remove the need for human guards regardless.
You don't have the money to train people because you don't want to pay taxes.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
We've had this bullshit since Reagan. If it worked like you claimed we woudn't have had a BUBBLE every fucking decade to end with Bush Jr's tripple whammy.
You are not arguing long term viability, you are arguing for one class.
You, "My model works"
Me, "NO SHIT, but for whom and how many?"?
The GOP tax bill is a fucking scam. It will only create a short term feel good climate. It wont be paid for and whatever crumbs the middle and poor get, will be wiped out long term by the corporate welfare. This bullshit policy is the same crap that lead to the Great Depression.
Bush Jr's GOP pulled the same shit. Threw a short term rebate BRIBE to voters, sold out to big corperations whom gambles ending up in a crash which took 8 years of the REST OF US paying for to climb out.
Your model works sure, but for CEOs and billionaires. Long term it is simply using everyone else as their personal ATMs and workers as poker chips.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
There have always been business cycles, cycles of feast and famine since before the caveman. How is that business cycle working out in Venezuela now. The Commie/Socialists confiscated capitalist wealth, so companies like GM pulled out. Now they can't get parts for trucks so the people starve. That is your solution
So a doctor with high taxes isn't going to add his high tax bill onto your bill??? You really believe they just eat the cost and say you know I did all this training to be a doctor but I'm OK living like a poor person.
My model isn't allowed to be discussed in the media. My model is don't allow population to grow beyond what the infrastructure, economy and environment can sustain. Don't let workers become commodities because there is too much competition for too few jobs.
Your model is let people breed like rabbits, let in all the poor from the third world. Ignore the facts of life. Then blame all of socities problems on capitialism and my taxes are not high enough.
You and your fellow SJWs are total hypocrites. You scream healthcare is a right, but then the government doesn't force you and youir fellow idiots to take care of the sick??? Only I pay should pay higer taxes? All these leftist schools are not about taking care of the poor. Why aren't you demanding the government force young liberals to be healtcare workers instead of things like Social Justice advocates?
Why don't all the SJWs that have taken over Canada take in refugees from Kansas? Vastet claims too many people is never a problem, so what is the problem? Just jack up taxes to take care of more poor. Just like religion, he doesn't even really believe his own BS that all the problems are that "the rich" don't pay enough taxes.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
There's a dictatorship in Venezuela. A dictatorship by definition precludes socialism and communism and must be capitalist in nature. Everything EXC says is a lie.
That doctor only got trained at all because of government subsidies and loans, paid for by tax payers. Only a criminal like EXC would argue it's ok to use other taxpayers money and then whine when it's time to pay up himself.
Your model doesn't exist. You at best have hair brained ideas of changing various things for the worse, you certainly don't have a comprehensive model. And there's definitely nothing preventing you from discussing it.
Your REAL problem is that none of your proposals are rational even if they were potential solutions to actual problems. The fact that your problems are fictional and your solutions wouldn't be solutions even if your fictional problems were real problems is why noone will give you a voice. Even most crazy people can tell you're crazier than they are. Even Brian37, your protege, isn't half as nutty as you are.
I have never in my life claimed that taxes are the ultimate solution to all problems. Everything EXC says is a lie. Wages and cost of living outweigh taxes a billion times over. If minimum wage was $30/hour, a tax decrease across the board could be implemented without any loss of revenue. But EXC and capitalists want slave labour and a bankrupted government so anyone can walk in and take over.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
All the 'greedy' US corporations have pulled out because the socialists wanted to use government to steal everything they could.
When it was a democracy, they elected socialists that promised to take from the greedy hoarding capitalists and give it to the unwashed masses. So now they have nothing execpt socialist dictators blaming it all on greedy capitalists.
All of the material and training to become a doctor is online. Most of the training could be done at little or no cost. It is a scam that it costs so much. It is a scam that elitist schools like Harvard Medical limit the number of graduates so as not to dilute the brand. Yet, fools like you support this system.
None of the people bitching that healtcare is a right want to be forced to take care of the sick. You claim to be so morally superior and not greedy. But you so called morality is just others should be forced to take care of the poor and sick, not you. You're just as greedy and selfish as any capitialist.
Maybe if SJWs said they need a small loan so they could take care of the sick 80hours/week, I'ld support this. They don't want this because they are scam artists not workers.
So why don't you and your fellow SJWs just only shop at businesses that pay a living wage?
