Since there seems to be no other way to control my rage
I'm just going to embrace it. I am tired of trying to tolerate Christianity and fight off my urges to tell them how full of shit they are, I am God damn sick of seeing their bullshit propaganda on public television, Good Morning America, etc. I am fucking sick of our children being raised to believe in this horse shit. I am fucking sick of Christians and their cowardly assed crusade tactics, and yes for Christians who are reading this. YOU ARE COWARDS, You run every fucking time. You dogs fail your god.
I have been called "Troll, Nerd, No life, whatever by christians" I will admit, I do indeed WANT a fight. I might aswell come out, Yes I am out to start trouble with Christianity. I will keep assaulting thiesm via myspace, and I will come back over and over no matter how many times myspace deletes me as they have in the past.
As for my blogspot goes, I did not make it for attention, I did not make it for popularity, I did not make it for views, I simply made it as a trophy room. Its where I make Christians famous! It is where I post the logs of their failure, of their delusion, and make a total example out of them. The numbers and names I take and put on my blog our my badges of honor. Back in the roman days, When they persecuted Christians, they would crusify them and put their heads on poles. This Blog is what I do to emulate the romans. I will display your rational and philosophical beheading for all to see!
I am not covert about being Athiest/Agnostic. I'm fucking overt, I rip apart Christianity everywhere I go! Nonstop. Whats the use of trying to control my utter hatred. I might aswell embrace my inner animal that hates christianity beyond words. Anyone else know this feeling? Yeah I know life is way to short to be hateful, but how the fuck do you get rid of it? I see no end in site, Everything they do their very EXISTANCE pisses me off. Their sick views of life, their brainwash, and their fucking arrogance.
I see all these posts of atheists coming out to their parents and him and her. It shoulden't be that way. If I were in their position I would rip apart anyone who disowned me even if it were my own parents. (Luckly for them they are not christian) because I woulden't even hesitate to treat them as I do every christian that makes an attempt to convert me.
Watch the death of the entire Christian religion live!
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and thus i dub thee... Darth Fury...
whom i shall keep as a pet for all eternity, or at least until i find some one with bigger fangs... and a spork
remind me to send you a Deagle for CHRISTMAS >.> hehe
What Would Kharn Do?
I agree. Religion pisses me off too. I'm having a difficult time dealing with the fact that so many people believe such utter nonsense. The question that I continually ask myself is, "How can so many otherwise normal people be so fucked up in the head?" And that's really what's going on. Religion fucks up people's brains. It's a mental disorder.
There's a book out now titled, "23 Minutes in Hell" by Bill Wiese. This man is either the best liar in the world or he's needs to get immediate psychological therapy.
In his book, this man claims he spent 23 minutes in hell. He describes it in detail. And he believes hell is located in the center of the earth. THE FUCKIN CENTER OF THE EARTH!!!
Here's what he says about Hell's location:
" I believe the scripture states that presently it is in the center of the earth. I somehow knew that I was in the lower part of the earth, and I sensed it to be approximately thrity-seven hundred miles deep. It was as if my senses were keener or more aware than normal. I remember thinking that most people up on the earth's surface have no idea that there's a whole world going on down here below the surface."
So if this man actually believes that he traveled to the center of the planet, then he's definitely got a mental disorder. No sane person would believe this.
I'm trying to deal with my anger at religious absurdity at seeing it as the mental disorder that it is. Religion hijacks the brain. And when there are millions of people who support the delusion it's not easy for people to get out of it's grip.
Expressing your anger about religion is not a bad thing. But try not to let it control your life.
Frosty's coming back someday. Will you be ready?
^^^About as useful as a snake harness.
Is that a fetish thing?
Yoda might disagree!
However, I share a certain willingness to spar (not physically, I'm not that hypocritical
) with believers. I'm sometimes disappointed when people don't want to push the issue, as I'm ready with the pooper scooper for the shit that could come out their mouths.
Welcome good sir, always happy to see another person join the fight.
And pineapple, when did you become a troll anyway?
Morte alla tyrannus et dei
Worst $20 I ever spent.
Have you ever had a bad day? Ever felt a little bit stressed? You seem to like to pull this out whenever an atheist gets a little rant on.
