Our first major event after our tabling exercise was the screening of Jesus Camp. We were expecting about 35-50 people to show up, but ended up with about 100. The room was jam packed....
We were all very surprised. Anyway we held a discussion afterwards and unfortunately we sent out our most "militan" atheist..hahahah.. Vlad, he's a fan of objectivism and laveyan satanism..hahah..anyway he kind of went overboard and we were told that perhaps next time we should "put a leash on him". Even though I agree with just about everything he said, I thought that perhpas for our first forum he should've been a bit quiter. Anyway, overall it was a success and we even picked up a faculty advisor out of the deal. If they didn't know who we were before, they definitely do now....
here are some pics:
This is vlad (fuzzy pic) during his diatribe against christianity in front of about 80 people.
This is our group.
Gwen and I
We are be a new voice on campus.
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Had you seen "Jesus Camp" before, Larry? What did you think of it?
One of my most memorable moments is when the boy expresses doubts. I thought he will either grow up to be a cousilor for abused children or an abuser himself of substances.
And I can't forget the boy (Eli?), the one with the rat tail, who wanted something more when he was five years old. I hope if he stays in the church, he stays out of politics.
And then there's Pastor Becky who is great at psychological abuse and creating an army for god. Notice how these preachers use war language in their activism?
And finally, who can forget Ted Haggard. Not only was he a dick to Eli, but it's hysterical watching him now tell his flock, "I think I know what you did last night..."
Yeah, Ted. We know.
Great pics of the event, btw!
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Freedom From Religion Foundation
Also, speaking of her, I believe she said something along the lines that she didn't like Christians that just like to sit around and get fat... Looking at her though... she's a pretty hefty woman herself.
JESUS SAVES!!! .... and takes only half damage!
The whole idea behind these "camps" is indoctrination. How can a 5 year old possibly know....that he wants more to life. It is ridiculous. They are trying to get these kids not only active into politics but hopefully become politicians themselves. This kind of network works have homeschooling, reinforced with summer camp, and then off to liberty university. They have a system...and it is working quite is scary.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Patrick Henry College is another institution where homeschooled christian kids go. There's a great documentary from Britains' Channel 4 on it that I posted a link to in the politics forum.
One thing interesting in it, a republican candidate in Virginia, where the school is located, was running for congress. The students campaigned for him by making phone calls and going door to door. On election night, they had prayer circles for a victory for him.
They could have learned a valuable lesson that prayer doesn't work because that candidate lost.
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Freedom From Religion Foundation
THe whole prayer thing is absolutely ludicrous and only functions as self reinforcing conditioning. It's funny to me that no matter how many times people pray, only once in a while "the prayers get answered". Of course we all know that it is a statistical certainty that out of so many prayers said, some things go the way you want them to. The irony is that none of the theists will acknowledge the fact that their prayers normally do not get answered. They focus on teh statistical outliers and claim prayer works based on a few instances. Catholics are famous for that. If you survive cancer, it was prayer. If you die of cancer...well... no one acknowledges the fact that prayer did not work.
That's why I like the website
it's great.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.