CNN bashes atheists.

These videos are from a bulletin Lunar Shadow posted on myspace. (SCROLL DOWN FOR SAPIENTS BACKLASH)
Part 1
YouTube link:
Part 2
Please follow the link below and contact CNN's "Paula Zahn Now" and tell them what a shitty job they did on selecting a panel to talk about Atheism (really would have helped to have an actual Atheist on there, no?)
E-mail Here
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I sent in my email.
likewise. I asked them if they wouldn't mind assembling a panel of atheists to discuss Christianity... no Christians allowed.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
First Thanks for finding the second part American Atheist I saw the first on Brett Keane's channel and then was at a loss...
A few points I have right now:
Most of those points I had yelling at my computer.
i was so pissed watching that one sided debate i was flipping off my screen as if they could see me!
One of those people should go on the RRS show, but I doubt it will happen.
At the request of zntneo I responded to the CNN moron fest. If you want to hear me calm and civil don't listen to this clip. Warning explicit lyrics:
About 27 minutes. I didn't make the strongest arguments I'd like to make, just went off the top of my head, but it's purpose was just for us to unleash a little on this clip that most of us were frustrated by.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Wow this is the most annoying thing I have seen in a while. Those two ladies were fucking idiots.
I like it, good job, Sapient.
They deserved it.
Atheist Books
I voiced my rage. Christian nation my ass. When even the Jew says this, you know you're dealing with dumbasses. This is the most offensive piece of material I've seen in some time. This is supposed to be CNN.
But how about those Bears?
About the US "being a Christian nation", I think you should have mentioned the treaty of tripoli, where in article 11 it says exactly "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion;"
Justa thought.
This is a signature. Marvel at its brilliance.
This is my very first post here and its a shame that it had to be about something like this but I absolutely wanted in on it.
These news organizations should be ashamed of themselves for alienating an entire demographic.
This is no way to conduct one's self in front of a global multicultural audience.
My letter to CNN-
This is in response to the recent ‘Paula Zahn Now’ interview discussing Atheists in America. Before I start, I want to note that I have held CNN in very high regards as an unbiased and fair news agency for many years. I have recommended CNN to numerous friends for years, but now my comments will change.
I am an Atheist. So naturally I tuned in to watch the Paula Zahn story on the Atheist family. I was nearly in tears due to the anger I had after hearing those offensive comments of the following discussion. I am utterly disgusted by the amount of ignorant and hateful comments so freely expressed by Karen Hunter and Debbie S. (I do not remember her last name).
Every single one of Karen and Debbie’s remarks were untrue, and completely judgmental. According to Debbie, Atheists are attacking solely Christian institutions and practices. This is absolutely not true. Christians make up for nearly 75% of America, so they are the most dominate religion in America. Of course we do not agree with forcing Christianity into government-run schools, courts, or agencies; but we do not agree with forcing ANY religion upon anyone. We want a peaceful society where people of ALL religions can feel free. And I can’t believe the implication that Debbie makes saying that Atheism is causing a rise of Islam in other countries. I shouldn’t have to explain how completely stupid that comment is.
Karen’s ignorant comment about how there are no Hallmark cards for Atheists is completely offensive and distasteful. How dare she and Debbie say that we need to shut up? We are standing up for what we feel is an injustice and a complete disregard of the Constitution’s Establishment of Religion Clause.
Paula Zahn was correct when she said that Atheists are the most hated among all minorities in the United States. The reason for this is because of the ignorance of what Atheism is about and our feelings towards other religions. We do not HATE Christians, or any religion for that matter. We do not act violently in response to countless injustices- we contest them in legal ways. Nearly 14% of Americans do no believe in God, which is the same percentage of African Americans in America. It is time that the media begin to respect that, which CNN obviously does not.