It's fucking annoying. I honestly try to be nice and diplomatic to everyone on this forum (it doesn't always work that way) but stupid shit like this pisses me off.
I think the walking pneumonia is finally taking it's toll.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
Sounds less like rage and more like frustration. Have you ever had moments where the world dissolves into a red haze? Have you lashed out and destroyed innocent inanimate objects because the pain and anger was simply too much to bear for another moment? Have you tried to harm another being without even being really aware of your actions or motives?
That's rage.
If you're there, get help. If you're there, it's not about other peoples' beliefs, it's about your ability to deal with your own issues, and please, please, get help. If you're not there, please don't dismiss and marginalize what those of us who've been there and made the effort to get functional have been through.
"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons." - The Waco Kid
TRANSLATION "Dont bitch about Christians. Meanwhile, I'll bitch about you"
Atheists didnt start this fight, and we are not the ones making absurd claims about disimbodied beings knocking up girls and making attemts to turn biology classes into Marvil Comic ID.
If I claimed I could fart a lamborginni out of my ass, should I shout, "YOU HATE ME" If you pointed out to me that that claim was absurd and false?
THAT is exactly what most Christians will do, insted of doing the intelectual brave thing and examine their own claims.
We dont buy a book that makes absurd claims about the age of the earth, talking donkeys, zombie gods. You'd suggest that we dont confront absurd claims?
Most Christians ARE intelectual cowards and DONT back up their claims with evidence. We do get extreemly tired of naked assertions and hokus pokus claims being coddled as if they should never be questioned. If something is worth defending it is worthy of scrutiny and can withstand blasphemy.
If anyone is a crybaby it would be the babbies of all theistic labels who cry, "You hate me" when all you are saying is, "Thats not true".
If you dont like what we say Pineapple, you know where the door is, no one put a gun to your head and forced you to read these posts.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
We do apreciate those who do get on the bandwagon in the challenge of absurd hocus pokus claims. In your strive to challenge superstition, do not let your hate consume you. I was merely pointing out to Pinapple that he has no clue what atheists go through and how much we are expected to never question absurd claims.
He shouldn't be suprised at your reaction. But as justified as you may feel, we at the same time must not let hate consume us. Christians often say, "Love the sinner not the sin". I guess you could say atheists could have their own version, "Love the claimant, not the claim"
We can, and do love theists. They are our co-workers, family members and friends. In your rightfull challenge of superstion, dont become so hatefull that you isolate yourself from the world. Atheists and theists all live on the same planet and we may think the other is "full of shit" on the issue of deities, but put your anger to positive use, and also accept the fact that the world's population will not be a clone of you.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Your depth of feeling is remarkable, your passion commendable.
If you were seeking to vent your rage then i hope you feel better.
If your motivation is to enjoy your freedom of speech and expression and communicate the depth of your anger to a wider community you have succeeded well.
If your motivation is to cause theists and/or christians to think about and renounce their position you will, i think, not succeed. Such overt attacks tend to cement people into their existing positions rather than make them reconsider.
As for ripping christianity apart wherever you go, at the risk of incurring your wrath, christianity has survived the last 2000 years or so, i suspect it will survive you.
And on a personal note, i would agree with the poster who commented that rage can be a destructive thing. In your shoes i would be wondering if there was a deeper source of rage seeking an outlet.
A christian
You might be right. However, this is the first time in that 2000 years that non-Christians have had a legitimate voice. Throughout most of Christian history, disagreement has merited excommunication, banishment, extra taxes (you should read up on this... it's fascinating stuff!), prison, or death.
It'll be interesting how Christianity can stand up to open criticism. It's never really had to do that before.
On the other hand, rage was responsible for the civil rights movement, sufferage, child labor laws, and hundreds of other good things. It's not the rage, it's what the rage is directed at that matters.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Funny how the theist always tries to marginalize a justly angrey person by equating them to a disgruntled rebelious teen.
You think it is wrong to be angrey at absurd claims? What if our country was run by believers in Apollo or Thor?
