Is The Bible Just A Story?
Posted on: May 15, 2007 - 8:44pm

Is The Bible Just A Story?
Off-topic posts from another forum moved here.
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Is The Bible Just A Story?
Posted on: May 15, 2007 - 8:44pm
Is The Bible Just A Story?
Off-topic posts from another forum moved here.
Copyright Rational Response Squad 2006-2024.
Hey Larry,
Let me start by saying that I appreciate your concern and the fact that you are able to respond with respect. Much love to you brother!!! I guess I didn't put in the evidence cause I figured you guys wouldn't want to hear it... but I see I was wrong. So here it goes;
Fact One: The earth is round
"It is he (God) that sitteth upon the circle of the earth"
--Isaiah 40:22
I do not know how Isaiah was able to know that the earth was round almost 2500 years before everyone else found out.
Fact two: The Earth is suspended in space
"He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth above nothing."
--Job 26:7
Okay... I was wrong. It doesn't say specifically that they earth is on an axis. But it does proclaim that the earth hangs in space which sets the bible apart from other religious texts that say things like; "Zeus holds the earth up" or "the earth sits on a turtles back" (I think that is from the Quran). Think what you will of this.
Fact three: We are made from the earth
"The Lord formed man of the dust of the ground"
--Genesis 2:7
"All go unto one place; all are of the dust and all turn to dust again" --Eclesiastes 3:20
Gosh, I wish I had the article that showed how humans molecular structure is very close to the dirt of the earth. I know that our bodys share all of the main elements in the earth; hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon and oxygen. I know this makes me look back but give me a little time and I will come back with the evidence (I only have so much time right now, lol) Regardless, the second verse is proven to be true with basic and rational knowledge, guys! What happens when we die? We decay and eventually turn to dust and give our nutrients back to the planet!
Fact Four: Underwater mountain ranges
"The waters compassed me about, even to the soul: the depth closed round about... I WENT TO THE BOTTOM OF THE MOUNTAINS" --Jonah 2:5-6
This is from a story that offers great validity to your claim that the bible is a myth. This is from the story of Jonah who, you all know, was swallowed up by a whale for three days and three nights. Cute story, eh? But Jonah says something here that he could not have possably known unless it was true!! He tells us that he was taken to the bottom of the mountains and this is in the context of him being in the belly of a whale!!! Crazy story but this is evidence that there is validity to it. We only found out about underwater mountains 30 or 40 years ago! So you can choose not to believe but you can't say it's all hogwash.
FACT Five: God Distills the rain through vapor
"For he maketh small the drops of water: they pour down rain according to the vapour thereof; which the clouds do drop and distill upon man abundantly" --Job 36:27-28
This simple verse has remarkable scientific insight. The drops of water which eventually pour down as rain first become vapor and then condense to tiny liquid water droplets in the clouds. These finally coalesce into drops large enough to overcome the updrafts that suspend them in the air. I know this doesn't say anything about the sea but it still holds scientific relevance, though it may be very simple.
I would like to offer some other evidences that the bible is more then just a book.
Fact six: Every star is different
"For One star differs from another star in glory"
--1 Corinthians 15:41
All stars look alike to the naked eye. Even when seen through a telescope, they seem to be just points of light. However, analysis of their light spectra reveals that each is unique and different from all othersFact seven: Giant humans walked the earth
"There were giants in the earth in those days; when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bare them children and they became great men of the earth, men of renown"
--Genesis 6:4
This is a topic that even most Christians are too close minded to believe this.... gee... imagine that, hahaha
. The bible is talking about how angels came down and slept with women and there children became great giants. This sounds absolutely insane to all of you, I understand but what if there was evidence. Well, there is. Recentely, achyoligists (spelt wrong, I know) dug up the multiple skelentons of humans that were over 30 feet tall. If evolution can be validated by missing link skelentons then so can a wild claim such as this. They found the skelentons outside of saudi Arabia and in other places of the middles east. Here are the photos to prove what I am saying:
(Sorry the link is so long... Post the link to the webbar. If there is a problem, let me know and I will get another link)
FACT SEVEN: Dinosaurs walked the earth
Gosh guys, I don't have the time to type out the whole scriptures. Go to Job 40:14-24 and Chapter 40. It speaks of large creatures that feed on grass and have bones like "Beams of Iron". I will come back and repost with the whole scripture later. Basically, Dinosaurs walked the earth and the bible briefly talks about them.
