My brother's step-daughter is pregnant at 17.

When someone in your family marries into another family, you instantly adopt that family's issues, both good and bad. My brother married for the second time a couple of summers ago. I was ambivalent at the time. I'm ambivalent now.
I just started talking to my mother again and had decided to go ahead and emotionally "adopt" my brother's stepkids. The oldest kid is in the army and just got shipped off to Iraq. He's already been married and divorced (annulled?) and has a second fiancee. He tattooed his former girlfriend's name on his chest. I don't think he's twenty yet. He makes lots of bad decisions and I'm very concerned about his life and health. I hope he hangs around with soldiers who are level-headed and that his commanding officer is a hardass.
His sister makes bad decisions, too. She's pregnant at 17 and either doesn't know who the father is or won't tell.
They're all fundies, so I wonder if she'd ever been taught anything about contraception or if she'd just been told not to have sex. As a fundy, she isn't even allowed to consider abortion. Until recently I was completely against abortion, but since I've been allowed to think it out for myself, I have found myself looking at the issue from many different angles. When does the fetus feel pain and fear? How does one weigh that against the pain and suffering of having a child at such a young age and what it does to the hopes and dreams of the immature teenager and her family? What about the baby? Will it suffer for having been born to someone so young and immature? Can the family financially afford another child?
Everyone in the family will probably be expected to help in some way. I don't "do" babies, so no, I won't babysit. Maybe I can help in some other way. When the kid is a little older, I might babysit. When I was a teenager, my mother had a daycare center full of screaming babies and toddlers. I just can't stand the sound of a screaming baby. I'm not sure why it affected me so much. I guess I felt I had no privacy and that my mother was always focused on other children. That's ancient history. I just know that since then I don't "do" babies... *shudder*
I had planned on making the youngest kid a personalized video about sharks. I was going to send a care package to the young soldier and his buddies. The now-pregnant kid plays a lot of Counter-Strike. (That's gonna go the way of the dodo soon...) Anyway, I was planning to show up in one of her games with a funny name that played on her CS name. Obviously I can't tell you what it is...was....jeez.
Now I'm feeling that ambivalence again. I have a lot of issues I need to address. Most of all I need to address a bunch of health issues. Also, I was hoping I could leave this county. Just because my brother married someone, do I have to take on all their problems, too?
Hell, I don't even like my brother all that much. I'm ambivalent about him. I've only asked him for money once in my life, back in November. i needed money for groceries and he said no. He's helped me with some things I couldn't do lately (back / neck issues). Do I suddenly owe him my undying loyalty?
I'm so confused. When you love people who are your complete opposite, confusion is the starting place of all your emotions. My whole family loves Pretzeldent Bush. No, really. They do. Most of them are fundamentalist Christians. I really and truly detest religion, what it does to the psyche, what it does to families like mine.
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That's crazy and sad. They expect her to ruin her entire life just because of their irrational beliefs when a simple medical procedure would solve the problem quickly.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
People will happily put down a dog who's in pain. They will gladly send animals to their death for a hamburger. Many will picket for a person's right to end their own life when they're terminal, or even just in a ton of pain that won't go away.
Atheists presumably are aware that humans are animals, yet we find so many who insist on playing the "but it's a human life!!!" card, as if one more life is going to be special on this planet with six billion people.
I, for one, am not just pro-choice, I'm pro-abortion. I think lots more fetuses should be hacked into little human bits. Call me what you will, but seventeen year old fundies who are already in fucked up families don't need to be bringing children into the world.
An abortion would be a kindness to everyone, including the fetus.
I have been amazed at how much better my life has been since I realized that I didn't choose my family, and I don't owe them anything. They chose to have me. It wasn't the other way around.
Apathy is your friend. Embrace it. Love it.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Thinking about yourself doesn't mean that you don't love your family. We all have our own problems and we don't need to carry to weight of every body else's problems. Help them like you can but don't let their problems cause you problems. Don't let anyone get in the way of your personal goals.
If you want to get out of your country, do it ! We are in 2008, with internet it's easy to stay in touch with people. Get your life where you want it to be, and help who you want to help when you'll be on top of your game.
Religion seems to have already fucked up the minds of your family and step family. You are lucky to have come out of it but I wouldn't expect the rest of your family to follow into your foot steps.
Another kid will have a kid as a mother, it is sad but in the end it's her choice, she'll have to deal with it... Give her the help you can afford to give her, but no more !
Si Dieu existe, c'est Son problème !
If God exists, it's His problem !--Graffiti on the walls of the Sorbonne (France), May 1968
Totally agree with Hambydammit, I'm not pro choice I'm pro abortion.
There are far too many people who have kids who can't cope with them and grow up to damage themselves and others.
We need less babies not more
I find it funny that Bush is OK with using depleted uranium, which causes at the very least, radioactive abortions, and sterilisation.
All i know about religion, is that if you are stuck in matters of principal between what you feel is right and what you are being told is the way things should be according to god, you are EXACTLY where they want you.
So in principal, if GOD is willing to show himself to sleazy politicians and evangelists, but he is not willing to talk to you about your troubles, i would suggest to GOD to get his bloody finger out and stop giving mixed messages by supporting mass-murderers and extortionists in general.
In other words, stop applying other people standards to you life, decide for yourself becuase if you let someone else step in and tell you how to deal with things, you run the MASSIVE risk that they only did that to advance their own agenda, not yours.
Move to Austria, they have nuclear bunkers for all the citizens which will come in handy if the people running the US (not the governement) get their way!
Iruka -
You have to take care of yourself before your can take care of others. And that's OK. If no one else has ever told you that, then allow me to be the first.
I'm quite happy to help out family members and acquaintances. Even the ones who I don't think necessarily deserve it. But I will not do it to the detriment of myself or my own family. My wife used to do it all the time. Both her brother and sister have made numerous bad decisions during the past few years, mostly resulting in financial difficulties. She would be the first in line to bail them out, but now I think I have her convinced that they're never going to make good decisions until they learn from the bad ones.
I think you can be supportive but distant at the same time. Start small, but don't allow yourself to be taken advantage of. And don't give energy that you don't have. You're not obligated to anyone, frankly. Get yourself healthy first before you start helping someone else.
Nobody I know was brainwashed into being an atheist.
Why Believe?
By the way I consider pro-lifers among the lowest forms of life on Earth.
If you want to see the horror that happens when Pro-Lifers have their way, check out Argentina.
Women dieing in the hundreds. Some people think in the thousands.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci
go figure ?????????????
You really have to do whats right for you. You should never take the burden of someone else's mistakes onto yourself, even if it is family. As for the abortion thing, it's not your fight. The 17 year old girl will do as she pleases... and it's a crying shame she probably went to a school that teaches abstinence rather than safe-sex... I can sympathize with your desire to leave the country, its pretty hard for atheists here.
Atheists agree: Adults should not have imaginary friends.