"Question with boldness even the existance of God, for if there be one, surely he would pay more homage to reason than to that of blindfolded fear" Thomas Jefferson.....who BTW also equated the birth and death of Jesus to Minerva being born out of the brain of Jupiter. But, I guess he had a deeper source of rage too.
So, the Egyptian sun god Ra was believed to be litterally real for over 3,000 years, and it still died as a religion. You try to paint us as negitive pessimists. Not so. We are positive when you stripe life of superstitious answers, the door is wide open to obverve reality and seek better data. No need for Superman vs Kriptonite to explain life.
As long as logic and reason prevail, zombie gods and ghost sperm will be religated to the graveyard of bad fiction. Thor didnt make lighting and the earth was not made in 6 days.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I'm a little frustrated that nobody answered me about the snake harness.
I'm not trying to take away his Free speech, I am merely exercising mine.
WTF? I never accused you of wanting to take away his free speech. I am saying YOU are a hypocrite.
You bitch about his bitching and that is bitching itself. EVERYONE BITCHES! You do it and I do it.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Ok, I'll bite(BA DUM CHA)
You do know this site charges extra for theists having a sense of humor.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
OK. I'll double my contribution.
My Artwork
I think the levity on our parts may help those in both camps put down the machetties. I am fine with verbal brawls, but nothing is worth actually coming to phyisical blows in reality.
Dont get me wrong Wave, I make no bones about the fact I think deity claims are the worst and most absurd attempts at explaining life and are based on utter fiction and the wishfull thinking of their respective cheerleaders(incert label here).
But, I will never forget that there are two great equalizers in life. At one point the Pope and I, George Bush and Hillary, we all have passed gass and we will all pass away.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I saw him bitching, so I wanted to bitch.
I'm actually glad this turned into a bitch fest, so I wouldn't have to create my own topic to bitch.
I can bitch about bitching, and you can bitch about my bitching...... ad infinitum.
By the end of it, it should have more bitches than Paris Hilton's birthday party.
THe Pope's "Holy Spirit", Bush's WMD, and Hillary's good looks.
My Artwork
"Hillary's good looks?" Dude? All politics aside, all religion aside........ WHAT THE F ARE YOU SMOKING?
Ok, now if I can turn everybody's stomach, think of Ann Coutler in a lesbo porn with Hillary.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
THe neurotoxicity of the Pope's Holy Spirit and Bush's WMD affected my judgement when I got to Hillary.
Coulter and Hillary? Isn't there already a thread about beastiality?
My Artwork
What's wrong with Paris Hilton? At least when you screw her you have a free place to stay.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I would say it did affect your judgment. I'd say that she must have slipped you a "mickey", but that would date me, so to be more up to date, Hillary must have slipped you a Rufy.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Holy shit, this made me laugh so hard. Wavefreak you really are, well, you're a freak. In a good way, of course.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
Funny how the theist always tries to marginalize a justly angrey person by equating them to a disgruntled rebelious teen.
Funny how the atheist who claims to be rational exagerates any implied critism of an atheist in order to paint them as a persecuted martyr.
You try to paint us as negitive pessimists.
Sorry, when did i do this? Are you referring to my post in particular or just projecting what some other theist may have done.
I am surprised at the level of defensiveness on this forum.
However, this is the first time in that 2000 years that non-Christians have had a legitimate voice. Throughout most of Christian history, disagreement has merited excommunication, banishment, extra taxes (you should read up on this... it's fascinating stuff!), prison, or death.
It'll be interesting how Christianity can stand up to open criticism. It's never really had to do that before.
I agree! It will be interesting.
I rather suspect though that if anything will / has done damage to christianity it is when it becomes the moral majority rather than the persecuted minority.
Christianity is like potatoes. Underground in the darkness it grows plump and healthy. Above ground in the light it becomes small green withered and bitter.
But thats just just my view.
You're not the only one! Wavefreak, that was damned funny.
"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons." - The Waco Kid
When the "poor" judge was told that Christians could not gang tag a public courtroom with the Ten Commandments, HE, not I claimed persicution. When IDers were shot down by a federal appeals court because of their junk science, they cried persicution.
What if Tom Cruise wanted to teach in a publically funded biology class that Jesus was result of little green men?
