Bible in Hong Kong Obscenity Row
Bible in Hong Kong Obscenity Row
Hong Kong
16 May 2007 05:13
A debate raging over the morals of Hong Kong's racy media took a bizarre twist on Wednesday with revelations that a decency watchdog had been flooded with obscenity complaints about the Bible.
The Television and Entertainments Licensing Authority (Tela), which oversees the publishing industry, said it had received 208 complaints that text within the holy book was indecent.
"I can confirm that the complaints were received," said a Tela spokesperson. "The thrust of the complaints was that the Bible was obscene; that different parts of the Bible were offensive to readers."
Tela refused to divulge details of the complaints, but local media reported that they referred to acts of violence, rape and cannibalism reputedly contained in the old and new testaments.
Reports speculated that the sudden flurry of messages sent to Tela was sparked by a Chinese-language website,, which had exhorted readers to pressure Tela to reclassify the Bible as an indecent publication.
The news comes amid a row in Hong Kong over the classification as indecent of a sex survey in a student journal that questioned respondents on bestiality and incest.
The Obscene Articles Tribunal issued the ruling on Chinese University publication CU Student Press, sparking angry calls from students that authorities were eroding freedom of speech in the southern Chinese city. -- AFP
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See? Isn't this a great country?
"Physical reality” isn’t some arbitrary demarcation. It is defined in terms of what we can systematically investigate, directly or not, by means of our senses. It is preposterous to assert that the process of systematic scientific reasoning arbitrarily excludes “non-physical explanations” because the very notion of “non-physical explanation” is contradictory.
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Ya gotta love it!
I admit to giggling when I read the article.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
I think thats wrong. It should go in the fairy tales section
I am jealous.
I think the bible needs an irony sticker now.
I can't wait for the day Canada experiences this.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Ow... my side hurts...
Ok... this is wrong. Freedom of speech, all that, yada yada... I don't agree with it, but I don't believe in censoring it...
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
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I want to live in Hong Kong!
Deludedgod, do you have room for about a dozen of us in your guest room?
I hope so.

The first I knew about this I saw my Dad checking the latest news on the internet and he had this really weird look on his face...which got me curious and I saw the headline and I had to really, really stop my self from laughing out loud and pointing the finger like Nelson Muntz: "Ha ha!"
If they liked this:
then they're gonna love this:
Good idea. Realistically it should be shelved with the violent hardcore S & M type porn.
It's weird too, considering China's human rights violations. You'd think the violence in it would help their cause.
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Freedom From Religion Foundation
A Reuters article from last week about an attempt in Hong Kong to have the Bible reclassified as indecent due to excessive sex and violence. If it's reclassified it can't be sold to minors and will have to be displayed with shrink wrap so no one can open it in the store. Maybe it will be shelved with the porn magazines as well?
Why are they glad and sad and bad?
I do not know, go ask your dad.
If it wasn't the Bible I bet Christians hearing the stories would want it banned completely.
I don't like taking away freedom of speech, but this would work for me.
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