What would you do if.....

This scenario keeps playing out in my mind:
(Halo Soundtrack in the Backround. No, seriously. Download it from LimeWire. It'll help you picture my thougts. The song is called Halo 3 Theme.)
Gentle Voiced English Woman: Radical christian fundamentalists start to slowly take control over the United States. The words "government" and "church" are gradually becoming synonomous.
People take to the streets, burning Dawkin's books, Harry Potter (uh oh), AC/DC albums, and worst of all, OUIJA BOARDS.
Violent protests take place in every major U.S. city over issues such as abortion and homosexuality.
What would you do???
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For some odd reason, the scene from a movie like dawn of the dead with a guy sitting on his roof with a gun shooting at the mob of zombies comes to mind....
I would most likely move and wait for the xtians to destroy themselves in some way.
The sad thing is, christian fascism is already rearing its ugly head here in the U.S. Evangelicals are taking over the military academies, they are forming military contracting companies---look up "Blackwater" to get a taste of what I'm talking about. The Republican party has been hijacked by religious zealots, megachurches are springing up all over the place...
What would I do? I'd be doing what I'm doing right now, spreading the word of rationalism, warning others of the upcoming fascism, supporting efforts like the RRS and Freedom From Religion Foundation, and posting messages like this one.
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