Another demented Xtian kills her child
Here we have a story of a mother who thought her child was possessed and killed him. While I was working away, less than 100 yards from this house, a little boy was being stabbed to death. When I leave work, I drive by this house on my way home. I drive by it every day. Religion fucking sucks. Relgion + mental illness is downright dangerous. I was powerless to help him or her. It makes me sad and it makes me highly pissed off.
"Killing for peace is like fucking for chastity"
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It is not possible to tell from that news report wether Warren would have killed her child without religious influences. Her mental illness might have been framed in religous terms, but if she had not been exposed to religious dogma, what would have filled the void? Instead of killing demons, could it have been aliens or communists?
That said, the Abrahamic dogma is unfortunately violent, so it is possible that this dogma pushed her over the edge from deranged to murderous. In the other case that I know of, involving a woman cutting off the arms of her infant, the woman's pastor thought insanity was caused by demon possesion and could only be cured by god. In that case, had there not been a dogma keeping the woman from seeking treatment, her illness might not have gone on untreated and she might not have killed her child.
I agree that relgion + mental illness = danger. I just don't know enough about this case to know if religion was a significant factor.
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I agree with Jackal on this point. In fact, I'd go a little bit further to say that it seems highly unlikely that religion was the primary cause here. She clearly had troubles besides religion. That just happened to be her outlet for her troubles.
Something that I'm greatly disappointed about and spiteful of is the final line of the article. The way I see it, there are two possibilities. They were trying to be funny, or they were being serious. Both options are terrible and it makes me sick to think that someone would put such thoughts as a "punchline" to a article in a real newspaper.
"Jesus -- the other white Moses" - Me.
Oh I agree that religion wasn't the primary cause of her actions. But it was a part of the catalyst.
The "punchline" at the end of the article was bizarre too. There's no telling how the author meant for it to be taken.
"Killing for peace is like fucking for chastity"