CNN bashes atheists.

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CNN bashes atheists.

These videos are from a bulletin Lunar Shadow posted on myspace. (SCROLL DOWN FOR SAPIENTS BACKLASH)

Part 1

YouTube link:

Part 2

Please follow the link below and contact CNN's "Paula Zahn Now" and tell them what a shitty job they did on selecting a panel to talk about Atheism (really would have helped to have an actual Atheist on there, no?)
E-mail Here

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Hey Rich, it's great to

Hey Rich, it's great to hear from you. Smiling

The verse is Matthew 15:4, but your response is good.

I hope everyone sends them more messages and posts them on here.

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You know, I just watched

You know, I just watched the video again (its like a viral video, I cant stop watching) and take notice to the big minitor in the backgroud after Karen Hunter says Atheists need to shut up. It changes to "Are Atheists Too Militant?"

 Too militant? How are we too militant?! When was the last time Atheists took to the streets and rioted?! When was the last time someone committed murder in the name of Atheism? When did we lead crusades to kill off a rival religion?

 Those kinds of leading questions imply a negitive implicatio- i.e. that Atheists are militant. It shows that Paula Zahn isn't innocent, and I believe the inverview went exactly how Paula Zahn Now wanted it to.


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Does anyone have a direct

Does anyone have a direct email address to the show's comments section?  I've tried sending my response but the form either isn't taking new letters or it doesn't like my 3-pages-in-Word complaint.

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I vote the three pages there

I vote the three pages there bud. Narrow it down to a basic arguement. You dont really have to teach them anything but instead just let them know that they f*cked up. I'm positive that they got a lot of hate mail today, a 3 page letter probably isnt going to tell them anything they don't already know now.


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Yeah, you're definately

Yeah, you're definately right on that.  I just had that three pages of disgust and outrage that had to go somewhere... now its a file on my computer.  I'll see what I can narrow it down to.

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Trust me, if I had said

Trust me, if I had said everything that I wanted to say to them, I would have had a hell of a lot more than three pages!


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Compressed... here's my

Compressed... here's my message... I hope my chop shopping it didn't lose my intent



I have just finished watching the special report on discrimination against atheists in America, and after watching the panel of "experts" and the way the discussion was handled, I can easily say that you have just proven that discrimination does exist and that this show was only made to enforce it.  I have had to suppress outrage and anger at what I saw tonight in order to voice a letter of complaint.  What your show has done harkens to a vision of discussing African American Rights by inviting David Duke, George Wallace, and Strom Thurmond.  You cannot seriously expect the atheists in the public to believe what your show has done was unbiased after having not a single atheist or even a non-theist like a deist or an agnostic to speak for the side of the alleged oppressed.


Instead, two Christians and a Jewish woman treated us to a regurgitation of propaganda.  Only Steven Smith said anything in our defense, but his disagreements were weakly squeaked forth through his apologetics and rhetoric.  The bias of this "debate was very well summed up here...


Paula Zahn: "Are any of you going to defend them here tonight?"

Karen Hunter: "No, I agree with her one hundred percent."


We were told that Atheists believe in nothing, which is trite and false.  I hold to beliefs that were fought for and had blood shed for them by men and women of all creeds, colors, and heritages.  I am an American and I believe in the rights my great country affords me.  I hold to the moral code of humanism.  If I see a person suffering, I am called by my belief to help.  I believe that since we cannot know if there is a life beyond this one, we should do all we can to make this one right and good.  If that is nothing, then yes, I stand for nothing.


Two of the panelists claimed that we are a Christian nation out right.  If we are a Christian nation, explain why the constitution has no mention of God or Jesus or the Bible and why allow the first amendment, which allows a person to worship any god they want, which clearly breaks the First Commandment of having no strange gods?  If we are a Christian nation then why does article 11 of the Treaty of Tripoli state "As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion;"?  I find it odd that people constantly claim what is not true, and do so even though we in the Non-Theistic community have pointed this out numerous times.