Why doesn't Canada invite in all the victims of tax cuts and all the world's poor and take care of them since overpopulation is never a problem? Kansas has declared war on the poor, so take in our war refugees. Or they need to convert to Islam first?
Answer: Your so-called morality requires zero scacrifice on your part. Your morality is that 'greedy hoarders' need to sacrifice more, but not you. You make my point that morality is BS. The social justice bunch are really just a gang of theives.
Yes, I know I'm a liar because I burst the bubble of how you've been duped with political indoctrination. I've seen it with relition as well.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
When socialists took over, Venezuela became one of the more successful countries in the world almost overnight. It wasn't until capitalists took over that everything went to shit. Everything EXC says is a lie.
No it isn't and no it can't. Everything EXC says is a lie.
Only a retard like you could look at a successful system and come up with ways to destroy it absolutely whilst claiming it would solve problems that don't exist.
No, YOU don't want to be forced to take care of the sick. Most people aren't sociopaths like you.
I claim no such thing. Morality is subjective, which by definition means noone is morally superior to anyone. That doesn't mean you aren't a sociopath, fyi.
I also don't claim immunity from greed, I just don't have the flaw that requires I keep acquiring wealth at any cost. My ethics don't allow me to screw people just to get more resources. I'm smart enough to recognize that it is far more beneficial to everyone for everyone to have food and shelter and healthcare than for me to be rich at the expense of 6 billion people.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
Bullshit. Everyone should be forced to, including me. Everything EXC says is a lie.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
SJW's are idiots, not scam artists. You are a scam artist.
I'm not a SJW. I despise them as much as I despise you.
No business pays a living wage.
I'm not the dictator of Canada. Nor am I the spokesman of Canada. Why don't you ask the 33 million odd Canadians yourself.
You're more likely to support conversion to a religion than I ever would, seeing as how you're religious.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
No, you're a thief. They're just dumb.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
According to what you've said, Canada could taking all 5 billion poor people on the planet and take care of them all because overpopulation is absolutely never a problem. I doubt there are any sane people that see the world the way you do. You've got a massive homeless and housing crisis already. Taking more money from 'greedy hoarding capitalists' just won't cut it.
So why criticize me? If students were forced to study until they became self-sufficient, they could pay for everything they used and would not need government support. If people were force to use birth control if they couldn't take care of more children, again no need for taxpayer support.
You know what is going to get everyone good healthcare, clean water, good roads, etc...? Hard work. The left tells us work hard and your reward is higher taxes, don't work, get welfare. A totally perverse system. But I'm the evil one for pointing this out.
A person that actualy believed healthcare was a human right would be working and studying 80 hours, give up all pleasures and social life to do so. If is just like prayer to say government should do it. Instead they go to expensive universities that baby them, study whatever they please, waste their time. Then virtue signal (bitch) about anyone that makes more income than them stole the money and they need to take care of poor victims of capitalism like themselves.
None of these leftist believe the government should force personal responsibility upon people. Just taxes should be forced. And you go along with this scam.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
I bet EXC stupidly thinks The Nazis were poor. I bet he stupidly thinks Stalin was poor. I bet he stupidly thinks North Korea's Kim family is poor. Bet he never wants to think about the fact that FIDEL CASTRO had a personal wealth of $800 MILLION. Bet he ignors that Gadaffi was a BILLIONAIRE. Bet he never wants to face that the SAUDI ROYAL FAMILY owns oil companies and banks and invests in the global weapons market.
Fascism, nor dictatorships, mean no private sector. They can be run through the global market too.
EXE is stupidly stuck on the bullshit idea that capitalism is a form of government, and IT IS NOT. There is not one country, open or closed, whose powers don't invest in the global market.
The easiest way to topple a government is to sell a utopia, keep society chasing that utopia, if they are not economically stable, and you convince them of that bullshit, they wil gladly jump off that cliff following you in hopes you will take them to "Glory days". Great way to control the masses.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Here EXC confuses overpopulation with swamping a system designed to handle less than 0.1% of the numbers he's using. What a retard. Everything EXC says is a lie. What EXC really wants is to send 5 billion people to Canada so they freeze to death because it isn't possible to take in those kind of numbers without decades of preparation. EXC will probably respond that 5 billion homes would just magically assemble themselves in a day. As would all the shipping and trade route changes necessary if the majority of the global population just moved like that. As if such an event wouldn't be the single biggest accomplishment in human history. And as if anyone needed to be moved at all.
Anyone who doesn't see the world as I do is insane, not sane. Everything EXC says is a lie.
