Skeptical of my Skepticism

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Skeptical of my Skepticism

Hey guys! So I'm new here, dig your site, interested in you message and stuff. I like to give you a bit of background on myself before I ask my question, seeing as this is my first post and all, but if you're not interested, please feel free to skip this next paragraph. Here goes:

Don't want to lead you on, I am a Christian, but I find myself more connected sometimes with atheists that I do my Christian friends because my atheist friends are always more concerned with WHY I believe something. "Is there evidence?" "What's the rationality behind that?" etc. I was never really an atheist myself, I was more like an "apathetic". I guess I believed in God in some abstract, white-glowy way, but I didn't really care if He existed or not. Then about four years ago I moved to NYC for school and my friends took me to this church, its called Redeemer Presbyterian Church of New York City, and the senior pastor is this guy Tim Keller. Has anyone on here heard of him before? Man, this guy is completely unlike what I was lead to believe that Christians were like. All he does is talk about the rationality behind the Christian faith and the historical context in which the Christian church arose. I'd like to ask maybe some of my literature atheist friends on here this question that was posed by him (Dr. Keller) in one of the first sermons I heard, cause it really threw me for a loop and was one of many arguments he posed that really lead me to believe the Bible is telling the truth.  I don't remember the exact wording, but here goes:

"Most people look at the accounts of Jesus in the gospels and think that they're just made up. That they're exaggerated (spelled right?). That they're myth or legend. This is because we're looking at the gospels through a 21st century lens. Look at the detail in the gospels. We see in one part that Jesus was on a boat, he was asleep, His head was resting on a pillow. Now if this is a legend written in first century Palestine, what on earth does the knowledge that Christ was asleep contribute to the narrative of the story? What does the account that there were 54 fish laying on the beach contribute to the narrative of the story? (If you're Christopher Hitchens or like him and you're reading this, you've probably begun to see my point, haven't you? For the rest of us less literate folk, we have to wait a few lines...) The answer is, nothing. Neither one of these pieces of information contributes anything to the "legend" or "myth". Now why is this important to point out? You're probably saying, 'I read books all the time with bits of information such as, '...and then he turned the knob slowly,' or, '...and the door creeked open,' and those are fiction, too!' This is true, they are fiction, but they are also a form of writing known as 'narrative-pros', a form of writing that was not around until 1,800 years after the Gospels were written. Go read Homer's 'The Iliad' and look for small details. Go read anything up until the Gospels appear and for 1,800 years after and you won't find narrative-pros or small details in fictional stories that do not contribute directly to the plot of the narrative anywhere.

"You will find plenty of writings, however, that contain a large number of small details - history books. So, we are left with two choices. 1) We were wrong in our assertion that the Gospels were fictional, myth or legend. They clearly contain the details of historical documentation. or 2) The worlds biggest miracle took place in 1st century palestine when 4 different authors created a form of writing that was unheard-of at the time and not copied again until almost 2,000 years in later."

So anyway, I'd be real interested in hearing what you guys have to say about this, cause I agree with most atheists when they tell me to believe something until the evidence leads in a different direction. So far I haven't been offered any evidence that has lead me to believe that the question posed by Dr. Keller up there is a misrepresentation of history. Thanks a lot! Can't wait to hear from you guys!



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haha, mailum, chill out

haha, mailum, chill out dude. the evidence is overwhelming for christianity, and no, claiming that I believe those who believe Christianity to be false are wrong does not contradict anything I've said, my answer was dynamic on purpose.

I believe evolution/natural selection to be an accurate account of natural history, but I cannot prove it 100%. My believe in evolution comes from an overwhelming amount of evidence that suggests, beyond a reasonable doubt, what is probably the truth, that things evolve. But I cannot PROVE evolution in a lab, the same way I can PROVE the law of gravitation.

I've adopted Christianity because there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that suggest that it is credible, the only problem was, I had to ditch my predisposition to believing that the supernatural did not exist.


more on this later, i gotta get to church 

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skeptnick wrote:
haha, mailum, chill out dude. the evidence is overwhelming for christianity,

Your evidence so far has depended on an anonymous, unconfirmed source.

skeptnick wrote:
and no, claiming that I believe those who believe Christianity to be false are wrong does not contradict anything I've said, my answer was dynamic on purpose.