FACT EIGHT: Isreal's history is accurate
Gonna make this short. You all know the story of Moses in the land of Egypt and the exodus. Well, evidence has proven that there was a great exodus out of egypt. I will get the hard evidence later but researchers found materials in th area that proved the theory that a great number of people moved out of Egypt during that time. Does it prove the whole story? No! But it still adds its validity.
Also, The bible details the history of the nation of Isreal. It speaks in the books of Isaiah and Jeremiah how Babylon came and took Isreal captive into their land. Folks, this too is historically accurate. Babylon (or Mesopotamia) was a real place, not a fairy tale. The Isrealites were held captive in Babylon until King Cyrus (spoke of in the bible) came to Babylon, from Persia, and conquered the nation. In his compassion he brought the Isrealites back to there land and helped them rebuild the nation... just as God promised in the bible.
Final Statements. Do any of these things prove that God exists? Absolutely NOT!!!!! No one has seen God at anytime. I can not be ignorant to say I have proof that he does not exist but you can not prove that he does not. The point of all these facts is to show that the bible is more then just a "fable" or a "good story". There is proof that there is a lot more to this book.
Do I want to you all come to Jesus... well yes, haha. But really... I respect your decision to live the way you want to... it is your gift and choice. All I ask is this; treat our sacred texts with respect.
Peace be with all of you
I only have time right now to deal with the first of your claims, because I have to go to work. I will be back to take up the others. Here goes:
The claim that this shows the earth was round is specious. It is very convenient to use the King James translation without reference to others, isn't it? Check the Contemporary English Version;&version=46; for a slightly different view, and the Amplified
Bible;&version=45; for even a different translation of "circle."
If the KJV were the only source, let me ask you, do you have a "circle" of friends? Does than mean that they are all round?
For centuries, other "scholars" of the bible in many different translations had access to this same verse, and they killed people who claimed that the earth was round. You will have to look elsewhere for at least this "proof" of the bible.
I gotta go. . . but I will be back to answer the rest of your post.
With all do respect Larry, I don't really understand your argument. The earth is round, a circle implys that the earth is round. Other transulations say sphere but I don't read other transulations. The King James Version is the only bible I read, the others are twisted and edited so they can put copyrights on it and make money.
I checked out that other version of the verse and that is exactly why I do not read other transulations. They completely tore apart that verse! I beleive that the King James is the purest form of the word. All other transulations are all about making money.
For your circle of friends example... no, I think that is interpreting the verse to far. I think the verse means what it says, that the Lord sits on the circle of the earth.
In using "circle" of friends I was not interpreting the bible. Unless you are stupid you know very well I was offering an example of another way the word might commonly be used. I thought I could reach you with something reasonable, but I see that you are sufficiently divorced from reason that my continuing this may be a fools errand. Nevertheless I shall press on. A little later, as I said.
Hey man... unless you are under the age of 15, lets talk like adults.
So heres the deal... I don't call you stupid and you don't call me stupid. Okay? We can just talk as rational people would talk to each other. We can agree to dissagree. All I'm saying is that only punk kids in High school call each other stupid... not adults. Come on, man!!! You're smarter then that!!!
You should know, but apparently do not, that the bible was written over many generations by dozens of authors and in different languages and dialects. To insist that only one translation of those original documents can be correct is foolish. Often other translations are useful to shed light on the real meaning of passages. The word "circle," as an example, was translated by one source as "horizon." That changes the meaning of the passage. Of course, you reject it because it goes against your argument. But to claim that the translator changed meanings in order to make money is not even a debate tactic. It is merely desperate. Stupid? No. Desperate? Certainly.
Your right... there is no room for conversation with you. Everything you said about me is basically how you are acting as well. We could have had a conversation, but forget it. So you mean to say that the verse is saying "the Lord sits on his circle of friends"... huh??? That doesn't make any sense.
Really, This website is something else. There is no room for meaninful conversation here.
Ya just don't get it.... do ya Larry?
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
Job 36:33 "The noise thereof sheweth concerning it, the cattle also concerning the vapour."