No we don't. We have the same housing crises every capitalist centred nation has, because of capitalism.
Yes it will. Everything EXC says is a lie.
Because you're a retarded sociopath who wants to devolve society.
No they couldn't, because they wouldn't be self sufficient until they were done studying and acquired a job with good pay. Two scenarios that can never be fulfilled because education never ends and noone pays enough.
Only your parents should have been forced to take birth control. No western nation has an increasing population due to birth, but EXC makes up this massive fantasy where all the poor people pop out 50 kids to suckle social assistance. Everything EXC says is a lie.
And taxes.
Only EXC says this. Leftists aren't usually that stupid. Neither are rightists for that matter. EXC is a special kind of retard. Everything EXC says is a lie.
No, you're retarded for making all this up, not evil.
No. That's just ridiculous. Why aren't you spending every cent and waking moment to support forced birth control? That's right, everything EXC says is a lie.
Literally the opposite. Your path is the path that emulates prayer.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
No I want to show how ridiculous is your political indoctrination. You've stated you believe overpopulation can never be a problem, problems are always 100% the caused by greedy hoaring capitalists.
Are you actually admitting it is possible to have too many people for the infrastructure and enviroment to support? And a solution would be to limit the number of people? I thought confiscating the wealth of "greedy hoarders" was the magic pill to cure all of humanties ills. What there aren't enough greedy hoarders in Canada to support 5 billion people?
Income taxes are a penalty for working.
I actually agree. The greedy capitalists wanted cheap labor, so they immorted millions of desperate people to work for little. But there was no housing stock for all these immigrants. Cheap labor/high rents a capitalist's wet dream.
You don't think agreedy capitalist would build more housing in cities if land were available? It is because of lack of land in areas where jobs are availalbe. A government has to plan for popultion growth. How can you support government that does't plan for the future and not allow popultion to exceed infrastructure to support it?
When you start a new job or business, there is no teacher available to teach you what to do. You have to teach yourself. So this should be the goal of our education system, to get people to the point where they can teach themselves whatever they need. That is the real world. There should only be learning facillitators for children that get them to teach themselves using technology. The measure of success should be how soon do children learn to teach themselves.
If you want to train some to be a doctor or nurse. They should study the basics online, then pass a test to become an apprentice/assistant that can pay their own way. It should cost the students and taxpayers zero dollars. But the teaching profession trains us from an early age to become dependent upon teachers. We can only learn through them. That is how the scam is kept up.
I don't believe anything is a right. I don't have any morallity, so why would I have a moral crusade? I just think the world would be a better place if we were honest about the human libido.
Everywhere I travel in the world its the same story. People whose lives are ruined by having babies too young, having too many kids when they were already poor, people who never had a career or good life because they were stuck with children they never really wanted to have. And then the massive environmental problems, traffic, lack of jobs, clean water, etc.. from too many people. They try capitalism, socialism, same problems. Too many people for the infrastructure and environment to support. The greedy capitalists take advantage of the oversupply of laborers and undersupply of land.
Seems like a sociopath would just ignore the obvious cause of all these problems. Your political indoctrination is so strong that you just ignore the obvious facts of life. Your mind could never be changed unless you traveled outside your bubble.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Good job, you only prove your own indoctrination and political ridiculousness.
Because it can't.
Everything EXC says is a lie. I never said that. Greedy hoarding capitalists are responsible for more problems than anything else, but they don't come near 75%, let alone 100%.
No. Infrastructure can be changed. The environment is largely irrelevant. What I'm saying is you can't move 5 billion people. And if you tried, many would die.
A solution would be to not bother moving 5 billion people for no reason.
Everything EXC says is a lie. If we took all the rich peoples cash first, moving 5 billion people would become easy. But that's not the scenario you presented, retard.
We'd just conquer the world and take all the rich peoples money no matter where they are. Good luck fighting 5 billion people.
No, income taxes are paying for all the shit you need to live and have a job to begin with. Everything EXC says is a lie.
No. What actually happened is that inflation skyrocketted for 50 years while wages remained stagnant. Immigration, legal or not, had no significant impact.
They might build more housing for themselves. They won't do anything to help others. Why would anyone build a condo for poor people with low income when you can build a condo for rich people and make 1000x the money and have a 10th the hassle? That is the real problem, rich people only investing in things that benefit themselves, when they wouldn't even be rich without robbing everyone else through low wages.