OF COURSE WE ARE DEFENSIVE! DUH! Thanks for the news flash. We defend rational thought over superstion. We value the periodic table over the Reg Vedas or Bible or claims of Thor or Apollo.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Well I'm not feeling defensive but I'm going to have to generally agree with Brian.
The person who wrote the OP is on an atheist forum. This is the PERFECT place to bitch about any religion.
So somebody to throw out the old "Call the Wambulance.", "Stop crying", or "Stop Whining" is simply trying to embarass somebody into not talking about what they are pissed/upset about.
Crazy how you always have some dick doing that and then we pay some shrink $250 an hour so we can "bitch" to somebody at least.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
I think I understand where Furyan's rage is coming from. I mean it's very infuriating to see the same ol', same ol' theistic interpretations and "proofs" and you have to strap yourself to a lamppost to stop yourself from screaming "THIS IS BULLSHIT!" because SOME OF THE REFUTATIONS ARE SO FUCKING OBVIOUS AND EASY! Are these people blind? What movie were they looking at? I myself experience the same thing when I watch Jeopardy! What is medulla oblongata!
Far be it from me to interfere with your sense of injured martyrdom.
Although i do find the incongruity between the concepts of "rational response" and "bitching about religion" more than a bit amusing.
This, for me, ironically enough is the problem with the extreme aggressive / defensive approach. The "angry" approach makes it soooo easy for those in the opposite camp, and indeed the middle ground, to dismiss (or refute to use your word) you as angry extremists who can be safely ignored.
I think it damages your case. State your truth calmly, persistantly and persuasivly using the rational approach you proport to defend i think you would be more effective.
Put it this way. When looking for examples of "negative" religion to question / attack who provides you with the best targets. The preachers who quietly get on with what they do and do lots of good work in their community or those who go on GOD tv and issue thundering denuniations about how all atheists are moral vacuums heading for hell and all homosexuals should be stoned?
But then i suppose it depends what type of "church" this is. Is your goal to give support and succour to those who already hold your views and reinforce one anothers beleifs or is your goal to increase the profile and acceptability of your beleifs to a wider audience.
Are you evangelical atheists or insular ones?
If I had a dime for every time I've heard that same 'shpiel' then Sapient, Rook, Kelly, et al would be driving matching Bugatti/Bugattis.
Wouldn't it be better to do the opposite of what you say since YOU have the theist label?
Why can't we be both? or neither? Why can't we be people with ONE similar facet of our respective ideologies? Why can't we JUST BE atheists without a colloquially derogatory adjective in front of it? Did it ever occur to you that atheists didn't begin putting ad hominems into their descriptions of theists until atheism was mislabeled?
Must we fit into one little box so conveniently for you to label?
Obviously, any methodologies employed by any RRS poster, mod, or core member has been effective since you are here to discuss these things with us. Would you concur?
I'm not sure if 10 days is enough time to see that we have addressed and still do address the more extreme versions of the 'faiths' first. That still does not excuse the enabling behavior of the moderates of any faith.
BTW. I'll overlook the incorrect usage of 'church' as long as you promise to buy a friggin' dictionary instead of a new holy book the next time you make it to Borders or Amazon.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Wouldn't it be better to do the opposite of what you say since YOU have the theist label?
LOL, you mean that because i'm a theist you can safely assume that you should do the opposite of what i suggest? In that case ON NO ACCOUNT send me a cheque for £30,000.
Why can't we be both? or neither? Why can't we be people with ONE similar facet of our respective ideologies? Why can't we JUST BE atheists without a colloquially derogatory adjective in front of it? Did it ever occur to you that atheists didn't begin putting ad hominems into their descriptions of theists until atheism was mislabeled?
Well individually you can't be both, they are muturally exclusive! Although of course there will be some in either camp. And i'm sorry if you found "evangelical" and "insular" to be derogatory. I should remember that in your world evangelical has negative connatations. I meant it in purely the descriptive sense.
And i would not wish to comment on what makes atheists (or theists) resort to ad hominems. I'm simply don't know. I sespect that the answer is rather more complex than "because they were mislabeled".
Obviously, any methodologies employed by any RRS poster, mod, or core member has been effective since you are here to discuss these things with us. Would you concur?