Dynamic? Is that a euphemism for hypocritical, dependent on double standards and special pleading?

skeptnick wrote:
I believe evolution/natural selection to be an accurate account of natural history, but I cannot prove it 100%.

I didn't realize you were in the field, let alone a pivotal part of it.

skeptnick wrote:
My believe in evolution comes from an overwhelming amount of evidence that suggests, beyond a reasonable doubt, what is probably the truth, that things evolve.

Alternatives theories that explain things even better could potentially appear. That's the difference between the scientific method and saying nothing that contradicts your view could possibly be correct.

skeptnick wrote:
But I cannot PROVE evolution in a lab, the same way I can PROVE the law of gravitation.

Actually, you can take something with a short life span, like fruit flies, and observe mutations and inherited traits. You can do what environmental factors do naturally, and artificially select for certain traits, causing them to be more pronounced. This process, over a long enough period of time, especially with geographical separation, will lead to speciation. The continuing development of antibiotics is dependent on the principles of evolutionary theory being accurate. Your statement suggests you're still relying on the colloquial use of the term, as though this were some hypothetical academic question.

Since you don't seem to understand the meaning of the word "theory," much less the specific claims of evolutionary theory, I don't advise you to believe in it. You have no basis for an opinion on it at all.

skeptnick wrote:
I've adopted Christianity because there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that suggest that it is credible, the only problem was, I had to ditch my predisposition to believing that the supernatural did not exist.

I don't for a moment believe you were ever skeptical of anything. Apathetic, maybe, but not informed and not skeptical.

skeptnick wrote:
more on this later, i gotta get to church

Say hi to Jesus for me.



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skeptnick wrote: So if the

skeptnick wrote:

So if the account of Jesus are just legend, how do you explain how quickly they grew?

Are you familiar with the term "meme"? If not you should study them a bit. Some memes by their nature are virulent. They play off of our natural proclivity to fear of the unknown/death.

skeptnick wrote:
Could you give me another example of a legend that grew up in as little a time as 30 years?

This man has done exactly what you say is impossible. In about 50 years he has gone from 0 followers to 1million +. I would bet that you don't believe what he says is true, yet he fits your criteria for belief in him and has more evidence to prove it than christianity does (i.e. his obvious existence, which cannot be claimed for jesus).


skeptnick wrote:
Well, I live in NYC. I'm not 30 years old, but imagine if someone who was 50 suddenly began to claim that in 1978 there were a group of people flying at the southern tip of Manhattan, among them was none other than my father. Furthermore, this person claims that there were 500 people who saw this happen, that some of these witnesses are still alive, and that you can go talk to them if you doubt the truth of the account put forth. Now if I wanted to sell this as, matthewtole put it, "fiction deliberately written to look like historical fact.." Then I would have to wait until not only my father was dead, but also everyone who knew him was dead, too. It also wouldn't help to start writing things like, "And there were 500 people who saw my father fly, go and talk to them if you don't believe me." Why? Because all you would have to do to disprove it would be to ask those people who were there and are still alive. You could ask my mother, or my oldest sister if there were any truth to it or if they had ever heard anything about it.

That whole example was mere speculation. Not to mention a biased analogy designed by you to fit the conclusion.

skeptnick wrote:
In 1st Corinthians 15: 5-6, Paul says (in a public document), "...and that he (Christ) appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that, he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep."


So wait a second, here Paul is talking about the resurrection as if it's common knowledge, as if it's historical fact that you can investigate if you want to, in a public document that is open to be falsified by anyone who reads it. The odd thing tht struck me when I first studied this time period was not that this man was making outrageous claims as if they were true, but that here this man was, making outrageous claims as if they were true, to the public, and no one was contradicting him...

Confirmation bias. You pulled alot more from that verse than was truly there to find. You aren't reading the bible to learn something new, you're reading it to justify your pre-conceived conclusion.

skeptnick wrote:
Bringing it full circle - find a legend, just pick one, anyone, and study how long it took to become a legend. You will find that in every case, it took a significantly longer time than 30 years. It, in fact, took significantly longer than a single lifetime. No legend has ever been born that quickly in the history of the human race. So if Christ's life is simply a myth, can you please offer me parallel evidence of another myth or legend that arose in as short a time a 30 years.