Everything EXC says is a lie. There is more uninhabited land in both our countries than habited land. The rich are prevented from buying it all so they don't end up owning everyone and everything. But EXC is too brainwashed to see it.
Every government plans for the future. Everything EXC says is a lie.
Everything EXC says is a lie. Every job trains prospective employees. Everyone who starts a business without knowing anything has their business fail, and they all went to school anyway because school is mandatory.
The day you can show anyone who successfully trained themselves to be a great surgeon you'll have a point. But that will never happen.
No, that is a fantasy.
You're really clueless about how education works. Hardly surprising since the only education you accepted was a bunch of lies.
Lol like you could prove competence in a single test. Rofl. Lmfao.
Idiot. Learn how to learn. The greatest irony of your position is that you are a perfect example of why this could never work.
Someone has to compile the information retard, that person is instantly a teacher by definition. And their work doesn't come free, you have to pay for it. We already tried your stupid idea for centuries. It failed spectacularly and predictably.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
Everything EXC says is a lie. Everyone has morality, and clearly EXC cares very much about people having too many babies. Yet all he is is talk. He'll call you lazy for not living your ethical position while he in his epic hypocrisy is guilty of the exact same lack of action. Pathetic.
Hard to do that with liars like you constantly making shit up.
And you seek to force your opinions on everyone, including the opinion that all these lives were ruined when I guarantee most of those people would do it all over again if given the chance. But EXC is a sociopath so he doesn't understand love, only hate.
That's all capitalism.
Noone has tried socialism.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
Like you are doing.
Classic projection. Everything EXC says is a lie.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Where did I go to get my political indoctrination? Are there right-winger/libertarians that would support mandatory birth control and no private land ownership?
My views are my own. The whole world is my classroom. You obviously live in a bubble, have never traveled much out of Canada.
You could just get all the money from greedy hoarders, then hire greedy capitialist airlines to start moving millions then billions into Canada as quickly as possible to save them from the hoarding Capitalist in their countries. Sounds like a winning political platform to me.
You're really clueless about modern technology. I fell like I'm talking to someone from 1817 not 2017. Learning in the 21st centrury can not be a blackboard and chalk. It is computers, vidoes, multimedia, virtual reality, AI, etc.. A human is going to be way less efficient and costly than machines at teaching. But of course, teachers unions and education industry will fight the change and dupe people like you into supporting the old costly way.
Just like any modern process, humans write the software, design the process and intervene only when the machines are not functioning properly. Your version of teaching is going the way of the horse and buggy.
Again I have to educate you on modern technology. There are already virtual patients available to train doctor. AI to evaluate the performance of students. This technology is going to advance very rapidly.
I didn't say a single test would qualify one to be a doctor. A test which would include a lot of different skills could qualify one to begin an aprenticeship program.
Have you ever talked to someone that started a business or started a new job in a technology field??? All it is is learning how to get things done with little to no guidance from anyone else. Yet our school system is just the opposite. Relying on a teacher to teach you is a really bad and expensive habit. Amazing how you have no clue how the real world works.
With technology changing so rapidly a doctor would soon become obsolete if he didn't keep learing. Same with every profession. Welcome to the modern world you have to teach yourself or become a dinosaur. But according to you, that is OK because we can all just keep having the government keep paying for expensive education.
There was this machine invented back in the 20th century called a computer. They are now is quite good at processing information way faster, cheaper and efficiently than humans. That is why teachers can now be replaced by software developers and data analysts.
Please use a dictionary, a teacher is someone or thing that teaches. A compiler of information in the modern would be an IT professional.
There are ways to pay for things besides penalizing people just for working. If everyone benefits, then everyone must be forced to work and pay. Why criticize me, criticize the people that don't think welfare recipients should be forced to work.
What if we fined people for driving sober and gave away free stuff to drunk drivers. What do you think would happen over time? But this is exactly the insane system of income tax/welfare benefits.
What happens is land is zoned according to what maximizes income and minimizes cost. Government is a corrupt businesses. In our cities, there is plenty of land zoned commercial not much for affordable housing. You see tons of car sale lots because government gets so much tax from these businesses. The leftists don't really see a problem since you're not supposed to ever think that too many people/not enough land could ever be causing the affordable housing crisis. Only that some people make too much money and don't share it.
Me??? You're the one that wants to imprison or kill anyone that does not go along with your greedy hoarders are responsible for all the world's ills. But I'm the forcer?