Neat, but your logic is flawed. I'm not here to discuss things because of the methodologies in question but in spite of them. You presume causality where ther is only coincidence.
I'm not sure if 10 days is enough time to see that we have addressed and still do address the more extreme versions of the 'faiths' first. That still does not excuse the enabling behavior of the moderates of any faith.
You've lost me here. 10 days? You make an interesting point re enabling behaviour of moderates though. That might be worthy of its own thread...
BTW. I'll overlook the incorrect usage of 'church' as long as you promise to buy a friggin' dictionary instead of a new holy book the next time you make it to Borders or Amazon.
Did'nt mean to offend boss. Just a figure of speech. BTW i looked up "church" on the web (cos i can't afford a dictionary
). THe definition which fits the sense i was using was the one on wiki.
"A church is an association of people who share a particular belief system."
"The term church originated from the pre-Christian Germanic kirika"
So being pre christian it can be accurately applied to any group sharing a belief.
However i prefer this one
"Where people go to hide from God"
Something to be aware of though, Seeker, is that we don't necessarily share a belief structure. At most, we share an absence of a belief in the divine. And that may leave you saying 'yeah, ok, what's the difference?', so... here goes.
A belief is an assertion of knowledge. To say someone believes in God is to say that person claims a personal surety that God exists. If someone disbelieves in God, ie: believes there is no God, that's an active assertion of surety that God does not exist. There is, however, another option: There are those of us who do not believe in either direction, and make no assertion of surety. And yet we remain atheists: without a god belief. Thus we are brought together not by a belief structure, but by an absence of a specific belief structure. Not a church, but a community.
"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons." - The Waco Kid
I was only trying to illustrate the knee jerk reactions of some atheists when they encounter statements like "The Earth is only 6000 years old. The Bible says so!" or "You're going to spend eternity in hell because you masturbated! Sinner!" and the like. So dumb...
True enough. And yet, the Israelites were worshipping Hashem before this. They were enslaved by Ra's people, we built their pyramids for them, and then were called from Mitzrayim to go take possession of the land He would give them. Pharoah didn't like it. We left anyway.
And lo and behold, we are still worshipping Hashem, and still in possession of this same land today.
I'd say the G-d of Israel DEFINITELY has one up on Ra, being the object of a LIVING religion. If you want to disprove it, all you have to do is destroy Israel. They're such a tiny ltitle sliver of land, it shouldn't be hard. Of course, that's what the Muslims keep thinking, too..
LOL! Of COURSE not! The gentleman (And I use the term loosely) screaming, and cursing proudly about how he lives to cut others down... that's not negative at ALL!
No, it's not. I couldn't agree more. It was this way looong before the "Moral Majority" though. The same thing happened when Caesar's Council of Nicea institutionalized Christianity. It wasn't just non-Christians that were persecuted, it was also monotheists, and all kinds of other people.. ANYbody that didn't subscribe to their PARTICULAR brand of belief.
I totally agree. Everytime G-d's people are persecuted, and scattered, we grow and thrive wherever we are chased.
And every time they get too much power, it corrupts them, just like it does other people. Except that by extension, the faith itself becomes a little more compromised each time.
Something to be aware of though, Seeker, is that we don't necessarily share a belief structure. At most, we share an absence of a belief in the divine. And that may leave you saying 'yeah, ok, what's the difference?', so... here goes.
A belief is an assertion of knowledge. To say someone believes in God is to say that person claims a personal surety that God exists. If someone disbelieves in God, ie: believes there is no God, that's an active assertion of surety that God does not exist. There is, however, another option: There are those of us who do not believe in either direction, and make no assertion of surety. And yet we remain atheists: without a god belief. Thus we are brought together not by a belief structure, but by an absence of a specific belief structure. Not a church, but a community.
An intelligent and well thought out argument. I conceed the point. Although the line between not activly beleiving and activly disbeleiving is a fine one.
Community it is.
Without belief, ok? No 'fine lines' needed.
Figured out why Furyan's emotions toward christianity trend toward rage yet?
