I will be interviewing a church leader... Help Wanted.

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I will be interviewing a church leader... Help Wanted.

Sometime within the next 9 weeks, I will be interviewing a church leader as a project that I am doing in a World Religions class. For the first half of this interview, I will ask basic questions about Christianity (What is it, how did it start, etc) and then I will make the second half a critical interview on it. I will inform him before the interview that I am an Atheist, and that I wish do to an interview that is critical of Christianity. Hopefully I'll find one that is up to the challenge.

Now I need help in both areas. I would like to ask the priest/reverend/child rapist/pastor/etc questions during the first half that are basic, yet rare. One's that would be original but not patronizing or condescending. Just neutral and interesting questions.


Many people are familiar with the stories in the Bible up until the Resurrection of Jesus. How did Christianity spread immediately after this event?

Understanding that one's religious beliefs are, in ways, as original as the person, what are the basic beliefs of an average Christian?

Many Christians that I have spoken to regard the Bible as a collection of mythical stories mixed with historical accounts, not to be taken as fact. Other Christians regard it as absolute, undeniable fact and truth. What is the Church's official take on Biblical accuracy?

During the second half of the interview, I will ask questions that are critical of Christianity. Again, this will be an INTERVIEW, not a debate. I will not sit there and pick apart every part of his answers. I will, though, ask follow-up questions when a contradiction is made or something.

If any of you have any questions that you want to know or think I should ask, please post them here. I will ask the church leader your questions during the interview. I need questions for both halves of the interview, so please post plenty of both!!!




I am collecting questions for the next couple of weeks. Do you have a question you'd like to ask a priest? Post it here:


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My advice is to ask

My advice is to ask questions which allow for only the smallest answer possible.  Try to ask as many yes or no questions as possible.  Try to ask questions which force a difficult but definite answer.  As you said, this is an interview and not a debate, so you must carefully phrase your questions much like a lawyer would in order to have the person you're interviewing do the debate part for you.

 Basically, simple questions, simple answers, simple truth.

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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that this interview will be filmed. So I will hopefully get to edit it, and if it's any good I'll see if Sapient is willing to put it on the site.


I am collecting questions for the next couple of weeks. Do you have a question you'd like to ask a priest? Post it here:


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Most religious

Maybe save these for the end of the interview: 

Most religious ideologies (christianity or islam for example) divide humans into separate moral communities of those who are "saved" (accept the dogma) and those who are "damned" (reject the dogma).  Since any thinking person can clearly see that this is a recipe for exclusion, conflict and eventually violence, how do we get religious leaders to stop declaring their ideology, incorrectly, as a "religion of peace" ?

Why is it that with few expections, nearly every believer in theism holds that the religious ideology that they were born into and that their culture promotes is the absolute truth and that all other theistic ideologies must be false ?

"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act."
George Orwell

James Cizuz
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Wear a bullet proof vest. A

Wear a bullet proof vest. A bomb suit, bring a gun, and wear a sign with "I am not Satan!".


You should be fine then. 

"When I die I shall be content to vanish into nothingness.... No show, however good, could conceivably be good forever.... I do not believe in immortality, and have no desire for it." ~H.L. Mencken

Thank god i'm a atheist!

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Well I looked deeper into

Well I looked deeper into my schedule of events and I'm going to have the actual interview in about 7 weeks. So I need some help fast here people! I KNOW there have to be some questions yall want to ask a priest!!


I am collecting questions for the next couple of weeks. Do you have a question you'd like to ask a priest? Post it here:


James Cizuz
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I always ask stuff from a

I always ask stuff from a priest in my local church when I pass by. If I have time that is. He's yet to answer one question right, but it's still funny.

"When I die I shall be content to vanish into nothingness.... No show, however good, could conceivably be good forever.... I do not believe in immortality, and have no desire for it." ~H.L. Mencken

Thank god i'm a atheist!

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I like personal

I like personal information. I find it more interesting than just question and answers about theology. I'd ask him if he can name the one thing that lead him to his beliefs, an epiphany, or a series of events that gradually lead him to belief in god?

Also, ask about doubts; if he's had any and what his thoughts are about that. It may spring the dialouge in a whole new direction. 

Good Luck! 



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I think Rab has some good

I think Rab has some good points there.  You should get the basic understanding of his beliefs, but then make the interview more personal, with some of the questions Rab offered. 

I would ask questions like...

What has the belief in God done for him? 

Has God answered any of his prayers?  How did he answer the prayer? 

Why do you believe Christianity is the correct religion, and not Islam or Hinduism? (kind of already been covered in an above post)

Ask him a question like What is going to happen to an Atheist when he/she dies?

What kind of evidence would you need to prove that Christianity is an illogical and false religion?  What kind of evidence would you need to prove that Jesus was not the son of God?


Hopefully you can get some ideas of off these questions.  Also I would be interested in viewing the video, once you've completed this assignment. 


alibata_katorse (not verified)
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if i would...

if i would be interviewing a church leader(priest/pastor/etc.), i would ask this questions:

> What made you choose this field?

> How did you became a priest/pastor?

> Are you happy with this field you chose?

> What are the difficulties you are facing being a priest/pastor and how do you solve these?


uhmm..thats all i could think.i hope it'll help.i suggest you interview a pastor.... just a suggestion..


God bless!^____~

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What made you decide to

What made you decide to become a comic book fan?

How exactly does human flesh survive rigor mortis?

OHHHHHHH, you want to pass this class.........never mind.

"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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It might help us to come up

It might help us to come up with questions if we knew what denomination/order this guy is.

NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


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It might help us to come up

Double post.


NoMoreCrazyPeople wrote:
Never ever did I say enything about free, I said "free."


Fishpaste (not verified)
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"So why do you believe in

"So why do you believe in god?"