Then we are told that Atheists just need to go get our own Hallmark cards.  How dare an issue of oppression be trivialized into Hallmark cards!  Even reading that line again causes my ire to well up.  I guess there should have been more Black People cards in America during the 50's and 60's, I bet then the black community would not have felt so left out.  We are the target of discrimination, and this "expert on the issue" trivializes us to paper holiday greetings.


Finally, the most erroneous statement... one that I feel will soon be disproved.  Karen Hunter claims that atheists are weak, and that this is a good thing.  I can only guess the numbers of atheists that have written in angry at this debacle and I can only begin to imagine the public outcry we will make in our forums.  We are not weak.  We stand up for what we believe and we will not be shamed by a horrible biased report!  Atheists are no longer quiet and the Theistic world is doing everything it can to try to shame us underground again.  Well, we are not going to go away.  We are out here, and we are going to stand strong.


The Regular Expressions of Humanistic Jones: Where one software Engineer will show the world that God is nothing more than an undefined pointer.

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Good letter HJ, I hope with

Good letter HJ, I hope with all the others sent in someone in CNN just realises what a crock they've broadcast.

I wonder if atheists started flying planes into buildings or shooting doctors whether 'commentators' and the news media would listen better?  Oh, but that's right, if you know you only have one life and its precious you don't do crazy shit like that.

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Does anyone know when this

Does anyone know when this aired?? I'm looking through transcripts of the show and I see absolutely nothing on the topic of Atheism.

 Ironically though, she does seem to have something about racism in America nearly every single show. So being judgemental and stereotypical about race is bad, but to say the same about a religion is A-OK?


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This foul peice of Commetary

This foul peice of Commetary is obviously not the fault or intention of Paul Zaun (besides the fact they didn't have any rational responders on the commity). WE sould give the good folks at CNN a fair chance to redeem themselfs. We should use this golden oppertunity to get some quality air time. I think we should demand a 45 minute rebutle to every claim maide by these irrational respoders. If they do not meet our reasonable demands we will call for a national boycott of CNN...and FOX while were at it.

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I e mailed them now: Your

I e mailed them now:

Your segment on discrimination against atheists was awful and something I'd expect from FAUX News rather than CNN - you didn't include an atheist and 2 of the 3 people were very anti atheist. If the segment was on discrimination against African Americans would you have had as a panel David Duke, The Grand Wizard of the KKK and an average white guy? Or for discrimination agaisnt gays Fred Phelps, Pat Robertson and an average straight guy? And why didn't anyone counter the nonsense about the US being a Christian nation? I was offended as a non-supestitious person.

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I still cant find when this

I still cant find when this show aired. The transcripts of the show are listed on the CNN website, but I don't see any of them relating to an atheist family.

Anyone else see it?


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Email to Karen Hunter

Hey, folks --

 I was so infuriated with the piece that I personally wrote Karen Hunter, the first commentator asked about her opinion on the show.

 My original email:

Thank you, Karen, for reminding us of the real spirit of bigotry.  You’ve inspired me to become more of an activist for my naturalistic philosophy (which necessarily entails atheism).  Your turn on CNN will be aired fifty years from now with the same effect that much KKK propaganda footage from years past has now on us.

To adopt a particularly Christer-ish phrase – burn in hell.


Of course, it seems a little caustic now.  But that CNN piece really burned me up.  Here's her reply (from two separate emails):

Thank you. Enjoy.

And then,

and that burn in hell does that make you any different than what you accuse me of?

Of course, by this time, I had regretted the tone of what I originally wrote, so here's the reply that I sent back just minutes ago:

First -- thank you. Sincerely, without reproach. From my heart, thank you for reading my email and replying.

For far, far too long now atheists, humanists, freethinkers have been pushed, threatened, berated, spit upon, and hated by a dominant theistic society. My reply to Paula's story (and your comments on it) is a reply to hateful and ignorant rhetoric (read: vocalizations bereft of any sort of knowledgeable content or civility).

If by your reply you mean that the measure of vehemence I've written you is no different than what you and your fellow commentators have shown us -- then I wholeheartedly agree. That's the point.