I applaud Steven Smith for his defense, although still biased. How come there was not an Atheist present to discuss, or more appropriately, defend our social beliefs and political viewpoints? I could go on for hours about this but I think my point is clear. I expect a response, whether it be the expected ‘canned’ response or a more respected individualized response, or you will indeed lose a loyal viewer. I do hold CNN responsible for these comments simply because it is their responsibility to insure the equality in the news and messages that they send out. I appreciate your concern in this matter, and do hope that better decisions will be made in future discussions about Atheism.
I am collecting questions for the next couple of weeks. Do you have a question you'd like to ask a priest? Post it here:
This was my comment to CNN:
Under NO other circumstance would any legitimate news broadcast exclude members of a group pleading for an end to its discrimination or for that matter allow the suggestion that they "shut up." Even FOX News would not stoop so low.
I can't even articulate words right now. I've never been so fucking pissed off in my life. It's a good thing I'm not a Christian, or I'd have to look to my incredibly violent book of beliefs for a way to deal with this anger.
This video disgusted me. I will be blasting the living fuck out of it in my blog once the week is over. In the mean while I wrote to CNN:
"As an atheist and a scholar of religion I found your recent piece 'Do atheists inspire hatred?' very disheartening and biased. Your discussion panel consisted entirely of theists, could you not find an atheist to give his/her opinion? Or at the very least have managed to pick a religionist outside of the Abrahamic line?
The debate reeked of misinformation and propaganda. This country was not in the least founded on the Christian belief, as proclaimed by Washington himself in the treaty of Tripoli. This country was assembled by atheists, Christians & deists, with the express purpose set forth in the first amendment. If anyone of your panelists read it they would not find the words 'Freedom of religion". They would instead find: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.'
Hence, the amendment does not say we, as citizens, are compelled to have a religion, but in fact we can not pass any law that respects any establishment there of.
I whole heartedly advocate next time you desire to speak on a topic as sensitive as theistic opinions, you actually stock your pool of supposed 'expert' debaters with people who have some knowledge concerning the law, history of the United States and the diversity of theological views, which is the basis of this gathering. Where did you find these people, in a church pew/synagogue? Were there not enough scholars of theology in your vicinity? I assure you, a mere inquiry to any institution of higher learning would have assuredly found you someone more befit to speak on this topic than the people you haphazardly selected.
I will be forwarding a clip of your piece to everyone I know, accompanied with a very harsh critique. Unlike the misinformation your supposed 'experts' spewed, atheists are not a mere 2-3% of the American population. Non-theists make up between 10-13% of this county. 30% do not adhere to a religion. You have just insulted and mis-represented phenomenally more people than you initially surmised."
I was pissed too.
Those black Christians should at least be able to ask their parents what discrimination was like, "Those upity blacks need to shut up".
The Jewish woman pissed me off the most though.
She said she didnt mind "God" .
Hey stupid, do you really think most Christians think "Yahwey" when they say the pledge or look at the money. Do you really think most christians would put up with Torrah or Talmud readings in front of a class.
YOU are as much a second class citizen as I am. Why do you think we have never had a Jewish president?
Another lie was that atheists werent complaining when Muslims conducted cerimonies in a public classroom.YES WE WERE AND SO WERE ALOT OF CHRISTIANS.
Our goverment institutions are not churchs, mosques,synogouges or godless. THEY ARE OURS and should be neutral.
That clip made me want to puke so bad. I too was yelling at that clip. And it was extreemly dishonest to not have an atheist there to counter them live.
News media is not that at all anymore. It is propaganda and pandering.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
Absolutely amazing - I sent an email of protest, which I basically have never done before to any organisation. Having that fundie in the film, and following it with a panel like that would be unthinkable if the persecuted family were Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim... ''Freedom of religion is not the same as freedom from religion'' one of the panel said. Huh??
I didn't read this entire thread, but I wanted to add this: It's amazing to me that a black woman would say "They need to shut up." After everything the black community has been through (in this country specifically), you would think that she would look at beliefs and descrimination differently.
