I have lost all hope in mankind.

I first got this by a Youtube post, sadly. Decided to check it out and Wow....we have some weird people on this planet.
This site makes me lose all hope in mankind(as said in the title) and it obviously doesn't make any sense so i decided to share it with you all. As some people would say....LOL's are in order here.
Go ahead and debunk the crap out of this, I've already started my "debunking" of this site, but I won't ruin it.
"Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Give a man a religion, and he'll starve to death praying for fish." - Anonymous
"If God doesn't like the way I live, let him tell me, not you." -Anonymous
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Let's see,
23. name/ title/ or description of
group implies it is true.
Chances of being BS: 1000% (Yes that's 100 X 10)
It disproves itself by it's very existance. So it's rather amusing.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
"Religion and science are simply forms of control that were created by the ruling elite long before you were born."
That's all I needed to see to understand the sillyness of the site. This person obviously doesn't understand what science is (unless I'm wrong here and science is mind-control...), so there is no point in reading any further.
"I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."--Stephen F. Roberts
Heh. You really should read further for amusement. That's probably the one of the smallest claims.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
The Earth is hollow, with an inner sun
and a more advanced civilization than ours.
In fact, all planets are hollow and have inner
suns. Some of the Inner Earth people are
aware of Earth's outer surface, and others
are not.
Wouldn't an "inner sun" inside the "hollow earth" make it...not hollow?
I'm sure the pictures were doctored as well. And I'm sure they read into the Nazi Swastika. That's EXACTLY what the Nazi's were thinking when they were making their symbol.
"Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Give a man a religion, and he'll starve to death praying for fish." - Anonymous
"If God doesn't like the way I live, let him tell me, not you." -Anonymous
Inside ourselves,
A hidden sun that burns, and burns
But never does any harm to anyone
A hidden sun that burns, and burns
But never does any harm to anyone,
anyone, oooh, anyone.
This is like every conspiricy theory ever made combined into one...
HOLY SHIT!!! I may be an Organic Portal! Guys, stay away from me, for your own good.
I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to.
I especially like the claim that the aurora borealis is caused by the inner sun. Totally impossible. I've watched it many times in my life, and there are aspects of the aurora which could not be caused by a reflection of sunlight. No matter the source.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
What did you guys think of the "cave writings" of that UFO, and those spaceship looking things on the model thing that looked like gold(name escapes me:P)
Doctored in my opinion, and for some reason the guy who wrote this loves the word 'Ultra' When he uses it I can't help but think how stupid this guy must think we are.
What about the 'Actual sattelite footage of Jupiter's North Pole during a storm footage'? I have no reply because I highly doubt it is a picture of Jupiter's North Pole, or if it's even Jupiter at all...
Off Topic: To Vastet: Reading your sig(I like it by the way) 'Gaming God' Have a 360?
"Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Give a man a religion, and he'll starve to death praying for fish." - Anonymous
"If God doesn't like the way I live, let him tell me, not you." -Anonymous
Hey, I watched this show growing up; plot was okay but makeup effects were kind of chincy.
I'd write it off as a joke, but thats a lot of work to make me chuckle. Not that I don't appreciate it.
LoL...this seriously is some funny shit. Reptilian overlords? HA!
I've heard this before. Actually, I think Penn and Teller covered this theory on an episode of Bullshit. I think it was the alien abductions one. People thought that the government was actually a race of reptillian creatures in disguise. Even George W. Bush was said to be an advanced alien being (that would explain why he's putting on the act of being so dumb! It makes perfect sense!)
JESUS SAVES!!! .... and takes only half damage!
Not yet. I made the mistake of getting into the last generation on launch with a PS2 and a friend got a DC on it's launch. Then the DC died and the PS2 took a good 6 months before some real depth came to the games(not to mention common availability of memory cards).
I've decided to wait at least until GTA IV comes out in November before picking up this generations consoles. Cheaper consoles, cheaper games, and the PS2 is still going strong enough to keep my interest until then.
Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.
The whole thing about DNA symbolism in ancient times is a rip-off of Phil K Dick, a science fiction writer. He went further and said the christian fish sign is a segment of the double-helix. All this is in his books Radio-Free Albemuth and Valis (mid 70's).