But there is a strong difference. My reply is a retort, an unadulterated return upon a caustic mischaracterization made by you.

The difference is that you and others with the same backward mindset push....and push....and push...

And now we're only pushing back. For our freedom to participate in this wonderful society built upon Enlightenment ideals ensconced in the Constitution, and for our civil rights as a minority.

Thanks for your time and consideration.


I just think it's important to not only reply to injustices, but inform others of the continuing battle.


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Ok that was

Ok that was educational.
Look at the money that is involved in this show.
These 4 people are adorned with hundreds of dollars worth of clothes, each.
$1000's of dentistry.
An unknown amount of plastic surgery and makeup.
And they are that stupid?

I mean what in the hell?

People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.

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Due to restrictions I can't

Due to restrictions I can't watch the video's myself, but I can't say this bothers me too much either. Maybe if CNN was a credible news organization it would, but the world knows they are merely american propogandists and that even al jazeera is more credible.

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Update: Richard Dawkins will be on Paula Zahn tomorrow at 8

Karen Hunter responds to the criticism (buries herself some more):

Haren Kunter responds to the criticism:
For the record, to compare atheism, again a choice, to someone who is black is definitely off.

Let's put this to rest. I hate no one. you have the right to believe or not believe anything you want. Just don't compare your plight to some sort of civil rights issue. It's not. You choose to be an atheist. I didn't choose to be black. I have never seen a sign that read: Christians Only. You never had to sit at the back of the bus because you're an atheist and I cannot recall a single atheist being hung from a tree or drag from behind a truck until his limbs fell or shot at 50 times just because he was an atheist. So while you are in the minority in thus Judeo-Christian society, you are far from persecuted

A second response is posted shortly thereafter:

Soundbite television does not give anyone an opportunity to fully express their views. I hate no one, I believe people have the right to believe or not believe anything they want. Just don't impose your views on me. I want prayer in school. If you don't want to pray, don't pray. you won't be locked up for not praying, nor should you be vilified or bothered. That's your right. But if I want to pray with my students, I can be fired.

You chose to be an atheist. You weren't born that way. It's a belief system and no one has to know unless you walk around with a sign or throw in people's faces. Live and let live. Do what you want. But if I believe that this society lacks morality and I believe that the kids in my neighborhood would be better served by having a little of that in their lives, please don't go to the Supreme Court to ensure that they don't. It doesn't impact on your ability to not believe on iota, does it?

Debbie Schlussel responds like an ultra maroon stating Atheists are future Muslims:


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I am going to need a couple

I am going to need a couple of days to calm down from those responses... My non-existant god man... What these people are doing only reinforces what we are saying.

Karen responds in a fasion that trivializes our issues again.  We weren't born atheist?  No I came out praising Jesus and following the Catholic church.

 I can't even read Debbie's response all the way through, as she spouts her anti-islam rhetoric using atheists to further her hatred of a theistic enemy.

 But both make the big point.  When they want to push theism, its okay, its their right to do this.  But when we just want the right to be free from theism, we are intollerant and just need to shut up and deal with it.  So she hasn't heard of anyone being killed for their atheism?  She obviously isn't aware of the countries where apostacy is still punishable by death.  And why should we be quiet and keep our beliefs to ourselves?  They don't have to, so why should we?  This is just like any other civil rights issue, and they want us to be quiet and accept their place for us in their world.

This whole ordeal has raised a thought in my head.  A scary thought.  We've had our representatives on their shows now and each time their only recourse has been to pull the pundit equivalent of sticking their fingers in their ears and shouting "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!"  They haven't won a debate with any of our people and only manage to make themselves look like the winners by the use of editing and taking scathing callers after our reps are off the air.  Now they've decided to leave us out of the discussion and I can only wonder if this is the new way things will go.  They can't win the argument when the atheist expert is actually an atheist, so they make the experts theist and then they can win hands down.  Anyone else see it too? 

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I genuinely cannot believe

I genuinely cannot believe what I just read in Debbie Schlussel's article.  Atheists are Muslims in waiting etc? 