Hold on one second... watch the first video, or at least the beginning of it. Paula Zahn says that there are nearly 3 million people in this country like them.
Um... there are actually closer to 30 million atheists/agnostics. HOW ARE YOU OFF BY 27 MILLION?! Holy Zeus, I mean seriously people... do a little research!
And if you are referring to the entire Non-Christian population of America, then you are talking about nearly 75 million people.
They should think about that next time they do a piece that so bluntly criticizes one belief using Christianity as a basis for their argument.
I am collecting questions for the next couple of weeks. Do you have a question you'd like to ask a priest? Post it here:
Some emails from my box:
Thanks CNN for a hidden positive!
Another email...
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
My two pennies thrown in the CNN wish fountain:
I'm writing in response to your panel discussion about discrimination against athiests.
Holding the discussion without an athiest on the panel seems a gaping omission and says a great deal more about the topic than the words of the panelists.
It is my right as a human being to publicly denounce the mythology of my childhood when I grow up and find that it isn't consistent with the observable natural world (which I find wonderous beyond words).
The assertion that "athiests believe in nothing" is, on the face of it, utterly ludicrous.
One doesn't have to be an athiest to believe that if something is true, it will stand up to skeptical examination. The assertion that the United States is a Christian nation does not stand up to skeptical examination, when one takes the time to read the writings of its founders.
The believe that one must believe in a supernatural higher power in order to refrain from immoral behavior also falls apart under scrutiny. The reader is invited to look at statics of Muslims/Christians versus professed athiests among prison populations, just for starters.
As Muslims, Christians, and Jews reject all gods but one, so I reject all those plus Yaweh. The burden of proof rests on the believers. Show me the evidence.
It is a mistake to equate critical thinking with a belief in nothing.
(I'm new to the board and wrote the above in a hurry. Howdee yall. Thanks for RRS)
I confess to a certain sentimentality about the mythology of my childhood. Prayze Jebus!
You see, i support the patriot act. why don't those arabs just shut up. They are not a significan population here and if they don't want to pray to the Almighty God they don't have to. They have a pretty weak campaign. They are just mad because they don't have any good Allah cards.
I'm a jew but God's cool with me. What do they want do they really want? Look at the middle east, they are weak because of their religion, they don't have strong christians like in america......
Look at how ridiculout it'd look if u replace atheist with arab, asian, black, or spanish, or any minority. It'd never hit there air. Why is this ok to do to atheist? This is only reinforcing that we are the most hated minority. No way would this hit the air if they were to talk about black people like that. I'm beside myself right now. I don't know why i'm upset, they were so ridiculous ignorant it was almost laughable. But just that smirk on the black girl's face, i wanted to slap it right off. Don't get me wrong i'm not a violent person, i wouldn't really do it. But the way she thought she could attempt humor and make herself look more ignorant and stupid than i thought possible. I don't even have any respect for the pulitzer prize any longer, for letting her win won.
This was a dark day. i hope it backfires on them and many more atheist cry out in protest.
Just use your head.
Im not going to even bother posting my thoughts on this one. It is the same as others. What a fucking morning killer. I can't believe how they can actually say that. How can someone say that kind of thing? I can't imagine ever spitting out suck ridiculous things out of my mouth. How can anyone say that? it sounds like a school yard bitch fit. Sigh* this pisses me off... time to send in my reply....
Anyone who e mailed them get a reply?
I'm listening to the MP3 right now. The 2 bitches were complete idiots. They so need to hear Sapient's response.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
no response yet, i'm waiting though. It's almost funny, it's like having 3 basketball players talking about the midget experience in American society. I can't believe they didn't bring any athiest on. Why didn't they get Sam Harris, Brian Dawkins, or Sapient. Sapient would have did it for free! I couldn't do it, because i'd have proven all sterotypes and just told them how big of morons they sound like, and how ignorant they are. I would have tried to say may facts and Karen whatever her name was would have started to talk over me, and i'd have lost my cool. No way your finishing you point with those 2 idiots on stage.
