Next time some idiot says America was founded by Christians show them this.

“Of all the animosities which have existed among mankind, those which are caused by difference of sentiment in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing, and ought most to be deprecated. I was in hopes that the enlightened and liberal policy which has marked the present age would at least have reconciled Christians of every denomination, so far that we should never again see their religious disputes carried to such a pitch as to endanger the peace of society.”-- George Washington, letter to Sir Edward Newenham, Oct. 20, 1792.
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Source, please? This quote is well-known for being interpolated by Christian Clerics... George Washington NEVER said this.
No, I don't wonder why - because I KNOW why.
It was officially added to our currency in 1956 in a vain, offensive, and vile effort to "scare" the "atheist communists" of the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
The notion that communism is specifically an atheist philosophy is slandereous, at best. In reality - the Christian bible supports communism ever so much more than your general atheist will (see Acts 4).
However, fear mongering and demonization of atheists worked - and the public allowed the President and Congress to post this hateful statement on our currency (as well as inserting "under God" into the pledge in 1954)
Because of this history - these two phrases are an IMMENSE slap-in-the-face to all atheists. because of the history behind it - having "In God We Trust" on currency is about as offensive as "Beat your N*gger" would be to citizens of African decent.
You should be completely ashamed that your nation is still promoting this vile, hateful, and prejudicial decree in its pledge and on its monies. This is why so many atheists desire for its removal. It is NOT that we're trying to have things our way - it is because of this hate and discrimination against us - which should NEVER be tolerated.
How would you feel if, instead, the national motto on monies read "Christians are Nazis"? Would you seek to have it removed, then?
Apotheon, who are you to be declaring what the President's personal religious stances are? Do you have some special insider information of him denouncing Christianity?
When I said that we are not a Christian nation I meant it in the sense of Christian Russia for example who had a Christian emperer. But most of our founding fathers were Christians. There was roughly 250 founding fathers for America. 95% of them were Christians. Thomas Jefferson was founder of the Virginia Bible Society. He even had his own Bible wher he put all the words of Christ in sequence and ommited the rest of the Gospel record. He did this as a missionary tool for the indians. David Barton is an American historian. I recommend his site:
The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator -- Louis Pasteur
I haven't heard him specifically denounce Christianity. This would be detrimental to his reputation. But he is not a Christian. He is a member of the occultic organizations the Bohemian Grove and Skull and Bones. See When he quotes the Bible on television, he always substitutes the words "Christ" and "Jesus" for "God." This is because Masons are fobidden to mention Christ in lectures. I don't have proof he is a Mason, but I do have proof his Father is.
The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator -- Louis Pasteur
That infowars site is equivalent to UFO/psychic sites and those who say 9/11 was an inside job.
I've been studying men's clubs and secret societies as part of my professional work for about 20 years.
Freemasonry is not a religion. We know which of the founding fathers were Masons because the Masons keep records, which are available, along with all their other "secret" information if you know where to look.
None of the Masons' internal documents makes any reference to prohibitions against saying anything in a speech. If there were such a rule then George Washington, who we know for sure was a dedicated Mason, violated it by referring to "God" many times in public speeches.
Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove do not have occult motives or connections. Like most secret societies, they are social networking organizations.
"After Jesus was born, the Old Testament basically became a way for Bible publishers to keep their word count up." -Stephen Colbert
And in the US, you can't be a Freemason without believing in God.
Well , at least if you want to learn all the best secret handshakes.
My Artwork
You need to get a new brain. Who cares what names he uses. Part of a cult...hmmm, not seeing it. Cult members are generally creepy people. President Bush is just another example of a conservative Christian. Enough said.
Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
Textom, most Masons do not know the true teachings of Masonry untill they are initiated to atleast the 33rd degree. It is a religion, and their god is the devil (AKA Jebulon). Albert Pike received personal messages from Lucifer with instructions on how to initiate three world wars. Two have passed and we are on our way to the third. Masonry is a satanic religion. Only the highest people in Masonry know the term "Jebulon" but I was never a Mason. I received my information from another source.
The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator -- Louis Pasteur
You think we are trying to claim that our goverment is owned by atheists? Show us where in any of our posts we ever claimed that.
"Secular" dispite what you have been sold is not Stalin like facism. "Secular" meand NEUTRAL.
Our government is supposed to be neutral on the issue of religion and leave it up to the individual |"on your own time with your own resources".
A secularist can be a Christian, Jew, Buddhist ect ect ect. It is someone who recognizes that you dont wash your dishes in the bathtub and that a court or classroom is not a prayer service for Jews/Christians/ect ect ect. It just means WE recognize that OUR government is OURS and should not play favorites.
