My mother always forwards crappy spam to me.
I just received an email from my mother claiming that Barack Obama is a secret Radical Muslim.
It's already been shown to be false on Snopes, which I replied with a link.
It looks like both his parents were atheist/agnostic from what I could find. He professes being Christian now, of course, since he has his sight set on possible presidency.
However in the spam it says that his father was MUSLIM (all in caps) and his mother was gasp! ATHEIST (also all in caps).
I really felt like responding, "Mom, I'M an atheist. You keep interrupting my baby killing time with these emails. Try to keep it between 8-9 am, will ya?"
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
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Well, if you dont like her spamming you.... just send her some of your porn spam... you know, after your done with it ;-p
Nothing says "Hi Mom" like 50 emails about viagra
What Would Kharn Do?
My mom used to send me all kinds of shitty forwards and lame jokes and those... *shudder*.... "heartwarming" stories.
Whenever she would ask me if I got the joke/riddle/story/etc she had sent me, I would say that I probably didn't get it because I put a filter on my inbox that automatically blocks all incoming emails that have FW: in the subject line.
I knew she wouldn't just retype the emails on her own, and she doesn't know enough about computers to realize the ways she could overcome that problem. So she just stopped sending them. And the world was a happier place.
In response to the porn idea:
Did you know that there are hundreds and thousands of sites where you can subscribe to porn by simply providing an email address? It's true!
I have this friend... *ahem*... who once got revenge on one of his enemies by recruiting several other people to help him run around the internet and sign his enemy up for as much email porn as possible.
It was a lame revenge, but any revenge that involves XXX hardcore is a revenge worth employing.
A place common to all will be maintained by none. A religion common to all is perhaps not much different.
The spam was probably started by the rethuglicans.
However, you gotta wonder if we have a closet atheist here.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
Actually Susan, you are dead on correct. I am a closet atheist. I have told my one and only sibling (still a believer even though he is not a fundamentalist...but arrogant as shit), my boss (also an atheist), my wife(not raised in a religion but is 'spiritual'
, and other random people. But that's it. I haven't told anyone else. I'm bitter, pissed, and currently (at this moment) in a fight over rather I should even let my mother know about my beliefs now with my wife
My mother sends me religious emails (forwarded spam) constantly, asks me to pray constantly for anyone's troubles, tells me anything bad that happens is "Part of God's plan", etc..
I have been shocked at how my world view has changed in an instant, relatively, after realizing that I no longer believed in the bible. At the age of 29 I would argue vehemently that gay marriage was wrong. One year later, after admitting to myself that the bible was bullshit, I had no problem with it...indeed could not concieve of how anyone could rationally denounce it.
This shocking change in how I view the world makes me extremely bitter with how other worldviews influenced by christianity within my consciousness was perverted by it.
I realized certain facts today in a flash of insight:
1. I was raised hardcore Southern Baptist and was a devout believer until late in my current existence.
2. My mother is still hardcore Southern Baptist.
3. My mother views me as her favorite child.
4. My mother views me as being an inherently good, moral, decent individual "To The Bone".
5. I now consider myself atheist. Not passively or with a lax consideration, but with a firm conviction. The longer I am an atheist... I come to the conclusion more and more that I have figured out what makes the most sense to me and the more I am convinced that I am on the correct path of logical deduction.
6. Christians, by perverted rationality, believe that atheists refuse to accept God because they want to be evil or do evil things.
If I confront my mother and tell her I am an atheist I see a few things happening. One, she will think I am just doubting and not refusing the concept of the god she raised me to believe in. Therefore denial.
Two, she will come to the contradiction that her favorite child who she believes with all her heart is a good, kind, decent, and extremely moral person, is now a (christian perception: evil) atheist. Which would bring on a crisis of faith.
My wife says pretty much "Let sleeping dogs lie." I think...should I let my mother forward emails about how evil atheists are to me until she dies? Or confront her with what I think is right?
I, oddly enough, did not all of a sudden decide that I wanted to rape children or kill babies after I became atheist. Why should I allow my mother to think that about me(as a stereotype now that I am an atheist) even though she doesn't know it?
That's like turning into another race far from home and one of your parents forwarding emails to you that are racist against what you currently are.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
Well, I've posted before about how my sister sometimes sends religious emails (or emails that seem flowery and sweet, and then you find "God" or something religious thrown in). I love my sister, but I don't send her atheist stuff, so I don't want her beliefs pushed on me (even if they're not especially mean or hateful or intolerant...although some have had some intolerant things in them). I have emailed her a couple of times to let her know I don't or do have a problem with some things in the emails (like gay marriage or prayer in schools).
Love the thing about getting back to killing babies, LOL!
I'm a somewhat closetted atheist, too, so I can understand where you're coming from, but can't you just click "mark as spam" whenever your mom sends you this stuff? My mom does just about the same shit. I switched e-mail addresses. Fuck it. If it's that important, call me or visit me. Now, that might not be your position. E-mail could be your only means of communication with her, in which case, my suggestion wouldn't be a good idea.
You could just always delete them. That would work just as well.
You could tell her that you don't like getting all of these types of e-mails because you're too busy to mess with them.
There are many routes you could go without coming out if you don't want to. Independent Atheist Movement Forums
Ah yes, religious emails.
My aunt Ramona tried that on me. I had never given her my email address, so I know she happened to grab it from an email my Uncle Gene sent to parts of my family.
She didn't so much as ask if I would like to receive email from her. I just checked my email one day and there were a few in there from her, all of them religious. I had them all filtered to a folder labeled "Spamcrap". At the very least I can give her some credit for acknowledging my request to stop sending them to me.
She even added me on the Yahoo messenger without checking with me, and used it to try to use me to give messages to my Dad, because her and uncle Sonny (dad's bro) have an extreme dislike of my grandmother. She's been set to see me as offline for over a year now.
I've always thought Ramona and Sonny were scary. It may be because the one time Ramona babysat me when I was little, she told me some religious stories that made me wake up screaming in the middle of the night. Eh, they both suck, and I know that they've substituted religion in place of drugs.
Ever since I've joined this website, I've felt more confident and inspired to shove their words back down their throats to get them to leave me alone once and for all. I don't know when I'll do it, but I know it may well be through the Yahoo messenger (partly because it won't let me block people on my friend list, so I have to delete them from it, which will render me visible (given the chance, they'll jump at it), to be able to block them for sure.
As for your mother though, it's all up to you. I personally don't like letting those kinds of situations continue. Perhaps that's my inability to let things go without a conclusion of some sort. =\
I'm really glad you're giving it some thought though. You'll think it through and come to a good decision. Hope you have good luck with it!
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I met a lady at a local fundraiser, we chatted a bit, got along splendidly and shared E-mail addresses. She began the bombardment of daily jokes, anecdotes and prayers. I shared my e-mail address with her with the sole purpose of keeping abreast of any community involvement needs, not to receive BS.
About a week ago I received an email from her with all these cute pictures of humans, baby monkeys, baby squirrels...with the headline "Gods little miracles". I was quite over it SO I gathered all of the pictures of animal feces I could(thanks google images) and forwarded to her titled "Normal bodily function--a miracle"
My inbox no longer sees her emails.
Slowly building a blog at ~
Due to her bombardment of cutsie god-stuff, it sounds like the community may have lost a good volunteer when they need one.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.