Just use your head.
Could you imagine ANY news organization doing a story on discrimination against African-Americans and the panel being an average white guy, David Duke and the Grand Wizard of the KKK, or against gays and it being an average straight guy, Fred Phelps and Pat Robertson? That would be what this was like.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
See, even I was being polite in my prior post here. If I had been there I would have said, "How did your parents like it when most people said "shut up nigger!"
How quickly people forget history. I am sure their parents can remember seperate bathrooms and water fountains and seperate schools. But yet when we express concern over a Christian monopoly on what it means to be an American we are expected to take the back seat of the bus just like blacks did based on Christian discrimination against blacks. How quickly they forget.
I will give the one guy credit for saying, "They have the right". But that was the only bright spot in all that venom.
And the Jewish woman cant even get ellected President or apointed to the Supreme Court and she thinks it is "OK" God is plastered on goverment symbols and property?
WHO IS SHE FOOLING trying to rectify what is clearly OUR goverment saying, "Dont worry Christians, "God" means the god of Jesus, but we will pretend it is universal so the other religions and non-beleivers think we are being fair to them"
That Jew is an Uncle Tom, those black Christians on that pannel have no intent on considering her for our highest goverment offices.
I dare that Jew to ask if she could read a Torrah in at a football game. I dare her to ask the Supreme Court to say Yahwey, insted of God. If it is supposidly universal then it should be ok to incert your deity whenever you like.
The bottem line is that "God" in OUR pledge and on OUR money IS NOT AND NEVER WAS GENERIC OR UNIVERSAL! It was put there by Christians for Christians and is an establishment by our goverment to assert unconstitutionally that Jesus runs our goverment. Then they lie and say that is not what they are doing.
"No Religious Test"
Freedom of religion depends on a neutral goverment. A neutral goverment does not equall a godless country.
I was more pissed at the Jew than I was the blacks but both should understand discrimination because there was a time in America when most Americans who claimed to believe in Jesus at that time hated both blacks and Jews.
CNN I am sorry to say held out and resisted religious pressure to pander, but it is clear that they have no journalistic guts and have caved into coorperate and religious pandering.
ABC seems to be one of the last and few that are brave enough to face people with things they need to hear.
FOX AND CNN AND MSNBC are nothing more than competing propaganda machines all cheerleading for different versions of Jesus.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
crazy, ignorant or lying anyone?
that was such a hatchet job, the wry rabid smile on Karens face said it all.
Myspace Music page
I'd say ignorant for all 3 - though the man was much less ignorant than the 2 women.
how long ago was it when people were saying "why don't those niggers just shut up?" "They don't have to live here why don't they just go back to africa if they don't like it, this is a white nation" or "They don't have to take the bus to work, they can walk. They don't have to eat in resteraunts they can cook at home" I know how absurd these arguments are but that's exactly what she sounds like. I'm ashamed for her. though we are different people i am saddened that the black people bit the christianity thing hook line and sinker. they are more religious than most it seems. Do you have any idea of the looks i get when i say i'm an atheist? They think "what a black atheist?" they ask me if there is something wrong with my family, or if i live with my real parents. It's nearly unheard of.
I was so embarressed, the sports announcer sounded all folky "i mean i read it, and i heard about it, well i aint gone believe that" what a fucking jigaboo, he sounds like. And the black woman embodies ignorance. and the jewish lady is just stupidity. she sounded so stupid and brainwashed.
Shame on all of them. I wonder if it was a coincidence that they had three "minorities" throwing stones at the minority that's at the bottom of the pile. How stupid they all look, while the old white filthy rich corporate executive is laughing at all of the morons acting like crabs in a barrel, just pulling themselves down. I'm hangin my head down.
Just use your head.
