
I think I might take far too much pleasure in making people mad sometimes. I wrote a blog (which is also posted on this website too) about how "religious trendy's" and "mysics" bother me. Okay well it pissed off some people pretty royally and my inbox has been FLOODED with angry retorts. I don't even get that many pissed off people when I write about Christians. If I did, it would be far more pleasurable... haha (which is seriously making me think that these neo-buddhists are religious even though they claim not to be.)
Is anyone else that sadistic? Maybe I should lay off...
Prayer: How to do nothing and feel like your doing something.
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It is an unfortunate facet of my personality that I enjoy watching people that I consider stupid or mean get all pissed off. I don't think it makes me a nice guy, but I don't mind getting simple minded people pissed off.
Course, it's so easy to do one would have to work hard NOT to.
I'm glad I'm not the only one. Your right... it is easy, too easy sometimes.
I never claimed to be a nice person though.. haha
Prayer: How to do nothing and feel like your doing something.
I get the same way also, I have noticed mine comes in phases. Sometimes I get in a very confrontational mode and sometimes I get in a very 'Kill Them With Kindness' mode. I have not found what causes the shift, maybe lack of sleep? Or maybe it is just hormonal.
Yeh, I get more confrontational when I have my period too.
Ha, ha. You caught that too, huh? I noticed it after I posted. Not exactly the intended meaning. LOL
More like maybe when my testosterone is high gear I notice I get more confrontational tone.
You don't think women's ovulation phases affect men?
Sarah, you've not known fury until you've attacked mysticism, specifically the pseudo-religions like Wicca or Paganism.
I'm not sure why, but Pagans are happy to stand with you if you're just bitching about Christians, but the moment you mention the possibility that their religion is based in just as much hocus-pocus woo-woo as Christians, you have a war on your hands.
I admit I'm much more scared of my pagan acquaintances than the Christian ones.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
I haven't laughed that hard in months!
I laughed out loud at BGH's comment, but when I saw marcusfish's reply, I just lost it!!!
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
you're certainly not the only one. i too enjoy the conflict i can create with my own two hands. although some of my favorite times came from this one theist who i didn't even have to be a dick to. all i had to do was calmly and politely point out his inconsistancies (he grew to loath that word), and he would go absolutely apeshit. oh it was beautiful.
i've noticed this about nearly ever "subculture" group i've had dealings with. they're always much more touchy than mainstream people. not sure if they're touchy because they're on the fringe, or if they're on the fringe because they're so touchy. either way, mock a subculture group and take your life in your hands. and they definitely will stand by you and mock convention. but they seem to believe their beliefs/actions somehow deserve more respect, simply because they are not mainstream. but damn are they fun.
I guess I don't get the big fucking deal. (Can I say fuck onthis board?) Being an atheist, and a rather outspoken one at that, I could generally give a crap less who I piss off. People's opinions of my viewpoints are none of my concern. I say it how it is and let you dish it out and I don't give one rats terd how you take it.
Here's my problem, however: Why is it okay for Christians, Buddhists, Pagans, Wiccans, Hindu's and whoever else to talk about their beliefs and I'm not allowed to get insulted or pissed off about it, but as soon as I talk about how I think, feel or perceive the world around me all hell breaks loose because evidently atheists are tolerated only if they don't talk. As soon as an atheist opens their pie-hole it seems like there is a line of people waiting to tell that person how bigoted and full of hate they are.
What the hell is that? Come one! It's okay for me to be pissed on but I can't piss off? I love it too, because the one's who do that are generally the one's preaching love, kindness and understanding out of the other side of their mouths.
Prayer: How to do nothing and feel like your doing something.
Yup. The only place you really have to be careful of that is in the Kill 'Em With Kindness forum.
This is Freethinker's and you may swear at will!
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
I simply MUST have a link to this weblog.
To be honest, I find that the christians are the LEAST violent. Look at CapnOAwesome's videos on YouTube. He has gotten a few death threats from christians and muslims, possibly a few from Hindus and Jews (though I am unaware if he has... he's not made many videos insulting them) The most overwhelming response he had from any religious group was from the Buddhists. When he attacked the wiccans, they beat all groups except the Buddhists for pure anger. He then made a video about how dolphins are tasty (and thus we should hunt them more) and vegans are idiots. 2-3 days later he posted another video about how the VEGANS had given him more nasty hate mail than any other group. Homophobia, sexism, racism, incredibly violent and vile threats, and lots of pure hate came from this one video about dolphins being yummy.
In conclusion: Christians are punching bags, muslims are irritable, Hindus and Jews are cool, wiccans are stupid and crazy, Buddhists are much nastier than anyone would ever expect, but don't fuck with the vegans...they'll do things to you that are too horrible for anyone other than a vegan to describe.
Look at my blog! It's awesome!
I'm also on this Twitter thing
Who's Will and what'd he do to piss you guys off?
Götter sind für Arten, die sich selbst verraten -- in den Glauben flüchten um sich hinzurichten. Menschen brauchen Götter um sich zu verletzen, um sich zu vernichten -- das sind wir.
I normally am a lurker and haven't posted much yet, but I had to come out of hiding to say that I completely agree. In fact, this is the very thing that makes me seek out forums such as this. I live in one of the most conservative counties in the United States. Everyone I work with and everyone I see/know is completely intolerant of my status as an atheist. I work with 7 other women at a bank. All day long I am constantly reminded of their religious beliefs. I must listen to them compare notes and discuss their hatred of various groups of people (homosexuals, etc.). One woman spent the day complaining about how her daughter's boyfriend was not religious and thus couldn't have morals of any sort. Another blamed a co-worker's infertility on the fact that "maybe "god" just doesn't think she deserves children". Essentially, all these things are offensive and inappropriate in my eyes. Regardless of what your religious beleifs are, there really isn't a place for them in the workplace, period. But honestly, their ignorant ramblings and obsession with their religion isn't what gets to me. It's the fact that the second I even insinuate that I do not share their beliefs I'm treated like a terrible person. I'm supposed to just smile and nod when they pollute the office air with offensive nonsense, but yet it is rude of me to question them or disagree. They can read various religious titles at work, but if I "dare" bring an atheist title in I will get evil glares and rude comments. To make a long story short, it's okay if I don't believe, just as long as I don't express that.
I have found that this is true in all other areas of my life. My family, my friends, my coworkers. I guess I just don't understand why their overt religious talk is supposed be allowed while my disagreement isn't. Why is it okay for them to shove their views down my throat but yet I must be "polite" and not force them to question the very thing they're forcing upon me? Of course, all that doesn't mean that I actually hold back, but they certainly wish I would and that is what pisses me off. Why should I censor myself when they won't?
I think it often has to do with the tone of the post or comment being responded to. If someone makes an honest effort to ask questions and be understanding then attacking them seems out of place and counter productive.
I personally don't think there's anything wrong with pissing off assholes. I've spent the last 6 years doing so and enjoying myself immensely. I wish it could be my job. Sometimes it's moronic gamers and sometimes it's moronic theists. Sometimes it's just morons. Regardless of who it is, it's enjoyable.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Egad! It sounds like you're working in the midst of a bunch of fundies that all go to the same church.
Oh how I agree with that! Is your management aware of all this? Do they agree? Do customers hear these conversations?
If management is on board with these women, you're pretty much stuck because fussing would cause untold problems. Yupl It sucks.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
Yes, management isn't the greatest there. The people in question are buddy-buddy with the people in charge, so nothing ever really gets said about much of anything (including other various work-related issues). But what can you do. Fortunately, I graduate college next spring and will be giving them my goodbyes at that time.