To be helpful:
How To Use The Quote Function
There is also a post concerning how to do one's 'signature'.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Yes, but how does the snake harness fit in?
Books on atheism, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
"My soda was the first beverage because it's can is red".
"Let us make them in our immage" was a line used in the Ugartic text used by the cannanites who had Baal, Yahwey and Asurah as characters long before the Hebrews incerted them in the OT.
Again, which makes more sense to you?
1. "I can, in reality, fart a Lamborginni out of my ass|"
2." I made that up"
1. Thor makes lighting
2. Someone made that up
Ruling classes of all ancient cultures saw their families and good fortune as divine intitlement. In your bible the super hero is worshiped as a king. It is a literary, not litteral, reflection of all cultures and their false assumption that ruling and power was a right givin to that culture by a super hero in the sky.
Hero worship and "Chosen people" is not an invention of Christianity or Hebrews. It was a false assumption by ignorant polytheists and ignorant monotheists who thought that a magic sky daddy would swoop down and save them.
"My sky daddy has different details" doesnt change the fact that prior cultures to Christians and Hebrews WERE NOT the first to postulate a magical super hero.
If the Cannanites were capable of making up fiction and believing it to be fact, if the Ancient Egyptians were capable of the same, what makes Christianity POOF, magically immune to mundain and ordinary human behaivor?
You worship ancient fiction and believe it to be fact. I hope someday you are brave enough to excape your superstiton. I think you will find, if you have the guts to, that being freed from the shackles of religion, you will find, just like the atheists here have, that no magic is needed to explain life, or to be good.
Fiction is fiction and we cannot help you face that if you dont want help.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
1) I define my identity by what I'm AGAINST, which in fact BROUGHT me to the site
2) I made that shit up
Come on now. I'm not much more interested in your faith than you are in mine.
But don't TELL me that ANY antitheistic person is anything BUT negative, when your personality is defined by what you are AGAINST, not IN FAVOR OF.
See, you've got it backwards. I once a was smug arrogant little punk that thought he had all the answers, and liked screwing with religious people..
It turns out THAT'S when I was in bondage. That's when I needed to be free. Religion wasn't the ONLY area where I just couldn't let stuff go. I tried the headshrinkers and seeveral of their magic litle pills, to no avail. Now I don't give a crap. Do what you want, say what you want, you're not going to bring me down, because I'm a positive person, who is defined more by what Im' in favor of than what I'm against (unlike the original poster).
Negitive? You wonder why people get pissed at you when you call them negitive?
Negitive people had |Gallileo put under house arrest because he had POSITIVE data that proved that the earth rotated around the sun and not the sun around the earth.
You misspercieve criticism as negitive and that is YOUR problem, not mine.
Me, |"You are about to run that stop sign"
You, "No I am not|"
You, "|You hate me|"
Please tell me how it is negitive to point out a magical claim as such? Would it be negitive to tell someone that voodoo dolls dont work? Would it be negitive to tell someone that using chicken livers for "faith healing" is nothing but a scam?
No, we are not negitive. We are positive that when people lose superstition they can open their eyes to data rooted in reality rather than santa for adults.
You fasely and ignorantly accuse us of being negitive because you are not used to being challenged. You are being negitive because your ego wont allow you to see the positive alturnitive we are offering you to replace debunked fairy tales.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Ellen DeGeneres will be wearing it when she joins in.
"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons." - The Waco Kid
Small but significant point: archaelogical work has shown it to be highly unlikely that the pyramids were built with slave labor. It's far more likely that they were built via massive effort of egyptians, not slaves.
I think 'still' is a bit of a stretch, considering not only the diaspora, but also that the land area in question included a much larger area than modern Israel.
It's actually what the Israelis are thinking now, too, as they've realized that if they don't get the 'Palestinian Question' resolved, within the next generation, the majority of the population in the 'Jewish State' won't be jewish.
(Oh, and for the record, there are Pharonic Reconstructionists tottering around, too, just like the Hellenists and Assatruar.)
Well, I'm not screaming, cursing, or claiming I live to cut others down, and frankly, I also have issues with your implication that we're all negative pessimists, but I'm optimistic that it's just a misunderstanding.
"You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons." - The Waco Kid