If I being white said that to you now, would it make you feel more at home? Jeeze, its as if a seperate bathroom isn't good enough for you. I bet you hate King and Mandella YOU YOU YOU YOU COOTIE SPREADING GODLESS DARKY!
(Note to Brian37: You are a white cracker and an atheist)
Ooops, strike this post. Nothing to see here. Keep moving.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
i just recived a generic "we don't have time to reply to all the emails" email in my inbox , they also sent me links to the transcript of the show... yay
The best cure for Christianity is to read the bible
Here we are, back in the dark ages again....
I'm rounding up TONS of rational thinkers to bombard CNN
Hope you all do the same
Synaptic Chaos
Thanks to christians, i'm an athiest.
"To whom it may concern,
I am writing to express my disappointment in regards to the Paula Zahn Segment on Atheism. While I found the general tenor of the story to be problematic, my main gripe is with the "panel" employed to discuss Atheism in America. The panel consisted of two professing Christians and one woman who identified as Jewish. Why did the producers of the show/segment exclude an Atheist or, at least, Secularist to discuss the issue?
While I also have individual criticism geared towards the content of the remarks made by members of the panel (as well as the gross misrepresentations by Mrs. Zahn in regards to statistics on unbelief in this country), the mere fact that there was no voice representative of Atheists, Freethinkers, Secularists, etc. was and is unacceptable. While many conservatives criticize CNN for leaning left in their (your) news coverage, I always considered CNN's take on the news of the day to be truly "fair and balanced". That position is no longer tenable, given the treatment of this story by Paula Zahn and the panel. From now on (or until CNN releases a sincere apology), I choose to watch the news elsewhere.
Good Day,
Geoffrey (Brooklyn, NY)"
I'm off so you can only find me here:
I'm wondering if this will be mentioned by the FFRF. Dan Barker or Anne L Gaylor would have been a good representative.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Shut up darky! How dare you tell a black minority once opressed by a Christian white majority they cant tell a cracker like me I am a worthless peice of scum because you and I dont buy myth!
How dare upity minorities question the status quo!
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I sent a comment into Paula Zahn's show. Perhaps the two women would have felt different. Let's say one is Black and one is a Jew and let's just suppose those two groups experienced discrimination in the past. Do you think they'd feel differently? Well, perhaps we should have a Klan member, a Neo-Nazi and some non-racist white guy to discuss the issue.
Now as I remember Atheists never got prayer out of school. With all the "see you at the pole" events I'd think there's still plenty of prayer. The Supreme Court case which forbid the government from requiring students to say Christian prayers was started by a Jehovah's Witness. Check me if I'm wrong but I figured JWs were Christian and believed in a god. Funny for Atheists to identify themselves by saying they are a witness for god but I was sacrificing babies at the time and probably didn't hear the woman correctly over the screams.
At least the guy on the panel was level headed and compassionate towards our civil rights. I somehow doubt Zahn has much power over the choice of her guests. Probably some producer dragged some people in thinking that if they get some anti-Atheist minorities then everything will appear balanced.
The experience was typical though. There's a story about Atheists being discriminated and the theists want to announce how they are really the persecuted ones and we should just feel sorry for them. I didn't like how Zahn said we're only 1% of the population, as one of the nuts pointed out the number is actually much higher.
It's good to hear from you guys.
Here's what I wrote:
It is disappointing that you didn’t have the courage to have and actual atheist in your panel on ummm… discrimination against atheists.
Anyone with a month of part-time internet research on atheism would be able to hold their own against the tired arguments dredged up by your Pulitzer winner. There is no shortage of “professional” infidels like Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Lori Lipman Brown, or Brian Sapient who would have ripped your panel to shreds.
Congratulations, you have become as ‘fair and balanced’ as your competitor.
""The time appears to me to have come when it is the duty of all to make their dissent from religion known."
- John Stuart Mill
The Auto-Response from CNN-
Thank you for the e-mail you sent to Paula Zahn Now. This auto reply is your notification that we have received it.
