Most Insulting Christian Question

I don't know about all of you but when someone asks me "If there's no god then how can we have any morals?" I just want to smack them. Nothing is more insulting to me as an atheist then this question alone because it implies that we have no morals and just think it's ok to kill and rape little kids or go around being a total prick our whole lives. Which as we all know most people who do those kinds of things tend to be theists.
I've always had such a hard time answering this question because it's hard to know what to say when you feel like you're being personally attacked like that. In my experience I haven't really seen anyone come up with a good answer to this question. I myself have bumbled over answers because I'm not really focusing too much on the question but more on the insult and so I have gotten a bit defensive in the past.
Today I was talking to a christian and she asked this same question. I responded with "You and I have the majority of the same morals, the only difference is I don't need a fear of hell to be a good person, as you apparently do"
She disconnected her IM right after that with no response so I'm not 100% sure she actually saw it, but afterwards I realized that I really liked my answer and will use it in the future. I would like to believe that that comment is what caused her to shut down her IM because that makes me feel damn good.
So, does anyone else have any good comebacks/responses to this question that they deem effective? I'd really like to know how others have answered this question.
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of the nearly 2 million people incarcerated in american prisons, less than 1% are atheist.
what does that say about who has better morals? "all postures of submission and surrender should be part of our prehistory." -christopher hitchens
There are too many insulting questions, but the morality one is a big one.
I also love it when I'm mistaken for some emo kid who's lost his way because something must've happened because I must be angry at "God". Or the other misconception that I'm burning black candles, worshipping Satan, and taking part in witchcraft and evil pagan rituals to fuel my need to swallow the souls of Christians.
Basically, people piss me off. 75% of America pisses me off. We're a country of a bunch of backwords retards. Stupidity and ignorance piss me off more than anything.
Oh, and that Brian Sapient guy. He pisses me off too with his awesome orange microphone of Justice~! I want one too...
YOU shut the fuck up! WE'LL save America!
My most annoying theist question(being science minded like I am) is, "How can something come from nothing?"
Then you ask them, "How do you propose eveything got here?"
They respond, "god made it."
Then you ask, "What did god make it from?"
And the clincher.... they respond, "nothing."
From their reasoning something just came from nothing, UGH!
There's really no need to answer. They'll think you're lying, since you obviously have no problem with lying. After all, you're an atheist (sorry, I don't like to use the "a" word)
Look at my blog! It's awesome!
I'm also on this Twitter thing
I think the most annoying thing ts their inability to formulate a logical arguement and the lack of respect they have for the person they are talking to. This is a generalisation but I encounter alot of people that like this.
For on here I'd add the ones that bring up the same things over and over.
My least favorite one is, "You're an atheist? so you hate god?"
I don't understand why, if we're an atheist, we hate God? I don't hate God. I have nothing against God, I just don't believe in him.
I also don't like most of the ones people have listed as well as a few others.
"Why would God send his only son to die an agonizing death to redeem an insignificant bit of carbon?"-Victor J. Stenger.
I always answer that morals don't come from any god, they come from enlightened self-interest. If you don't want people to steal from you, for example, you not only refrain from stealing from them, but try to protect them from theft by others. The same thing goes for murder. As I do not wish to be murdered, so I would not murder another. Those are simplistic reasons, of course, but no moreso than the assertion that to be moral you have to be guided by a god. Whose god, anyway? If a christian asserts that only the christian god is the source of morality, then are all people of other belief systems inherently immoral? Is every Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, etc. also immoral? Surely not. The countries inhabited by all of those religionists have laws similar to our own, regulating behavior. None of those laws came from the christian bible.
Our morality derives from the society in which we grew up. I don't think you will find a civilized society anywhere in the world that condones rape, theft or murder, with certain exceptions. "Honor killing" in certaian Muslim societies comes to mind. But again, that is considered by those individuals to be both moral and derived from god..
It strikes me that this has been a little rambling and not very helpful. But I tried.
I like your short answer. Mine gets rather verbose and angry. I hoped that a female JW who made the mistake of knocking on my door last week would ask that question. But she did not.
After reading some of the comments on RRS a couple months back about where our morals come from, I wrote down where and how I developed mine. Not pretty.
I learned my morals from growing up in a Christian based society, through osmosis and a stiff leather belt to the back side. Since my parents never explained what and why, and the topic was never mentioned in school, I learned from watching how the neighbors and family acted, and from hours sitting in front of the TV (1950s). What I saw on TV did not match what I saw in real life, so I guessed at what was right and wrong.
During pre-teen and early teen years, when I tried to emulate the actions of the authority figures around me, (the school teachers, adults at church, and parents/family), I got sick at my stomach, nervous, and ashamed. Was that a reaction to “you will go to hell” if you lie, scam, steal, etc.? It may have been in my subconscious, but never a conscious thought. Doing those things just did not feel good emotionally. But, I kept trying to fit in with the double standard society had set and went crazy trying.