This woman is either so full of fear and hate it's warped her mind or (possibly worse) she doesn't really mean most of it and is trying to make a splash for publicity purposes.  What's most disturbing is that exactly the same accusations towards Muslims of national takeover, enslaving the world etc that she is spouting were levelled at people of Jewish background within living memory!!! Meshugah or what?

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500 years ago, they thought

500 years ago, they thought left handers were sub-human, but now most realize they are wrong.

150 years ago, they thought blacks were sub-human, but now most realize they are wrong.

25 years ago, they thought gays were sub-human, but now most realize they are wrong.

What makes them think they are right now? 

AImboden wrote:
I'm not going to PM my agreement just because one tucan has pms.

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I just hope there are no

I just hope there are no left-handed, black, gay atheists out there - they must be wondering what they need to do to catch a break...

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I wonder if Anna Nicole Smiths Death Will Pre Empt Dawkins

Tonite on CNN.

I have a feeling that it will.  I hope not, CNN will have a pretty good audience tuned in.

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Wow.  I just woke up and

Wow.  I just woke up and looked at this thread for the first time.  What a hell of a thing to wake up to.

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Well, apparently Dawkins is

Well, apparently Dawkins is going to be on tonight, which sucks a little cause it's far too soon. We could've drummed up some support by playing the prejudice card and milked this one for all it's worth. Damn you Paula Zahn.

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Actually, Representative

Actually, Representative Barney Frank is a left-handed, gay, Jew, so that's getting pretty close.

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Dawkins was bumped for Anna

Dawkins was bumped for Anna Nicole Smith (who cares anyway) story.  Smooth move CNN, way to just keep fucking up. 

He's supposed to be on Feb 12th now, but with CNN's lack of truthiness, who knows when it'll really be.


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AModestProposal wrote:
Actually, Representative Barney Frank is a left-handed, gay, Jew, so that's getting pretty close.

I forgot about being jewish. 

AImboden wrote:
I'm not going to PM my agreement just because one tucan has pms.

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My email's in.  I told Zahn

My email's in.  I told Zahn to play the tape again and imagine that every time a panelist says the word "atheist," they are saying "jew."  Then to ask herself why those panelists thought they could get away with saying those things, and why she thought she could get away with airing it.

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HumanisticJones wrote: I

HumanisticJones wrote:

I am going to need a couple of days to calm down from those responses... My non-existant god man... What these people are doing only reinforces what we are saying.

Karen responds in a fasion that trivializes our issues again. We weren't born atheist? No I came out praising Jesus and following the Catholic church.

I can't even read Debbie's response all the way through, as she spouts her anti-islam rhetoric using atheists to further her hatred of a theistic enemy.

But both make the big point. When they want to push theism, its okay, its their right to do this. But when we just want the right to be free from theism, we are intollerant and just need to shut up and deal with it. So she hasn't heard of anyone being killed for their atheism? She obviously isn't aware of the countries where apostacy is still punishable by death. And why should we be quiet and keep our beliefs to ourselves? They don't have to, so why should we? This is just like any other civil rights issue, and they want us to be quiet and accept their place for us in their world.

This whole ordeal has raised a thought in my head. A scary thought. We've had our representatives on their shows now and each time their only recourse has been to pull the pundit equivalent of sticking their fingers in their ears and shouting "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" They haven't won a debate with any of our people and only manage to make themselves look like the winners by the use of editing and taking scathing callers after our reps are off the air. Now they've decided to leave us out of the discussion and I can only wonder if this is the new way things will go. They can't win the argument when the atheist expert is actually an atheist, so they make the experts theist and then they can win hands down. Anyone else see it too?

Yep. It's called media marketing. Dont think it is limited to so called news organizations. Marketing is merely telling the buyer what they want to hear so they'll give you money.

"Journalism" as sold to day is not journalism. Reporters worth their weight report on a story, they dont editorialize or offer opinions. CNN's Paula Zaun is trained just like Sean Hanity and Neil Bortz and Howard Stern.