While we are unable to personally reply to every e-mail, your comments are important to us, and we do read each and every one. Comments become part of the viewer response report that is prepared and made available each day to our producers and senior management. If you have mistakenly submitted a question or story idea through this comments section, please allow time for it to be tagged as such and routed to the appropriate persons for handling. Additionally, by sending us this email, you are granting CNN the right but not the obligation to include any or all of your message (along with your first name and city) in our programming.
Man, I hope they do.... heh heh heh
I am collecting questions for the next couple of weeks. Do you have a question you'd like to ask a priest? Post it here:
I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for any of these to be aired...
I just joined the forums, though I've been a visitor to and intellectual supporter of RRS for some time. I found this CNN piece to be laughable. It's unfortunate the panelists confirmed the very thing they were supposedly "discussing"--that atheists enjoy widespread discrimination. I think CNN was trying to do a public service, to some degree, by bringing forth this issue of discrimination against a segment of society. (Or if not that, it is at least incendiary enough to get alot of viewers to tune in.) And I personally find it a good thing that this is even showing up on the news because it means that theism/atheism is an active debate in society. But yeah, those panelists were horribly biased, acting as judge and jury of a group they don't represent. The panel belittled the atheist position and it was, ironically, a theist who defended that position. Like all of you are asking, where is the atheist representative? That is the biggest hole in this incomplete story.
Homo sapiens sapiens? How about homo insipiens sapiens: the foolish, wise human.
I can't believe that CNN would stoop so low. That was the worst piece of "unbiased" media I have ever seen. I had to send them my thouhts on their show. I thank the RRS for helping me become a more outspoken atheist. If it wasn't for you guys, I wouldn't know where to turn to in times likes these. What follows is my email to them.
I have NEVER in my life found something so appalling and biased on any news media that it made me write a negative comment to their website/blog. Today marks a new day, a day in which CNN went from being a credible news source to stooping to the lows that not even The National Enquirer would stoop to. I was disturbed at your show on atheists and was dumbfounded at how biased and discriminatory your panel was.
First of all, no one in your panel was an atheist, so that an analogy of that would be to have white Christian and Jewish men serve on a panel to talk about whether or not blacks/Hispanics are being discriminated upon.
One of the things that every one on the panel agreed on, even the Jewish woman, was that America is a Christian nation. First of all, that is the biggest lie being fed to America within the past few decades and it is so wrong, that it's astonishing how it's still around this day in age. Let me quote the Treaty of Tripoli, which was written under the authority of George Washington: "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion..."
What truly made my blood boil was when Karen Hunter said that atheists should "shut up". What made it so appalling is that it came from an African-American. Can you imagine if Malcolm X or Dr. Martin Luther King had been told to "shut up" for their views on the rights of African-Americans, I'm sure if someone said that to them, they would be as appalled as we are.
I do believe that we should get rid of "In God We Trust" and "Under God" from our currency and pledge. The Constitution was made to separate church (God) and State (Gov't issued currency).
I do not agree with Ms. Hunter when she states that we should bring back prayer in public schools. First of all, taxpayers pay for public schools, and since "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" (1st Amendment), we cannot make prayer in public schools a law.
Lastly, Ms. Hunter states that the reason she wanted to bring back prayer into schools is to have a higher moral ground for children. Ironically enough, atheists make up less than 1% of the prison population. So who is more moral, in the law abiding sense of the word, atheists or theists?
I truly hope that CNN never pulls a stunt like this ever again. It would be shameful to even the worst of journalists.
Muslim students have prayer before game. Christians have renamed it "Hezzbolah High" and "Dearbornistan."
Students are taught religion as history and were given the option to do it as extra credit. They were not required and were able to opt out and given another extra credit choice.
Flemming Rose: “When [christians] say you are not showing respect, I would say: you are not asking for my respect, you are asking for my submission….”
