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Since Lev. 11:7 says touching the skin of a dead pig makes one unclean, do I need gloves to play football? |
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The verse is right. Pigs roll around in the mud all day and are probably covered in bacteria.
Lol. But then everything is unclean.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Yeah, but a long dead pig (rotting) is probably covered with all kinds of scary bacteria. Besides, ever play football in the mud? Just goes to show, pig skins make you dirty.
If you were playing football, then you would be kicking the ball. With your feet. Unless of course you happened to be the goaltender, in which case you'd probably be wearing gloves anyway.
LOL, I was talking about US football. The one that's similar to rugby.
Oh man, I'm gonna catch shrapnel for comparing football to rugby.
The answer is no. It is not a sin to touch a football, only a dead pig.
1st a football is not a dead pig. It's missing several key things to be classified as a pig. Namely everything except the skin.
2nd and the more likely correct answer (though I suppose the above could be considered correct) is that you should try to understand the underlying reasons for why a specific law was made. It wasn't healthy to touch a dead animal, so it made one unclean to touch it. It was God's way to avoid explaining the scientific reasons behind it to a group of people that would have never understood the science behind it.
3rd -- It is possible to view the law as not applying to gentiles. The law was given to Jews and Jews have to obey it. In fact the New Testament actually states what Old Testament laws gentiles have to obey.
Umm....footballs aren't made from pigs - they're cowhide and have been for at least 30 years.
"Like Fingerpainting 101, gimme no credit for having class; one thumb on the pulse of the nation, one thumb in your girlfriend's ass; written on, written off, some calling me a joke, I don't think that I'm a sellout but I do enjoy Coke."
I'm guessing that the reason a football is sometimes called a "pigskin" is that the earliest footballs were made from actual gutted pigs. However, that is not the case today. Footballs are made of leather, either real (moo) or synthetic.
How DARE you even THINK of blaspheming the most Holy name of American Football!
j/k don't take it too seriously
But all joking aside, I really don't understand why touching a football would be considered the same level of sin as eating bacon (mmm, bacon). Maybe it's because it's called a pigskin, but as I've said, "pigskin" is a misnomer.
Good night, funny man, and thanks for the laughter.
What's the difference between american football and rugby?
Rugby (and I say this as an American) is more fun to watch. It doesn't stop every three seconds for a commercial.
"After Jesus was born, the Old Testament basically became a way for Bible publishers to keep their word count up." -Stephen Colbert
Rugby players don't wear wimpy body armour. WIMPS!
There's actually two different games which go by the name of Rugby, one is Rugby League, which is rather boring and stops on the slightest contact, the other is Rugby Union which is far more exciting. I myself play neither game, far too rough for me, but I am partial to a kick about at football.
It's goalkeeper! Call yourself a footy fan. Pish. Having seen a bit of Yankball it just looks boring. I mean there are players who only exist to beat the shit out of other players, there's very little ball skill involved. I was about to make the same joke though Losing Streak. Damn you.
Atheist Books
US Football is my favorite sport - these guys are obviously tough, as you got guys weighing 300 lbs or more running into each other full speed - if they didn't have pading people would die!
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Actually, I don't care for association football. I happen to be an American, and so I'm much more partial to American football. Sure, it doesn't have anywhere near the finesse of "soccer," but it has more violence. And we Americans are very very fond of our violence. That there are players whose sole purpose is to run full speed into other players is a testament to that fact.
A shopping cart handle or elevator button is typically dirtier than a muddy field.
The difference between rugby and US football?
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Most Americans find soccer slightly less exciting than watching grass grow or paint dry.
That was very considerate of him.
So, when is god going to provide the updated version of the bible that will take into account humanity's massive gains in knowledge?
Why did he have to make dead animals unhealthy to touch? He wouldn't have had to make these silly laws if he'd just made it ok to touch dead animals.
Also, why couldn't he just give them the scientific knowledge that we have now if he already knew it? If he had done that, think about how many people wouldn't have died during the plague or something like that. What was his reasons for witholding that knowledge and letting people die?
Since the bible was written by man, it makes sense to incorporate the social taboos that already existed. Religion is about controlling the people so it would make sense that you'd find taboos in every holy book.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
The number of waiting ambulances on the sidelines.
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