There used to be unbias journalism in America, but that is fading fast and it seems the only way to get both sides of a story these days is by using the internet. I just hope coorperate goons and goverment dont seek to distroy that too. 

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Tonight on Dangerous Talk

Tonight on Dangerous Talk Staks will reveal the email addresses of the CNN panelists, hopefully will enact an email campaign next week with his help.


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Sapient wrote: Tonight on

Sapient wrote:

Tonight on Dangerous Talk Staks will reveal the email addresses of the CNN panelists, hopefully will enact an email campaign next week with his help.


I don't think I'll be able to tune in. Think you can post the emails here? 

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American Atheist wrote: I

American Atheist wrote:

I don't think I'll be able to tune in. Think you can post the emails here?

Yeah, what he said...


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If you haven't already,

If you haven't already, follow the link below and contact CNN's "Paula Zahn Now" and tell them what a shitty job they did on selecting a panel to talk about Atheism (really would have helped to have an actual Atheist on there, no?)

<a href=''> E-mail Here</a>

And if you want to direct your anger to the panelists themselves, here are their emails:

Stephen Smith (the sole voice of reason (sorta) - [email protected]

Debbie Schlussel

[email protected]

Karen Hunter

[email protected]

Here are my emails each of the panelists:


Dear Mr. Smith,

I am among the 3 million Americans (roughly 3% of the nation) who
identifies themselves as an Atheist. I will try to keep this short as
I'm sure your inbox has been flooded with emails for the past several
days. While I appreciate how you stood as the sole voice of reason
(albeit briefly) on Paula Zahn's panel discussing Atheists, I am at a
loss regarding why Paula Zahn felt you were an appropriate and qualified expert for such a panel. As far as I'm aware, you are neither an Atheist, nor do you hold any degree in Theology, Philosophy, or any related field for that manner.

But to get to my main point, I, like many Americans who watched the show, felt hurt by the prejudicial words spoken by the panelists on that program, especially when the panelists denied persecution of Atheists even occurred mere minutes after that very show covered a story about one such case of persecution. Again, I know that you tried to draw a line when you realized your fellow panelists went too far in their bigoted words, but the Atheist Community and I still feel that we are owed a very public apology as Atheists are frequently represented in the media in a negative light. I hope that, as a member of a minority group yourself, you will sympathize with our cause to be treated fairly and will do the right thing. Thank you for your time.

Your friendly neighborhood Atheist,


Dear Ms. Schlussel,

I am among the 3 million Americans (roughly 3% of the nation) who
identifies themselves as an Atheist. I will try to keep this short as
I'm sure your inbox has been flooded with emails for the past several
days. I am at a loss regarding why Paula Zahn felt you were an
appropriate and qualified expert for such a panel. As far as I'm aware, you are neither an Atheist, nor do you hold any degree in Theology, Philosophy, or any related field for that manner.

But to be brief, I, like many Americans who watched the show, felt hurt by the prejudicial words spoken by the panelists on that program, especially when the panelists denied persecution of Atheists even occurred mere minutes after that very show covered a story about one such case of persecution. The Atheist Community and I feel that we are owed a very public apology as Atheists are frequently represented in the media in a negative light. I hope that you will sympathize with our cause to be treated fairly and will do the right thing. Thank you for your time.

Your friendly neighborhood Atheist,



Dear Ms. Hunter,

I am among the 3 million Americans (roughly 3% of the nation) who
identifies themselves as an Atheist. I will try to keep this short as
I'm sure your inbox has been flooded with emails for the past several
days. I am at a loss regarding why Paula Zahn felt you were an
appropriate and qualified expert for such a panel. As far as I'm aware, you are neither an Atheist, nor do you hold any degree in Theology, Philosophy, or any related field for that manner. But as a Journalism professor as well as a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, you more than any of the other panelists must be held to a higher standard. Impressionable, young minds look to you to provide a compass for fair and balanced journalism. Now I think if you are honest with yourself, you'll agree that your behavior on Paula Zahn Now was anything but professional, fair, and balanced.

