The Dawkins Delusion
Some Christian made this video called Dawkins Delusion:
The video is just audio. The guy who is talking sounds like Dawkins, but he is saying Dawkins does not exist using Dawkins' arguments for the existence of God.
For starters, I have seen Dawkins on television, and I can define Dawkins: Englishman who writes books, biologist, probably in his sixties, and very militant about his atheism. No one can define God like this. People would contradict themselves from one culture to another. And God isn't on television, and he hasn't written books, at least not by his own hand. Those books attributed to him were "ghost written" and don't agree with each other.
Kind of sad that Christians have been flagging all the Dawkins videos on youtube, but they haven't touched that one yet.
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These types love "free speech" as long as they are the ones to decide what gets said.
I dont fear these idiots "flagging" these videos. That is the free market and Youtube is under no goverment obligation to put up their videos our ours.
But, as I said, what I fear from these types of believers is the same thing I would fear from any Muslim nut. They are not happy with merely voicing their religion, they would use goverment to silence dissent.
I hope Youtube, although under no obligation to put anyone's video up on either side, wont bow to any Censor Nazi on either side. If there is one thing I hate more than some dipshit offended that others use their voice, it is a dipshit who wants to use goverement to force the silence of others.
Let them flag Dawkins. As long as those same morons dont ask goverment to shut this site down. I would in any case use my own appeal to Youtube and say, "Hey as a private company, you do make money of the free market and part of the free market are competing ideas. Dawkins has a competing idea. Shouldnt you value the principle of the free market since you make money off of it?"
I dont see that flagging as actually working in any case on a mass scale. I dont see a lack of atheist videos on Youtube even if some removeals have taken place.
So, lets say Youtube banned all atheist videos tommorow. Highly unlikely. But lets say even g-rated atheists were banned. That would be no different than a Christian site booting an atheist. Would that mean our rights as atheists were violated? NO!
Why? Because WE also have the same power they do. WE can set up our own websites, WE can appeal to the market and compete in it.
If our goverment shut this site down, or American Atheists, or Atheists United, or Hillbilly Atheist merely for being atheist, then I would say our free speech was violated.
Just as this site is under no obligation to provide service to anyone, neither is Youtube. But we would have no more right to tell the Christians they cant flag atheist videos. They can, and we can keep putting more up, either at Youtube or here or any other site that will have them.
So let the bigots flag the videos, but I doubt that will stop us. We've gotten this far and atheists were not putting Youtube videos up 6 years ago.
Long before Youtube there there were voices were out there and now because of internet video we can put our message out there even if Youtube decided to make a flat out ban on atheists, which they have not done, nore do I think they will or should.
Long before Youtube there was Infidel Guy and Atheist Network. Long before that there was George Smith's "The Case Against God". Long before that there was the skepticism of Ingersol and Jefferson.
I dont think we need to complain about fearmongering trolls who want to ban atheist videos off of Youtube. I think that shows their insecurity if anything.
What they cant stand and what they will never change is that we exist and we have rights and we are not going to be silent any more. I'd rather get along and debate people I dissagree with, but I will never take a back seat to anyone by remaining silent because I say things they dont like hearing.
It is expected that they flag atheist videos, but it is part of the free market. Atheists just have to remember that it(free market) works for us as well insted of demanding that they dont flag our videos.
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