A whoa moment for me

So I'm watching this video on YouTube a few minutes ago of this guy Neil deGrasse Tyson (I'd never hear of him before tonight) and I didn't even notice how into this I was getting. My heart was racing a little bit, I was paying much closer attention to what he was saying, and I was getting antsy from some kind of excitement. And it felt good, it really did. I have a pretty boring life most of the time and don't get exited about a lot of things lately, so this felt new and exhilarating.
I was literally hanging on this guy's every word and wanting to look him up on the internet and see if he was speaking anytime near me. In just a few minutes this guy had me hooked, line and sinker. Then near the end he mentions religious experiences and even compares it to exactly what I was feeling. Then it hit me. For the first time in my life for a moment I actually experienced what it's like for the Christians who get sucked up by those evangelists. It really can be intoxicating when you're not satisfied with your life. It's like you get this rush that comes over your body that you can't control but feels amazing. Then you get motivated and want to do something, to be a part of something that you think is great.
This is going to be a lot harder of a struggle then I had anticipated when I first started coming here. Since I'm such an analytical thinker (seriously, I analyze everything, sometimes it's really annoying) that I never truly understood why theists fell for it all. I literally couldn't comprehend it till I experienced it myself. That's some crazy power someone can wield.
Of course, I still really like what he had to say and plan on incorporating some of his ideas into my own, but at least I can still look at his works in an objective manner and not take everything he says at face value just because I like the guy.
If you're interested ins eeing the video the link is below
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Oops, I somehow posted this in the wrong forum, this was suppose to go into freethinkers anonymous! Could someone please move this to the appropriate forum?
Neil is one of the best proponents of science we have today, a great astrophysicist and speaker. I have enjoyed listening to him for some time. I really like his thoughts on intelligent design and his awe and wonder for the cosmos.
I LOVE Neil. He is amazing.
You can find the complete session (session 2) here:
It's really interesting and he is so enthusiastic about it!
Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life. - Immanuel Kant
I haven't seen him speak very much, but I really enjoyed "Death by Black Hole," his latest book.
Flying Spaghetti Monster -- Great Almighty God? Or GREATEST Almighty God?
I dont know if I clicked on the correct link, but that guy had the entheusiasm of Tony Roberts.
I do have to admit listening to the parts of the speach at first I was thinking, "Where the hell is he going with this quoting all the famous people said, "It must be designed"
I was relieved when he said that people seem to hit a roof and default to the god of the gaps when they hit that roof. Even Einstein hinted at a god of nature. (not a magical being, but the uncoginitive forces of nature)
But as he also stated, someone in the future breaks through that roof and what was prior atributed to god is no longer.
So basically "god" is merely humans saying I refuse to admit that I am ignorant on this issue because I cant find anything more at this time.
And it is true, when you say "god" you instantly retard future exploration.
Theists want that mystery because if it were not there they would have no stories to make up.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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wait.. So is this guy enthusiastic about atheism or theism? I haven't watch it yet.
I've been meaning to read his book...seen him on The Colbert Report three times and really like him.
it can be very mind blowing to realize what charismatic people can get us to do simply because of their charisma. sometimes it's frightening. you're more astute than most to realize you were being taken in. it really is an incredible power. but i have to say, if you're going to be taken in by someone's charm, Neil's definitely the way to go.
I remember watching this, and then calling my Dad over because I was just so amazed at how well he could speak. Very interesting stuff.