But to be brief, I, like many Americans who watched the show, felt hurt by the prejudicial words spoken by the panelists on that program, especially when the panelists denied persecution of Atheists even occurred mere minutes after that very show covered a story about one such case of persecution. The Atheist Community and I feel that we are owed a very public apology as Atheists are frequently represented in the media in a negative light. I hope that you will sympathize with our cause to be treated fairly and will do the right thing. Thank you for your time.

Your friendly neighborhood Atheist,


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By the way I heard on the

By the way I heard on the NonProphets podcast that Debbie Schlussel is a FAUX News correspondant, and when atheists e mailed Karen hunter she'd send something nasty back and then block their e mail.

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Karen Hunter wrote:

Karen Hunter wrote:
You chose to be an atheist. You weren't born that way. It's a belief system and no one has to know unless you walk around with a sign or throw in people's faces. Live and let live. Do what you want. But if I believe that this society lacks morality and I believe that the kids in my neighborhood would be better served by having a little of that in their lives, please don't go to the Supreme Court to ensure that they don't. It doesn't impact on your ability to not believe on iota, does it?

Atheism is a choice kind of like how rejecting the claim 2+2=5 is a choice. Knowledge is like fashion. Today I believe 2+2 is 7, tomorrow it's 9. It's all a choice, and we should respect all choices!

This woman is a mockery of the Pulitzer prize, not that I held it in that high a regard to begin with, but it still at least meant something. 

If atheism is a religion, why am I paying taxes?

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If she actually won it, they

If she actually won it, they need to really rename it the "Pullet Surprise."

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Karen Hunter wrote: You

Karen Hunter wrote:
You chose to be an atheist. You weren't born that way. It's a belief system and no one has to know unless you walk around with a sign or throw in people's faces.

Everyone is born Atheist. You are taught about God through your parents and society. And since when have Atheists thrown signs in people's faces? There have never been Atheist movements in the United States until now. The only reason we are becoming vocal is because there are finally enough of us to have a strong voice and we are getting sick of being spit on and look down upon because we refuse to believe in something that is the equivalent of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. 


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I let them know how I

I let them know how I felt:

Slamming atheists is NOT cool.

Are you competing with Faux News for "The Least Fair and Balanced News Agency" award? Brilliant move having a panel with no atheists on it discuss atheism. Why not have a panel on Jews with a neo nazi panelist, a Grand Dragon of the KKK and a member of the Aryan Brotherhood? Maybe then you can top Faux.

OK, it wasn't original, but it got said.

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I have yet to receive any

I have yet to receive any response from her, but then again, I only wrote her last night. But it baffles me that she won a pulizer. Fuck, what's the world coming to when even O-Reilly has two Polks (not that that's prestigious at all). The one thing I do have in common with O'Reilly though is that neither one of us has a Peabody.

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I like the CNN pic, Ophios.

I like the CNN pic, Ophios.

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  AModestProposal wrote: I


AModestProposal wrote:
I have yet to receive any response from her, but then again, I only wrote her last night. But it baffles me that she won a pulizer. Fuck, what's the world coming to when even O-Reilly has two Polks (not that that's prestigious at all). The one thing I do have in common with O'Reilly though is that neither one of us has a Peabody.

Actually, O'Reilly never won a Polk either.  Inside Edition did, for reporting O'Reilly had nothing to do with.'Reilly_controversies#Peabody_award

If atheism is a religion, why am I paying taxes?

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Has anyone received an

Has anyone received an actual response back from CNN? I've gotten 3 automated responses about the follow-up show being postponed, but nothing that addresses my concerns.


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Not me.

Not me.

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I got nothing but the

I got nothing but the automation.  Maybe they plan to incoperate the letters into their ramp up on the great controversy they stired up with their previous brodcast (using liberal editing to convey only that which they need to make us seem like snarling attackers).

The Regular Expressions of Humanistic Jones: Where one software Engineer will show the world that God is nothing more than an undefined pointer.