I think I answered this above. If not maybe I can find another one.

Thats cute.

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skeptnick wrote: In

skeptnick wrote:

In mathematics, there is only one true answer to the question, "What does 2+2 =?" And there are plenty of wrong answers. Why would this not be true of ultimate reality? Regardless of the amount of different opinions out there, could it not be the case that there is a true answer to the question, "What is the ultimate truth?" and plenty of wrong ones?


Because reality doesnt work that way, realities more...

A +,-,x,/ B (infinity)= C


and yes, that was probably over most peoples heads ^_^ 


skeptnick wrote:

If someone came to the conclusion that gravity did not exist, would that person have as valid a claim to truth as the people who claim that gravity does exist? No. They're not a bad person because they've concluded that gravity doesn't exist, they're merely incorrect.


If their conclusion is backed by evidence, i may be inclined to believe that gravity doesnt exist ^_^


skeptnick wrote:

Likewise, a man about 2,000 years ago stood up and claimed to be God. Not only that, but thousands of people claimed to have seen him do what appeared to be miracles. Not only that, but after his death, hundreds of people at the same time claimed to have seen him risen back to life. This same man also convinced other people, including those closest to him, that he was God come to earth, keeping in mind that the last group of people in history who would have believed that God could become a man were 1st Century Jews, because they had had the first commandment beaten into them for some 2,000 years prior - "Thou shall have no other gods before me." Furthermore, this same man convinced his own family that he was God. Think about that, how many people have claimed to be God throughout history? How many have convinced their entire family, their relatives and all of their closest friends that this was true? Only 1.


Grr.... bad theist! making up garbage. that whole speel can be destroyed with 2 words, NORTH KOREA

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wavefreak wrote: skeptnick

wavefreak wrote:
skeptnick wrote:

So if the account of Jesus are just legend, how do you explain how quickly they grew? Could you give me another example of a legend that grew up in as little a time as 30 years?


Interesting point.

I wonder if Joseph Campbell has anything to say on this. I understand the points made by Jesus skeptics, but even if Paul was entirel self serving, he had to start his new religion based on something. There had to be enough talk among people to lend plausability to his ideas. You can't start with "There was this guy named Jesus". You need to start with "You heard about that strange shit that happened in Jerusalem, right? We'll here's the straight scoop ..."

It's not a good point, it's a bad point and stupid.  Take the Cargo Cults.  Feel free to look them up yourself.  These are legends that had grown into sometimes majority beliefs in a very short time.  It means nothing to conjecture that the biblical stories 'grew' quickly.  What bearing does that have on their reality?  How can you prove at what pace they grew in the formative years of Christianity?  It's just silly. 

BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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skeptnick wrote: I've

skeptnick wrote:

I've adopted Christianity because there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that suggest that it is credible, the only problem was, I had to ditch my predisposition to believing that the supernatural did not exist.

Really?  Care to produce the evidence?  The world's been waiting for 2000 years to finally have evidence that Christianity really is the path to god.  If you've got the evidence please divulge.  I think, rather, that this is pure bullshit though, because you don't seem to understand what evidence is or what credibility is. 


BigUniverse wrote,

"Well the things that happen less often are more likely to be the result of the supper natural. A thing like loosing my keys in the morning is not likely supper natural, but finding a thousand dollars or meeting a celebrity might be."

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 "I've adopted

 "I've adopted Christianity because there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that suggest that it is credible, the only problem was, I had to ditch my predisposition to believing that the supernatural did not exist"

Fascinating. So you do NOT have 'overwhelming evidence' that Christianity is true, only that this evidence 'suggests', not that it is TRUE, but merely 'credible'. In other words, massive evidence that Christianity is not completely impossible.

Not exactly a strong position, i would have thought.... Heck even I can almost accept that position, that there is a small chance that there may be some truth in Christianity.

The supernatural is just a set of speculations about what might lay beyond phenomena we can't currently fit into a more naturalistic framework, so is defined purely negatively. The realm of the 'supernatural' has continued to shrink as we find actual evidence linking things like lightning and the weather to other measurable natural phenomena. If we have 



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