The absurdity of cognitive manipulation.

Are merely a human concept. I have been pondering this and reading Dawkins book is reconfirming this.
Now I have my own words that I put it in but some clarification as to why I am thinking this way would help. So as I explain my position please step in and clarify in laymen's terms why I am thinking this.
He says that everything is a stitictical probiblity or inprobiblity. The theist tries to put it on a 50/50 scale wich is a bullshit fiat position to lend credibility to a bearded man in the sky claim.
In sampling the amont of stars and planets in the Milky Way alone a our star(sun) is rare but is still part of billions in the galaxy. Now incorperate all the galaxies in the universe "stars" or "suns" become less rare and there are even more planets than stars. So the statistical math that would predict life in the universe would still make it rare BUT STATISTICAL NOT INPROBIBLE, just rare.
Now, where the theist would say, "Rareness means "poof" a creator" I see tons of waste. Nature produces much more waste than it does efficancy.
For example. People talk about the "miricle of life" what they dont consider is the amount of eggs and sperm that DONTMAKE IT! It makes no sense that a perfect being would upon every attempt at procreation allow the millions of sperm die or the egg die MOST OF THE TIME, if it's goal is to make life. It would make more sense if claimed being made a one egg and one sperm ratio where 100% of the time the life would make it.
Now, while evolution does not adress the origins of the universe and only adresses how biological life moved through time. One could see that waste is prominant in BOTH the biological and cosmological scale.
One can only conclude by the current standard of "all powerfull" and "perfect" as being part of super natural being as failing misurably as a concept. In laymens terms "WHY ALL THE WASTE"
There is no way in good concious intelectually with all this overwhelming evidence of waste, not only in human life but in the universe itself, there is no way that I could buy a magical being manipulating every single atom, proton and electron all at once.
It is simply intelectuall lazyness that produces this concept. The simplicity of an atom and partical is sufficiant and the waste produced by the ongoing process will statistically produce what we see today NO MATTER HOW RARE.
But in terms of BILLIONS OR BILLIONS OF GOOGLES in numbers on a larger scale what is forgotten is that what is seemingly rare is not rare, but is wastefull comparitively speeking.
If one wants to modify this or clarify it, am I on the right track here?
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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I think you're right on point here, Brian (there sure are a lot of us Brians around here!).
Creationists often gloss over the "numbers" issue. They fail to consider the shear vastness of things. For example... the claim is often made that evolution is absurd because "one species can't just become another". This point is valid if you are talking about a fish going to sleep one night and waking up as a bird. That's simply not how it works... we are talking about a series of gradual changes over the course of millions of years, with thousands of generations in between.
It's funny that you brought up the point about the waste involved in reproduction, as we discussed it at the Philly Atheist Meetup last week. Sapient pointed out that if reproduction were intelligently designed, it would be far more effecient. You would only need one sperm to fertilize an egg.
Conception only occurs about once out of every four or five sexual encounters, and that's without birth control. Right off the bat, the system is only about 20-25% effective. When we then consider the millions of sperm that are present in each of these encounters, we see exactly how inefficient it is... it ends up being one successful sperm out of several million...
Hardly a miracle... more of a statistical inevitablilty.
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Every statistical analysis I've seen on probabilities of life on other worlds are fundamentally flawed in many ways. Though I haven't seen too many of them.
When looking at the shear range of climates on Earth alone that we've found life, I won't be at all surprised if we find it's a lot more common than most people think.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.