Using your method of scientific anaylsis I guess this verse is discussing bovine flatulance?
Isn't the Bible just the word and beliefs of King James?
A circle is a two dimensional object.
There are also passages that describe being high enough to see all the kingdoms of the earth. If it's describing a literal circle, it's describing a flat one. Unless this is simply equivocation and it wasn't meant geometrically (if the translation is even accurate to the original text), in which case the argument is even more moot.
I think the facts stand for themselves.
Huh?.. I must have missed something as all I've seen you do is quote lines of a fairytale.
Which "facts" are you speaking of?
omg Largo, you're my hero. *dies*
Judge: god, you have been accused of existence! What do you have to say for yourself?
god: I am innocent until proven guilty, your honour!
uggg... I am not even going to dignify that with a response because you will not look into the evidence. If this evidence is a fairty tale then evolution is a lie that a bunch of biased people cooked up
So let me get this straight... the bible is just a "fairy tale" and yet it spoke of giant's walking the earth. hmmm... seems to me like the people that wrote the bible either made an incredibly accurate guess or that this here proves that at least that one verse is absolutely true.
If this is meaningless to you then you might as well consider all the missing link fossils as meaningless too. Because if you don't, then... friend, that just means you refuse to listen to reason and solid evidence
Thats one mighty large femer bone!!!! But the bible is just a fairy tale.
This evidence proves that the bible is just as valid as evolution.
Okay... so these pics have absolutely nothing to do with the topic, I still thought you'd get a kick out of them.
Someone's never heard of "forced perspective."
Thank you for proving my point... Evolution is not real either... it's just your "forced perspective".
Please, speak plainly to me.
Yikes -- is that your MySpace you linked to? Whoever it is needs to get back on their meds.
Monday, April 09, 2007
The truth about the New Age/World Order
The New Age - A Pathway to Paradise ? (1983)
If you have the time, please watch this video. I found it to be very enlightning... uhh, no pun intended. If we open our eyes we can see that the new age movement, as well meaning as they are, is part and parcel to the coming NEW WORLD ORDER. They are calling for it!!!! They want world government, for petes sakes. I know that there are a lot of new agers out there (many of them are very wonderful people) who reconize the evil forces that are trying to bring the NWO into power but they need to see that they are being decieved.
You have no hope of standing against the coming world system unless you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal lord and savior. The Kabbala will not help you. The Pagan gods and goddesses will betray you. You can find no hope in meditation (although it is very helpful to your immediat life). The ONLY hope you have is in the blood of Jesus Christ!!!! If you do not know Jesus then you will except the NWO when it comes; you can count on that.
Friends, God doesn't want a single one of you to be decieved. Wake up and effectively resist!!! Live for Christ!!!
Thank you for proving my point... Evolution is not real either... it's just your "forced perspective".
If only there were some kind of massive database of reference material so you could find out what "forced perspective" means.
Please, speak plainly to me.
I thought I did.
Yeah, that is my myspace.... lol, I take your comments all in stride brother. Many of the things I have spoke on that website are true. You can't say they are not because you have not done your homework on them.
No, you did not speak plainly regarding the photos. I am just a simple person, I am not really all that smart. You have to just speak plainly and say; "look, this is what I feel". You responded with the typical response that goes around this website, belittling sarcasum but I understand. I think those photos threaten your views on God and that is just a natural way to react to it. Those photos prove at least one part of the bible and since there is really no other way around that, you said it was my "forced perspective". The fact is, those are the skelentons of 30ft tall humans that were on the earth at some point. They are a valid part of history and the bible spoke of them.
Just don't tell yourself, If I had proof that the bible was true, I would believe because you are looking at it.
p.s. noticed how I didn't really need to demean or belittle you whatsoever in this comment? It's because I know in my heart that what I am speaking is true and nothing on this website can threaten that.
I apologize for the sarcasm.
Your photos, however, are in the process of being individually debunked in the other thread you started. You shouldn't let the pressure to find the preferable answers to your questions take priority over your ability to think critically.
Contradictory verses:
Job 9:6, Job 38:4-6
Isaiah also said:
Isaiah 11:12 "four corners of the earth" Circles do not have corners.
Job was a very confused man if indeed he existed. Are you ignoring his predilection for 'pillars' to support heaven and in Job 9:6 it says:
"Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble."
