Input on Bumper Sticker and T-Shirt Ideas

I've come up with a couple of ideas and I'd like your input. Constructive criticism will be appreciated. The first is this bumper sticker idea:
In another thread, thingy had some advice:
thingy wrote:I finally get to see the sticker. The "or" badge should be on the other side imho.
I'll send you a PM a bit later asking you to contact your ISP about a few things, they need to update their bogon filters. That's what stops me from seeing that image at home and is also the cause of all my stickam problems (some of Stickam's systems need updating, others don't - results in me usually taking an hour of reloading if I want to get in to the chat room).
Dude, did you PM me? My brain feels like Swiss cheese since the debate.
Also, after considering your suggestion, I still think the "OR" badge should be on the left. That way I think it tricks the eyes into reading it thusly: "We must end religion or religion will end us." Of course, I've been working on it and that doesn't lend itself very well to objectivity.
What do others think?
Here is an idea for a T-shirt:
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That "we must end religion" sticker should be written better. It's now like it says "We must end or religion ends us" it's too confusing.
Trust and believe in no god, but trust and believe in yourself.
A more enraging sticker would read "In the UK there are 5000 sex slave children. Why should God answer YOUR prayers?"
From here:
If someone would, do some graphics.
"The Constitution is not for Christian use only"
"Freedom, it's not just for Christians any more"
"Wanting a neutral goverment doesnt mean we will barbaque kittens or spread cooties"
"Allah, Yahwey and Jesus, could you guys knock it of before you get us all killed?"
"Allah/Yahwey/Jesus, if you want to mesure your penises could you not put humanity in the middle of it?"
"Hey all you sky daddy fans, let daddy do his own work, he is supposed to be all powerfull, right?"
"Dont pick on my sky pixie, you might hurt it's feelings"
"Humn, if I dont kiss his butt, I get barbaqued? Who is this tyrant?"
"Thank Thor gods are myths"
You think you myth is special? Get over it.
"Sky daddies are like pie holes, everyone has one"
"You must have a tiny shlong if you threaten to barbaque me for not kissing your butt"
"Please leave your myth at the comic book store. I am not interested"
"How powerfull is a god that cant stop me from calling it a myth?"
"My sky daddy will kick your butt. Yea, he's so powerfull he couldnt tell me himself"
"If you knew what rigor moritis was you wouldn't believe in a zombie god"
"If a dog talks to me, I am called insane. If a god talks to me I'm not? Ok Thor, could you clear this up for me?
COULD SOMEONE TAKE THESE AND PUT THEM IN A GRAPHIC AND POST IT HERE? You dont have to do all of them, just the ones you like.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I'd love to myself. Unfortunately my home PC isn't hooked to the net and it's the one with photoshop. I can visualize some of them instantly. But paint sucks.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Okay, that's two folks who had trouble reading the bumper sticker the way I envisioned it, so there must be a problemo. How's this:
I also updated the "OR" button. I just noticed it's slightly flattened on top. I'll have to fix that.
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Maybe I'll have a look-see a bit later.
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I prefer the original. Just my opinion.
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Here's one I just sent to Bobby Henderson, founder of Pastafarianism. I don't know if he'll use it or not:
Okay, that's enough Photoshopping for today. I have the computer stares.
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"I am scared of your God like I am scared of Darth Vader".
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at
I understand. It's probably the most uncomfortable topic one could imagine. Usually when I bring it up it context of the problem of evil, I get the same sort of quiet response. But when I was still a christian, an atheist first brought the fact of sex slave children up with me. It was only then that I realized the problem of evil is a real problem with the christian god, and the freewill response is bullshit.
Anyway...didn't mean to hijack the thread.
Some ideas off the top of my head that may be funny on Tshirts or something.
Holy Bible
...oh jeebsus that's funny!
We are the Atheists...
...unintelligible rambling is futile... will be deconverted.
I never quite understood
why anyone would want to be a sheep...
God bless us atheists.
Darwin must have been wrong.
Creationists are proof!
In a way, Jesus is like a stripper.
She can make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside,
while at the same time lifting the burden of cash from your back pocket.
The Bible is to truth and rationality like our foreign policy is to cheese and Snicker bars.
Is that the best you can come up with?
Flying Spaghetti Monster -- Great Almighty God? Or GREATEST Almighty God?
This thread ended up being a clearing house for freethought bumper sticker / t-shirt ideas and that's all good. Opinions are needed. Example: I didn't agree with thingy at first, but since someone else didn't understand the concept I was trying to get across, I figured his criticism was probably valid. After you've looked and looked at your own project, you lose objectivity.
It's all good.
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Some people would consider it to be bad taste, but it sounds catchy:
What the fuck
is a crocoduck?
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Lmfao. That would be funny as hell to see as a bumper sticker or shirt.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
Although I can't really see it on a bumper sticker (a tee shirt maybe), I really like the Stripper reference.
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How about this:
Could I borrow Kirk Cameron's photoshop if it's for spoof or political commentary? Maybe a pic of him holding it up?
(Actually, I think it's a female allimallard, but I figure arguing the fine points is silly.
More silly pictures:
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This thread is full of great stuff; I'm loving it!
I just though up one: "It's pronounced 'buy bull' for a reason!"
"What right have you to condemn a murderer if you assume him necessary to "God's plan"? What logic can command the return of stolen property, or the branding of a thief, if the Almighty decreed it?"
-- The Economic Tendency of Freethought
Atheist - One whom disbelieves all gods
A Theist - SUCKER!
Cool! Keep it coming!
Folks, feel free to design these. I'm not sure RRS can use them, though.
I'm going to keep designing anyway and send what I have to the core members after I have a few...see what they say.
If we end up with more than one design of the ideas presented, whatever.
I'm going to work on my ideas until they're exhausted.
I rather like the Borg one, although I've often thought of fundies as Borg-again...hey, is that the kernel of a bumper sticker idea?

Maybe something like:
Resist the Borg-Agains! ("No Cross" symbol)
(Resistance is NOT futile.)
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rofl. "Borg-Agains." I love it.
That is so awesome
! My favorite.
All of these sticker ideas are so awesome!
Trust and believe in no god, but trust and believe in yourself.
Bumper sticker:
"My other ride is your god's face"
Too much?
Dude, Darth Vader IS terrifying. How about... Earthworm Jim?(whoa, flashback there) How about kittens? You could throw in a pic of a kitten by some flowers, to emphasize the terror already in the heart of the driver behind you
I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to.
Wow, I really do wish I was that clever. I loved this thread!
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Here are some I made for the BSAlert bumper sticker store:
Bumper Sticker: Silly Christians, make believe is for kids!
What about my motto: "Trust and believe in no god, but trust and believe in yourself."
Were you the first to think of the WTF? sticker? I've been thinking of getting an oval one to go on my car.
I've also been thinking of getting rid of anything controversial on my car because I need to use it for business and there's FOOLS in dem dar hills. This is goldrush country and it is approximately 60% rationality-free.
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