Creationist rant [Trollville]

Goddammit you uneducated/ignorant/blind/closed-minded bastards. Learn what you are disproving before you attempt to debunk it, or SHUT THE FUCK UP! The bible is NOT science,your observations w/o being peer reviewed dont mean a damned thing. Dont call your religious ID/Creationist crap science, its not. Stop spouting the usual bullshit the rest of the creationists say as fact, just come up with something new, sometimes, hell once a year would make me happy. Stop using arguments that Answers in Genesis says not to, it only makes you look retarded. The 2nd law of thermo dynamics DOES NOT FUCKING DISPROVE EVOLUTION! Stop calling it Evilution. Abiogenesis is NOT part of evolution, they are different theories. Abiogenesis deals with the beginning of life, evolution explains the different species. The big bang theory is NOT part of the evolution theory. Micro evolution stretched out long enough will become macro-evolution, and on that note its not macro/micro...its just evolution. Not every lifeform will fossilize, probability shows you wont get a fossil for every single species that ever existed, and even if it did, over time fossils can be destroyed by nature, so stop using not having every single possible transtional form not being found as proof against evolution, even if every one was found since evolution happens over such a long time, even if you had every transitional form (i know it blows the minds of creationists, pretty much everything can be considered a transitional form) a shitload of them would be so similar to each other (well closely related ones) itd be near impossible to tell them apart. Another thing, a Phd in philosophy, engineering, butt scratching ect doesnt quite qualify you to attack evolution, cosmology, abiogenesis, ect with much credibility. Yeah Discovery institute, im looking at you So to summarize STFU STFU do some reading and learn, or again STFU. This post brought to you by someone who watches too many creationist videos for a laugh,gets irritated at the same damned arguments over and over and over again, a pint of Absolut vodka ,boredom, the letter J, the sin of using foul language and probably bad typing. Praise jeebus for trollville, feel better getting that out,now its time to smack a kitten across the room for the full thereputic effect.
"Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions."--Frater Ravus
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I sense the anger in you. Good. Let the anger flow. It makes you powerful. Every moment, you bring youself closer and closer to being a servant of Catholicism and the Inquisition.
Sorry, I think I just channeled the Pope or maybe a Sith Lord. I'm not sure which.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
No fair, i want to channel someone evil, sounds like fun.
But yeah, i do have some anger, part of it is science being attacked by the foolish, and the biggest part is seeing the same thing over and over again, I watch creation videos for the LOLs, but its getting old, i feel like im listening to the radio, after a few weeks, I dont catch anything new in what feels like forever.
"Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions."--Frater Ravus
Well, their God did die 2000 years ago. It is little surprise that they aren't spouting new stuff.
Anyway, careful when you channel. You might end up with someone like Marge Schott in you, and that wouldn't feel good at all, would it?
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
Probably not,who id really like to channel is Fred Phelps,All that self righious bullshit and superiority complex,coupled with KNOWING I am right would be a hell of a rush,thats gotta be better than the bigest adrenaline rush while smoking crack and meth at the same time,but too bas that silly bastard is still alive for it to happen.
"Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions."--Frater Ravus
BTW why the hell is it im getting faster replies here in Trollville than anywhere else? Should I just start posting everything here?
"Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions."--Frater Ravus
I'm the only one to reply and only twice. Most of the responses have been you responding
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
Still quicker than usual,from now on,you shall be known as my lil trollie
I'd be careful what you wish for. This one's got a pretty sharp tongue. lol.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
Are you sure you're not channeling Teresa Nichols in a drunken rant?
1) a sharp tounge amuses me, so i welcome it
2) I can hold my liquor (i think) so im 2 pints from acting like that
fuck in all honesty i dont think even with a gallon i could be like that,
I wish i could be THAT funny on a drunken rant.
and 3) Whered the pic with the glasses go? Still cute either way, but something about a cute girl who can pull off wearing glasses w/o looking like a dork, well i like
I guess that could be tied in with the old nerd (i mean intelecctual) sterotype of nerds (i mean smart people) wearing glasses, and I just dont like dumb people)
And hey, this is trolville, and im boozed up, so I can get away with anything?
No one pays serious attention to a harmless boozed up guy right?
"Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions."--Frater Ravus
LOL! Fair enough.
I got sick of that picture. Since I usually wear glasses, I imagine another bespectacled picture will surface once I get sick of this one. Did you just call me a nerd?
If god takes life he's an indian giver
Hey Bigg,
I need to ask a moderating favor. Please use spaces after your punctuation like periods and commas, when you don't it stretches out the page and make for a VERY wide post.
Thanks,was wondering why my spacing seemed off,but honestly didnt give it much thought,since i normally browse while boozed up,or half asleep.
And with that said,since you know the issue,please bitch at others making wide posts
i agree its annoying as hell,cant stand switching resolutions
that make me change them to fit the screen or scroll.
BTW get outta trollville,moderate something worthwile
joking btw,i think.............................?
and jane well cute either way, you live close to me, if i didnt know you were taken, id be laying out my lameased macking lines
{Edit - spacing}
"Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions."--Frater Ravus
lol. I am assuming you are in a different time zone since it's only 1:00 pm here. A tad too early to be pounding back the vodka, eh?
And alas, I am spoken for but will always gladly accept a compliment. 
If god takes life he's an indian giver
Too early to drink? no its far enough past 9am.
and same timezone,same state.
Too early to drink? no its far enough past 9am.
and same timezone,same state.
Of course,you are spoken for,so it was only a compliment,but
if one day........................................
WTH half a double post,mods fix it,before i look like im drunker than i really am,
honest,thats the deal,i swear on the bible,and koran what i speak is truth,twas a lag issue!
"Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions."--Frater Ravus