There are a lot of hits and misses to this idea of the bible saying round earth hung in space. For hundereds of years, the church declared that the earth was flat and the underside was hell and the sun rose instead of the earth revolving around it and rotating.
These problems of astronomy in the bible are irreconcilable. Even in the books not chosen for the KJV, these same problems are present. That is the cause of our incredulity with regard to your claim of these being 'facts'.
Actually, your just counting the common pieces and leaving out the other pieces. Silicon is abundant in dirt, yet not in our bodies.
Likewise, our bodies only contain about 3% Nitrogen while dirt can contain significantly larger percentages depending upon where it is on earth. We have to have a 'middle man' for our nitrogen usage. We must also have organs to deal with excess nitrogen in our bodies.
Ummm. Mountains by the sea wouldn't stop when they got to the sea. Even a bronze age kid would know that the mountains would eventually reach the bottom of the sea. I think you're stretching on this one just a wee bit too far.
Here's the problem that you might have overlooked: "For he maketh..." Assuming that simple observation showed the writers of the bible that clouds were water, they still didn't know why it rained. They just knew that clouds contained the water and that water evaporated.
For a very long time, we have 'seeded' clouds with silver iodide in order to make it rain when we wanted it to. There are many other methods, this was the one I remember off of the top of my head. My point is that 'He doth not maketh it rain'.
Many people WANT to do this. However, you're trying to make a story book fit facts. I see this all too often with other forms of media like movies. It can be quite scary when someone starts believing everything they read and projecting the book onto life itself. Art is supposed to imitate life, not the other way around.
If every star formed the same then I could almost buy the idea that the universe was ordered by something other than gravity and chemistry.
To the naked eye, galaxies look like stars. Again this is simple bronze age observation of the cosmos. Without the means to differentiate stars from entire galaxies, this is just poetry not science.
Listen. I'm trying to be nice, but if you persist in disseminating false information then we're not going to have a choice with regard to your sitemember status. This one is absolutely ridiculous and I believe you know it to be so as well.
If you run across stuff like this then you need to double check it yourself. There is a huge difference between open-minded and loose-minded.
I'm not even going to address this. You know better.
You said it yourself: "Does it prove the whole story? No!"
Does the existence of Joseph Smith prove mormonism's outlandish alien stories?
Also, there are many missing pieces of Israel's history left out of the bible because it didn't jive with the picture of their jewish ancestors the church wanted to convey. Do a timeline for yourself and see where the missing pieces are left out of the KJV.
Only if one is willing to take every word of a single book as 'gospel' without checking out what it is saying.
I cannot do that because your alleged 'sacred texts' are used on a daily basis to subvert the true facts in these instances.
You're shutting out everything that goes against what you want to see. The troublesome part of this is that you would accuse others that they just don't see your own truth.
My question is: Don't you think that if these things were as true as you believe them to be that we would also see them that way?
I don't think you're giving the people that doubt, and contradict with evidence, these things their fair shake.
I wish I could have some, but there are just too many people in the world that shut they eye of reason and roam blindly about. I wouldn't be much of a fellow human being if I just let you go on about your merry, deluded way would I?
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
No disrespect but your either stupid or you think I am. These are all known manipulated pictures.
You're really acting like a troll and wasting my time. I refuse to acknowledge your idiot posts. Get back in the tree and stay there...
Hope I didn't seem rude...
I have to say, that as someone who uses Adobe Photoshop daily, these are obvious fakes to me, and while I could spend the time creating a concrete arguement along with definitive proof that these images are indeed fakes based on pixel inconsistancy, lighting and shadowing inconsistancy, and issues concerning the correlation between the images, I'd rather not waste my time on an obvious phoney.
If you don't have the common sense to know that if this were true, I'm not sure if you should be using a computer for any reason, you might hurt yourself. Think about this, if these photos were true it would be on every major news network (including Fox News) and actual scientific sites would be talking about it.
What have you brought to the table? Photoshopped pictures. I hope you sincerely do not believe that I am an armless, legless torso floating aroung in an off-orange frame in the middle of space with an RRS badge floating behind my head. I assure you, this too is not the case.
YOU shut the fuck up! WE'LL save America!
I just died a little inside.