Calling America a Christian nation? Why not call it a white nation too?
You have no clue about Atheists. You lump the actions of a few and paint a ridiculous picture.
Most Atheists are in fact ex Christian so it makes sense for them to attack their former religion.
I'm an Atheist Jew. We have different rules. I will always be an ethnic Jew.
I spend much of time blogging in support of Israel, and against radical Islam. I know many other bloggers who do the same. And many are not Atheist Jews.
I guess Jews should shut up too since it is a Christian nation. If Jews are vocal that Jesus wasn't the Messiah.
The fact is that Atheist numbers are growing, and religion on a child is a form of mental cruelty. Yes children don't know any better, so I why are they told all the superstitious nonsense from day one?
The Muslim nations are full of believers, maybe you relate with them more than you let on.
Interesting fact. Atheists are under represented in US prisons, which are full of believers.
Denmark and Sweden have the largest amount of Atheists by percent in Europe. They are not going to hell as nations.
I guess we should just praise Jesus in school.
Quit telling people you are Jewish. It is embarrassing.
-The Atheist Jew
My letter:
I would have to say I am terribly disgusted with the discussion on Atheism. The whole conversation with Paula Zahn, Steven Smith, Debbie Schlussel, and Karen Hunter is incredibly one-sided and inaccurate.
Out of the three of the people who I feel was even slightly thinking rationally was Steven Smith-but the other two girls, Debbie Schlussel and Karen Hunter, are just entirely one-sided and ignorant.
I have lost all respect that I have had for CNN after this discussion-if for nothing else but being so one-sided and not at least putting one Atheist on the panel to also discuss.
Below are some comments from the discussion with my responses…
“What do you think about Atheists being outspoken about their religious beliefs?”
~~Atheists do not have any religious ‘faith’. Atheism is not a religion. It is a lack of a belief in a God (or Gods). Simple as that.
“(Atheists)They don’t have any beliefs. What do Atheists believe? Nothing!”
~~Atheist simply means – ‘a’=without ‘theism’. So Atheism is simply a lack of belief in a God(s). An atheist can hold a belief in something (such as the belief that the sun will rise tomorrow)-what they cannot have is ‘faith’ (faith being the belief in something without evidence/proof).
“What are we going to do take ‘in God we trust’ off of our bills, ‘one nation under God’ out of the pledge? We took prayer out of our schools what more do they want?”
~~First of all, ‘In God we Trust’ was not added to the dollar bill until 1961, while the phrase ‘under God’ was not added to the pledge until 1954. They were *added*. It wasn’t something that’s always been there. – Please do your research.
As far as taking the prayer out of our schools-there are so many different religions and faith, it is not fair to pick strictly one to ‘pray’ to. If you want your child to pray in school, send them to a private, religious school.
“We are a ‘Christian Nation’.”
~~While many people in this country may believe in a ‘God’ figure, it does not mean that they have the right to force others to believe, or force them to say anything such as ‘under God’. Also it may be wise to keep in mind that this nation was founded primarily by people with Secular beliefs. – Again, do you research.
“Freedom of religion does not mean freedom from religion.”
~~Is that not what the ‘Separation of Church and State’ is for? While no one can ‘escape’ from being around religious belief that does not mean that it should intervene with politics and education.
“The problem is, I believe, that you have these atheists selectively picking on Christianity. You have a case in California where school children were forced to dress as Muslims and learn from the Qu’ran. There’s a public high school in Michigan that says Muslim prayers at their football games. You don’t see any atheists complaining about that.”
~~I have never ever heard of any of these things happening in schools. If this is true, I would like a link to a story. I am atheist, and would be outraged at this kind of activity too. Any atheist that does have a problem with religion, is not going to be solely ‘against’ Christianity. The only reason in some recent events on the news that Christianity is addressed the most is because the larger sum of this nation has some type of belief in the Christian faith. Also, making the assumption that all atheists are ‘against’ Christianity or any other religion is absurd.