Again, so? What does that have to do with anything. Again, read the constitution. It speaks clearly about the founders intent of keeping an open mind.
Washington wrote a letter looking for a mason to build his house and when asked he said he didnt care what religion they were, even an atheist. IF he would allow someone godless to build his house, I'd bet he wouldnt give a second thought to voting for an atheist if he thought it would be good for the country.
"If they are good workmen, they may be of Asia, Africa, or Europe. They may be Mohometans, Jews or Christians of any Sect, or they may be Atheists.
-- George Washington, letter to Tench Tilghman asking him to secure a carpenter and a bricklayer for his Mount Vernon estate, March 24, 1784, "
Jefferson wrote his version of the bible or "Jefferson's bible" which you can look up on the internet, stripping it of what he called |"magic". He was accused by critics of being an atheist. If he wrote that today there is no way he could get ellected.
He also equated the virgin birth and death of Jesus being in the same myth class as Minervia being born out of the brain of Jupiter.
"The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter.
-- Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Adams, April 11, 1823, "
Your disingenuous implication is that since we dont believe in a god/GOD/diety, somehow we cant partisipate in political life.
Doesnt have jack squat to do with the LAW of the Constitution that does not have any requirment on any level anywhere that makes it manditory for somone in office to swear to their Free Masion deity, or Jesus or vishnu or atheists.
The entire point of the first Amendment, oath of office, and "no religious test" is to provide a means for all citizens the oportunity to compete in political life.
So, if your intent was not to say atheists arnt covered by the Constitution, then dont say, "The founders were not atheists" which has absolutly nothing to do with how they wanted OUR government to work.
They would have absolutly no problem with any decent person believer or non-believer running for office. "none of them were atheists" makes it sound like you are implying that they didnt want us around.
So, please avoid saying things like that if you dont intend as coming across as wanting a government excluding any citizen, because that is the implication in that statement.
"Iran is an Islamic government" yes, but that doesnt mean every single citizen in that country wants their goverment to favor sunnis over shiites, and I am quite sure some find it opressive to all citizens.
What is important in America is remembering that OUR REFFS, Judges, Lawyers, Cops, Congress all remember that every citizen who is in good legal standing all fall under the LAW of the Constitution and that OUR Constitution is not owned by Jesus/Yahwey/Allah/god/diety/gods or atheists. It is a goverment of the people, for the people and by the people, and WE all are different. Our goverment needs to stop proping up religion and treat its citizens as individuals, not ATMs for religion.
Stop using the fallacy that because the founders were believers of some sort, that all of them would exclude an atheist from political life. If it was that important to them to exclude atheists, they would have put somewhere in the Constitution "no atheists allowed".
The all believed that your thoughts and your beliefs were not their business and YOU dealt with that on your own, without fear from them, nor aid either.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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and being a mason has negated being a Christian since... when?
Of course they didn't exclude atheists from the constitution. Even if every one of the founding fathers was a Christian, they wouldn't have implemented that into the constitution...why? Because there were no atheists. Everyone believed in a god of some sort. There really was no basis for atheism until Darwin came along with the whole theory of evolution. If you were an atheist before the time of Darwin, you were ridiculed and lost every debate because there was no explanation for atheism. There were no answers to the big questions of life. But there were plenty of answers for theists, because it's very easy to say "god created it all." Even if there had been atheists though, they still wouldn't have put something in the constitution about atheism, because they wanted America to be a country without religious preference. They had seen the destruction brought about by such narrow-mindedness.
Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
A Christian cannot be a Mason anymore then they can be a Satanist. The Catholic Church, Orthodox and Protestant Churchs have gone on official record denouncing the errors and heresies of Masonry. The Catholic Church even excommunicates its members if they are Masons. Masonry has a conspiracy for world domination, and their god is the devil.
Many, if not most of the highest people in governments are Masons or controled by Masons. Their goal is to bring about war and to eliminate Christianity. Most of the Soviet rulers behind the Russian Revolution were Masons and atheistic Jews. These are evil forces working under the auspices of Antichrist. Many, if not all, of them are his apostles of Antichrist. They are going to lead this world into a one world order, and a one world religion where Antichrist will sit as head and absolute ruler. Science will finally admit to intelligent design, but the Antichrist will attribute this design to extra-terrestrials, not God. He may even claim to be an extra-terrestrial and even stage a landing. He will perfome great miracles and most of the world will fall into his tight grip of deception. In the end, he and all his minions will be instantly incinerated at the coming of Christ --2Thess. 2:8.
As for Thomas Jefferson, he edited the Bible by only having the words of Christ listed in his Bible because he felt this would be a good missionary tool for the indians. Jefferson was also the founder of the Virginia Bible Society.
The more I study nature, the more I stand amazed at the work of the Creator -- Louis Pasteur