Do you talk to people? They love their kids but say they wished they had waited to give them a better life or wished they had found a partner that was more responsible. You support people ruining their own lives and dumping their irrational decisions on the rest of society to fix. But I'm the sociopath.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
You didn't have to go anywhere. You're American. You get indoctrination as a courtesy.
Probably. Certainly, as your existence proves. Why would I care anyway? It isn't relevant.
No they definitely aren't. You aren't remotely intelligent or imaginative enough to make all this up yourself.
And you skipped every class.
Projection. I know a million times more about the world than you'll ever know in your little bubble of fantasy.
Sounds as retarded as everything else you say. Why? Why should they move? Why move here? You're making up a ridiculous scenario with ridiculous expenses that solves nothing. There's a picture of you beside the word retard in the dictionary.
No that's you. You who think science fiction is somehow applicable without science fact. You who thinks we're more advanced than Star Trek and Star Wars both. Everything EXC says is a lie.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
Yes you did. Lying scum. Look at the quick backtrack when even EXC knows he's full of shit.
No it couldn't. That would at least triple the expense of education and reduce the quality simultaneously you retard.
A number of them. They were all people who got an education and would never have done squat otherwise. The Internet didn't even exist in a useful fashion for most of them. Many dropped out of high school, but they had 10+ years of education leading into that. Without which they'd have done nothing.
Not one of them did it without an education or help. Not a single one. Everything EXC says is a lie.
Everything EXC says is a lie. Without teachers there is no education.
Those who attempt to teach themselves are always eclipsed by those taught. But everything EXC says is a lie.
No it's not ok. Study after study after study shows doctors suck at teaching themselves. Everything EXC says is a lie.
Everything EXC says is a lie. Computers are faster, but not smarter and not more efficient and they do not have intelligence.
Also, the computer wasn't invented in the 20th century. Everything EXC says is a lie.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
Back at you.
In which case the information is useless because it isn't presented in order or with efficiency and it isn't capable of helping struggling students. You can't escape the need for teachers retard. Not now not a million years from now not ever.
That's a double lie. Noone is penalized for working and there's no other way to set up the system.
I'm quite capable of criticising both retarded positions. And I do. Why don't you grow a brain?
Everything EXC says is a lie. Anyone with a job burns more public funding than anyone without. The rich burn through the most.
Everything EXC says is a lie. Zoning rarely has anything to do with minimizing or maximizing anything. You must get your knowledge of government from Disney.
Yet less corrupt than corporations.
Run for mayor then. Oh yeah, you aren't remotely qualified and you'd bankrupt the city. Nevermind.
Capitalism at work. You should be happy.
lmfao. You do realize that both China and India have had much larger populations than the US with much less land? Fucking retard. Japan has a higher population per square km too. Dozens of countries prove you're a liar.
There'd be more demand for housing if more people could afford it. You don't even understand how capitalism works. Lmfao
Everything EXC says is a lie. I don't want that, I simply know it is the logical conclusion to the path we're on, as I've said many times. Everything EXC says is a lie.
They also say they wouldn't go back and change anything.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc.. have a very similar problem as education. Determining what material to present to users and determine the effectiveness of what was presented. They use advanced software with some AI capabilites(more coming) to determine content and evaluation. There is no individual interaction with each user from a human searcher employee. Humans write the software, fix problems, and analyze overall preformance. No one is searching for the user because the computer does that function.
According to you, this is impossible. A human always needs to be individually involved with each person. If you ran a company like Google, each search request would require a highly paid employee to perform each search for the users who are and will always be idiots incapable of searching for themselves.
Yes doctors and everyone else are very bad a teaching themselves because that is how the education industry makes money, creating dependency upon them alone and their taxpayer funded monopoly. They only thing that would change this is taxpayers/parents/students waking up to the scam.
Same with the criminal justice system and every other function of government. They don't want disruptive technology putting them out of business. Follow the fucking money once in your life to figure out why things are the way they are.
Everything you've been politcally indoctrinated with is a lie.
Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state represents a complete defeat for the civilized world, while a totally voluntary society represents its ultimate success. --Mark Skousen
Bullshit. None of those companies focus on education, they focus on profit. Which is why they've all taken a share of blame for the fake news going around. Which proves your strategy would simply increase the amount of fake information available. Making any attempt to educate oneself an exercise in futility. The very examples you attempt to use for your argument prove the impossibility of your argument.
As for following the money, unlike you I actually did. Which is why I blame capitalism. You in your infinite stupidity falsely put the blame on things that are symptoms of the actual problem instead of the actual problem.
Everything EXC says is a lie.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.