At 39 years old, through a horrific life changing experience, I realized(?) I did not have to live by a double standard. My life became less stressful because my decisions and actions were not based on any “return” or future punishment. At age 50, I realized I had moved into the philosophy accredited to a man who lived 500 years before Jesus – "Do no harm". (Buddha) No “if’s, and’s, or but’s” in their definition of how to live by that.
I am still working at it.
"What the world needs is an enema." Jack Nicholson, "Batman"
I think a lot of the problem with answering the morality question, or any other question, for theists is that many of them want "sound byte" answers. They're used to FAUX News, where things are simple.
Bush = Good.
Republicans = Good.
Atheists = Evil.
Iraqis = Evil.
So, how did morals get here? God made them. End of lecture.
The real answer takes a little explaining, because you have to understand something of evolution, social psychology, and maybe even anthropology. If you don't grasp the basic points, you can't possibly understand something with layers of complexity. Furthermore, in explaining morality to a theist, you have to get past the huge hurdle of convincing them that very few things in social psychology are absolute, morals being chief among non-absolutes! Again...
Theism: Morals are absolute, goddidit. Done.
Anyway, I like your answer for the purpose of fending off theist attacks. It's concise, it shows them a fallacy in their theory, and puts them in the uncomfortable position of trying to argue that forced morality is better than voluntary morality!
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Hiya, Arletta,
It's a tough question to depersonalize, but it can be done. "How can there be morals without <insert supernatural entity>?" It seems to be leading toward, "I think you're a bad person because you're not a god-worshipper," but that doesn't really follow. We all know all humans have morals. Why not play it as a straight question?
If you think about it, you'll realize it's just another version of "who made the universe?" We know the universe exists, but that doesn't tell us anything about how it came to exist. We know morals exist, too, but it's a real leap to assume those morals came from a supernatural moral-creator. Worse, like all supernatural explanations, it gets in the way of investigation. As Clemens wrote, "... it's the things we know for sure that just ain't so."
Humans are a social species. Every social species has rules for getting along together. When individuals violate those rules, they are ostracized, forced to eke out an existance without the support of the social structure, and, naturally, denied the opportunity to easily pass on their alleles to their descendants.
So the next time you hear the question, "If there's no god then how can we have any morals?" have a real answer ready. "They evolved."
As ever, Jesse
There is no lao tzu
Great explaintion and response to the most offensive question from a xtian ever.
"If there's no god then how can we have any morals?"
By consenses in the group by your peers based on the amount of suffering to one or more persons and animals an action causes. Pain and suffering don't lie.
Judge: god, you have been accused of existence! What do you have to say for yourself?
god: I am innocent until proven guilty, your honour!
If christians really did get their morals from god and the bible, women would be treated similarly to how they ware in strictly muslim countries and stoning would be a regular occurrance for a multitude of crimes. Many laws and "moral" actions are not mentioned anywhere in the bible. It really has nothing to do with religion what so ever.
Organised religion is the ultimate form of blasphemy.
Censored and blacked out for internet access in ANZ!
AU: | NZ:
Basically everyone is getting at the "Teach what you peach" thing. American Christans are bad for that. They follow the "I have god, therefore all my actions are good" arguement.
You're all wrong. The most offensive is clearly:
"Are you saved?"
I use
Basically the theory goes that we develop morally as we develop physically and intellectually from infancy to adulthood
At the earliest stages morality is decided by punnishment/reward - "I'll get grounded if I hit my brother"
Next is wanting others to see you as a good person and social conformity - "I'll do my homework because my parents and teachers will like me more"
In the highest level we develop our own ideas of right and wrong and live according to them because they are our own. - "I won't break into this house and steal the plasma TV because It will make this society I live in worse for everyone"
So basically christians are less morally developed than atheists. Christians need the threat of hell to behave themselves like civilised human beings.
It's a cheap shot and I don't believe it myself (I have many Christian friends with well developed morality) but I use it when a christian tells me I can't be moral without the threat of hellfire and I guess it does apply to those christians who can't even comprehend morality without an invisible father figure threatening to smack you.
Personally I find it pretty scary that they would quite happily kill me and steal all my belongings except for the threats of a mythological figure who is rapildly losing cultural revelance
Oh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
You all have some very good points. I'm actually pretty new to any kind of debate since I've spent my life as a quiet atheist and avoided confrontations. I still have difficulties knowing how to respond to such questions as this and others many of you mentioned. That's probably why I like it here so much, you all are a wealth of information.
I don’t let Christians get away with telling me that they are moral.
If Christians were moral, atheists would have no reason to band together.
Something I have never understood about christianity is the doing of good "deeds" in "gods" name. I have always found it insulting that christians seem to think that helping your fellow human out in any way must be intervention of god... why on earth can't it just be that human nature is to be helpful to each other in most cases, rather than giving credit to some external entity. I take comfort in myself knowing I help others because I want to...not because I am directed by some fantasy of a greater being...and inflicting my beliefs on "the un-enlightened", let them be as humans with their own beliefs I say!