POSTAL: The Movie
![Iruka Naminori's picture Iruka Naminori's picture](
I ran across this in another forum I frequent. I hope no one has already posted this clip. I did a search and didn't find anything so here goes:
The American and European people are heavily swayed by the mass media that is supporting the USA strategy of resolving these threats through war. We have quickly developed an innate self-censorship in order to survive this crazed and fragile state of existence. People are now afraid to speak their mind for fear of repercussions. If Bin Laden is a crazed fanatic, mass murderer, are we to assume that George Bush is a wonderful leader? If Moslems are perceived as terrorists, then are all Christians and Jews doing the right thing?
The world is in need of a film that is tougher in it's humorous mockery of the globe than "SOUTH PARK". The audience is ready to approach this type of satire with live actors rather than cartoons. "POSTAL" will not accept any form of censorship.
Our present political situation is intolerable. We have deranged religious fanatics on one hand and lobbyists from the oil and weapon industries on the other hand. Both sides are actively working at destroying the planet. This world is slowly dying due to global warming and pollution caused by man’s corporate greed and stupidity. If intelligent people do not stop this madness, then our grandchildren will not experience life.
"POSTAL" will insult all cultures, religions, political groups and leaders. No one will be spared. The film is intended to provoke thought, laughter and open debate. Our world is out of balance and "POSTAL" will reflect just how fucked up we are.
I see myself as a member of the world community. I have no religious affiliation. Religion has often been a catalyst for the many crimes and wars throughout history. Religion allows people the opportunity to blame their actions on a higher source. We live in a world that is sensitive to people's religious beliefs. How ironic that non-religious groups fail to receive the same level of sensitivity from the establishment.
I agree with Salman Rushdie who said a few months ago in an interview something to the affect that we don't want to hurt your feelings because you are religious.… who thinks about the daily insults non-religious people are getting? How can the President of the United States think, that Adam and Eve were created by God, but Darwin is bullshit? How can they teach this in certain American states? This is an insult to everyone with an IQ over 100!
Apart from the firemen and rescuers of 911, how about the victims of the September 11th attacks that are now being labelled as heroes? I say that they were not heroes at all. They died in a terrorist attack. They were normal people and did nothing heroic but dying an unfortunate death.
Since September 11th, more than ONE MILLION AFRICANS, JEWS and ARABS have died in terrorist's attacks, civil wars and wars. Their lives and deaths were not featured by the mass media. Does this mean that their lives had less value than the life of a NY stockbroker dying in the World Trade Centre?
It's time to wake up!
May "POSTAL" shock, stir, offend and entertain you!
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Uwe Boll is a terrible director, Postal will probably be a crap movie that tries too hard to be edgy and just turns into a constantly-escalating latter of gross-outs and random violence, and the movie and Uwe's comments will undoubtedly be the best thing to happen to protest groups since the invention of a sign-on-a-stick.
But the opening scene from that clip with the terrorists getting concerned about how many virgins they're getting is absolutely fucking hilarious.
Götter sind für Arten, die sich selbst verraten -- in den Glauben flüchten um sich hinzurichten. Menschen brauchen Götter um sich zu verletzen, um sich zu vernichten -- das sind wir.
I'm going to watch it one way or another, but I have a feeling "11/9 the comedy" isn't going to go over too well with most people...
I mean people get upset about jesus jokes and they've had 2000 years.
On the bright side Michale Moore might have some company when they get arrested for terrorism or some shit.
I wonder how many people will be too stupid to get the jokes. I can imagine all the feigned outrage that will pop up when the movie is released.
I think that's the very point this fellow is trying to make: People get all pushed out of shape over everything. Yes, when someone murders your loved ones, you may long for revenge, but religionists murder your loved ones over a stupid lie, like + or - 72 virgins. ![Smiling Smiling](/modules/smileys/examples/001.gif)
I'd never heard of this director. On the other forum, he wasn't very well thought of, either. But I did find this video clip and his opinion of religion very interesting.
I don't recognize a lot of people in popular culture. About three years ago I became extremely disgusted with 1) the price of TV and 2) the fact you have to pay for CRAP before you can get anything decent. The reality TV trend was making me nauseous. They even imported that lame-ass format onto the Discovery affiliates. So when I moved into a new apartment complex and discovered DISH wasn't available and that Comcast wanted $90 a month for their least sucky package (which is still sucky), I said, "No thank you."
I'm also of the opinion that watching TV makes you more susceptible to buying into the worst parts of American culture. I've been doing polls for Polling Point for a couple of years. Last night I completed a poll about my TV viewing and buying habits and it didn't apply to me at all. I don't watch TV and I avoid shopping. There was no check box for "What the fuck is a 'Popeye's' restaurant?" or the myriad of other stores and brand names I didn't recognize. There was no check box for "I don't watch TV." Most of the poll was geared toward gauging how well TV was working on my buying habits. What buying habits? I buy necessites, mostly. The only extras I buy are supplies for a play area for my bird, computer supplies and hardware (either for me or for customers), Netflix (one at a time lately) and used books. That's about it.
I'm starting to feel like I'm really not a part of this society at all. First I didn't obey. Now I'm not consuming nearly enough. Guess I'm not a true 'murkan.
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The game (which is what this is based on) was pretty crappy, and I can imagine the movie will be too.
Was it? Last night out of curiosity, I looked it up on Wiki. The reviews were mixed (mostly negative), but parts of the game (Postal²) sounded funny on paper.
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you can alwas watch the speed run.
And seeing as how the movie is a boll baby, it's going to suck.
Uwe Boll is the most worthless hack piece of shit director on the face of the earth. Your brain is broken if you think this will be good.
That right there.
Since I have no clue who he is, I don't have any presuppositions. *shrug*
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He has a... uh... reputation. A lot of his recent movies were based off video games (like Postal) and they are pretty universally considered shit. Uwe himself is a whack job by any metric; he apparently thinks Bush was behind 9/11 and famously challenged some of his Internet critics to a boxing match, including owner Rich Kyanka -- although the four competitors were told that it was just for fun and that there would be no real fighting, Uwe clobbered all four brutally, with one of them throwing up after his match. For a while, his movies were financed by German producers taking advantage of a loophole in German tax law: if the films lost money they could write off 100% of their investment on their taxes. I can't imagine him getting financed any other way.
Götter sind für Arten, die sich selbst verraten -- in den Glauben flüchten um sich hinzurichten. Menschen brauchen Götter um sich zu verletzen, um sich zu vernichten -- das sind wir.
Damn it Germany! Again!