“What happened to ‘love thy neighbor’ and the idea that we should be able to practice free speech?”
~~Where is it that the atheists are trying to suppress free speech here? It seems to me that you are complaining about atheists using their right to free speech.
“You’re entitled to believe in what you want as long as you’re not imposing your beliefs on other people.”
~~Is that not what you’re doing by keeping ‘under God’ in the pledge, and ‘in God we trust’ on bills?
“If they had Hallmark cards, maybe they wouldn’t feel so left out.”
~~There are a variety of places online and offline that Atheists can buy holiday greetings.
“I think they need to shut up and let people do what they do.”
~~Once again, who is trying to suppress free speech here?
“I think they need to shut up about crying wolf all the time and claim that they’re being imposed upon.”
~~How are they not? When other’s beliefs are constantly shoved in their faces? The perfect, more mellow examples of this were given at the beginning of the discussion – ‘under God’, ‘in God we trust’.
“I personally think they should’ve never taken prayer out of schools. And they did that because they had some Atheist take it to court well then don’t pray. Don’t pray.”
~~Who is to say that a child cannot pray by one’s self at their desk? Nothing is stopping them from doing that. Also, wouldn’t praying in public really be against Jesus’s teachings anyhow? See Matthew 6:5-8
“And what about this obnoxious Michael who took his daughter all the way to the Supreme Court trying to get ‘under God’ taken out of the pledge of allegiance? The kid doesn’t know what’s going on.”
~~Back to ‘Separation of Church and State’. A student can always say ‘under God’ on their own – but it should not be taught or be forced for a child to say it that way.
“You can pick an Atheist out of a crowd.”
~~This is just ignorant.
“Can you explain to me where you feel the assault?---You know, they’re not hurting anyone. I personally don’t have a problem with an Atheist believes or don’t believe what you want but don’t impose upon my right to want to have prayer in schools. To want to say the pledge, to want to honor my God, don’t infringe upon that right.”
~~Apparently she does have a problem – but are you not imposing upon someone else’s rights by forcing prayer into schools? And again, Matthew 6:5-8.
“Now let’s look at Europe where there are more Atheists. Europe has lost God. The church is not that strong. Europe is becoming Islamist. It’s fast falling, and intolerance is increasing. That’s the one reason our country has not become like Europe because we have strong Christians. Because Atheists are not strong and I think that’s a good thing.”
~~More ignorance. I’m not even going to bother trying to explain the whole Europe/Atheist/Islamist thing. If you can not tell the difference between Atheism and Islam, you have a serious problem. And on the note that Atheists are not strong-I would have to say this is incredibly inaccurate. If that was the case you wouldn’t have so many Atheists speaking out today.
Here is the response I sent Zahn:
Article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli states “The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion”. I am appalled but not surprised at your panel’s lack of knowledge in regards to our nation’s history. A great many of this nations founding fathers were Deist not Christian (Jefferson, Franklin, Washington, Paine, etc...). Why one of your panel members would state that this is a Christian nation is beyond me. The 1st Amendment clearly calls for Religious/state separation, appealing to the masses in a logical fallacy like an appeal to popularity makes her statement foolish and callus.
The pledge of allegiance originally had no mention of God. In the middle of McCarty’s “Red Scare” the government at the behest of the “Knights of Columbus” decided to add the infamous words in 1954. If you think that’s shocking you should check out the original salute.
Not only do Atheist deserve equal rights, they could teach all those Christians out there a thing or two about their bible. Would you hold respect for a group of individuals who follow a book that tells them to kill disobedient children? Deuteronomy 21, 18-21; Matthew 15:3
Christians are also atheistic towards the 3000 other religions and gods still worshiped on this earth. Do they believe in Wotan, Zeus, Thor or Mithra? No they don’t and why not? Atheists simply don’t believe in one less god than they do.