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Let me point out for those

Let me point out for those who don't know, Karen Hunter won the Pulitzer (along with six others on the editorial board of the Daily News) for Editorial Writing. From the Pulitzer Prize site:

For distinguished editorial writing, the test of excellence being clearness of style, moral purpose, sound reasoning, and power to influence public opinion in what the writer conceives to be the right direction, in print or in print and online. 

 Don't assume it was for unbiased reporting because it wasn't. Even Pulitzer himself was a sensationalist. However, that does not mean that the prize was not deserved. Let's try to not get too high on our horses. We are not necessarily morally superior. She may be an opionated theist but that doesn't mean she (along with the others on that editorial board) can't pass the test of excellence laid out by the Pulitzer.

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Insipiensapiens wrote:Let

Insipiensapiens wrote:

Let me point out for those who don't know, Karen Hunter won the Pulitzer (along with six others on the editorial board of the Daily News) for Editorial Writing.... Don't assume it was for unbiased reporting because it wasn't.
How do you know it wasn't for unbiased reporting?
Karen Hunter is an American journalist and writing collaborator. She has co-authored books with Queen Latifah, Al Sharpton, Mason Betha, Karrine Steffans, LL Cool J, Wendy Williams, JL King and Cedric the Entertainer. Hunter spent four years as a part of the New York Daily News' seven-member editorial board. In 1999,

 It looks like the Karen Hunter winning the Pulitzer prize denigrates the Pulitzer committee to a hackneyed level.
However, it appears that Hunter has never achieved anything on her own merits. She is listed as a CO-author. Was she the typist?
And what exactly was her contribution to the 7 member editorial board? Did she make coffee for everyone?
We are not necessarily morally superior.
It is not about morals. It is about truth and accuracy.

People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.

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AiiA wrote: How do you know

AiiA wrote:
How do you know it wasn't for unbiased reporting?

Because editorials are and should be biased, because they go beyond mere reporting by taking a stand on an issue and arguing one way or another. In the case of the 1999 Pulitzer Prize awarded to the editorial staff at the Daily News, including Hunter, the editorial argued for the rescue of Harlem's Apollo Theatre from financial mismanagement.

AiiA wrote:
It is not about morals. It is about truth and accuracy.

You're right. It is about truth and accuracy. My point was to show that Hunter may in fact be deserving of the Prize. (I'm defending the Prize because it seems to be somewhat under attack here simply because Hunter received it.) Who knows what part she played in earning it with six other people? But she did. And it is up to the hundred or so judges on the Prize panel to decide the piece's worthiness, not us.

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Richard Dawkins handled the

Richard Dawkins handled the situation wonderfully. The two Christians Karen Hunter and Schlussel were angry and very negative. Dawkins talked about how one should appreciate and recognize the beauty of life. He was very calm and spoke intelligently. He wasn't telling Christians to shut up.

As for the new panel. While it was nice to have an atheist on it, I don't think she was qualified enough to make a difference. Rachel Maddow was much more helpful, though her religious beliefs or lack of were not made clear. She brought up that American is a secular nation, a point that I was worried would once again be left untouched. However, I really wish someone would bring up that our founding fathers were not Christians, that some of them had very negative things to say about Christians, and that this country was not founded as a Christian nation.

I'm glad that they once again brought a theist aboard whose only goal was to spew negative comments about atheists in an attempt to raise the level of distrust higher than it already is. That brings our total of angry, hate spewing theists to three.

Plus, thus far only one guest has any respectable credentials and was qualified to speak on the subject: Richard Dawkins. Whether or not Hunter deserved the Pulitzer she has is questionable and Schlussel is an angry far right winger with an insignificant blog. We also have a sport announcer and a Reverend.

OK, maybe the Reverend is qualified to speak on the subject. However, personally I don't find his credentials respectable. Wink

"If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss Bank."-Woody Allen

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For those that want to see

For those that want to see the followup Paula Zahn segment featuring Dawkins, here it is:

 I grabbed the link from pharyngula.

If atheism is a religion, why am I paying taxes?