I am tired of the "oppression of the majority" belief
So recently i have commented on 2 different articles in 2 local newspapers, both relating to religion. Both of these articles had comments on them saying that atheists are anti-christian bigotry and/or that we are oppressing them. This idea irratates me to no end. For the love of Pete where do they get this idea? When did it become that disagreement=bigotry and/or opression? Can someone help me understand? It utterly makes no sense whatsoever. Sorry for the rant.
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It's the idea that someone is opposing their ideas, look at this, 6 atheists books came out in the last year. compared to almost 13,000 christian books, yet atheists are rising up.....6 vs 13,000 and Atheists are rising up against religion? Maybe making our vocies heard, sure, nothing wrong with that in free speech. Unless of course it's free speech for religion and no one else.
I think i realize the idea that is oppostion=oppression or anti-christian bigotry, but how did they make that jump of logic?
it blooms from the same ignorance that says that atheists worship satan, atheists have no morals, and atheists have no hope, atheists are un-american. the same way that gay marriage will supposedly destroy hetero marriages and lead to the downfall of monogamy. atheists are just evil, oppressive haters that want to bring everyone else down.
www.derekneibarger.com http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=djneibarger "all postures of submission and surrender should be part of our prehistory." -christopher hitchens
It's what many have been taught, how they have been indoctrine, like the gay marriage, i mean serious, lets look at heterosexual marriages, they ain't the greatest, high divorce rate, abuse as well occurs, marriage for the most part of history, isn't about religious sacredness, but about economic reasons, political, arraged etc etc etc. religion was there involved but not the deciding factor, and most of ancient history is littered with these types of marriages. These types of statements that atheism is some how oppressive or bigtry, is just plain ignorance
Oh man, I totally know how you feel. I'm so sick of hearing Christians be all woe-is-me. Dude, you're a HUGE and powerful majority in this country.
You know, I think Christians are just used to getting so much and being pandered to that when one little snafu occurs, they flip out. "You don't want the Ten Commandments in the courthouse, you stupid atheist? SAY WHAT? " We atheists, on the other hand, are incredibly used to being essentially shat upon. It's unfortunate, but we know it's true: we're atheists living in a land of theists. And yet if we try to assert ourselves one bit, we're oppressive bigots. It makes me crazy. Want to see what it is like being oppressed for religious beliefs in this country? Be an atheist.
Many christians can't play fair, better to just cry.
(Some not all.)
one of them even implied that liberal christians are oppressing "traditional" christians. ON somewhat of a side note someone called Secular Humanism a philosphy of nothing *rolls eyes*
They've had it too good for too long. They had the power in society. They essentially had the right to impose their beliefs on others. They were unquestionable because it wasn't considered polite (or smart) to challenge their faith.
Now the balance is swinging. Things are moving toward secularism. they are losing power. They have less right to make others live by their beliefs. And their beliefs are being questioned as they should have been questioned for centuries.
It's like a spoiled child. If you gave a 5 year old a cookie whenever he asked for it for months, He would come to expect it. He would see it as his right to have a cookie whenever he wanted. If one day he asked for a cookie and you said no, he would throw a tantrum and would be convinced you were being unreasonable.
Oh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
So basically many Christians are just spoiled brats? Makes a little more sense.
Yeah,its one of the things i find the most annoying things about christians.And somehow all the badmouthing/oppression they commit is ok.Doncha just love the double standard?

"Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions."--Frater Ravus
bigg but but but the Christians are the ones who know the truth so its ok to oppress everyone else.
(to some of the more liberal christians on the board who might read this i am speaking of people who have this double standard).
Even though we are not local, you might consider at least posting the e-mail to the editor's page so we can set the streight. We are glad you told us, but unless they themselves heare in mass numbers, they will consider us a novety to exploit to sell papers.
You dont have to give the paper's name, but you could pm the e-mail adress to those here who request it so that we can respond.
Yes, we agree that they are crying vicitim when anyone with half a brain who has studied history can see that Christians have dominated and opressed for over 400 years, just on this contentent alone, not to mention the dark ages of Europe.
They are not opressed. They are merely not used to others saying, "Hey we exist too" or, "That claim you made doesnt make sense".
"Question with boldness even the existance of God, for if there be one, surely he would pay more homage to reason than to that of blindfolded fear" Thomas Jefferson.
"As the government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion" Treaty of Tripoly (Barbary Treaty) articall 11, signed by both houses of congress without dissent and signed into law by President John Adams June 10th 1797.
This is the history the readers of these opinions seldomly hear and is so important they be challenged every time an opinion is printed.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
Check out my poetry here on Rational Responders Like my poetry thread on Facebook under Brian James Rational Poet, @Brianrrs37 on Twitter and my blog at www.brianjamesrationalpoet.blog
Theyll all learn how false their truth is when they die,and stand before me.Btw I am the one true God,i even wrote up a little story one day filled with circular logic that is irrefutable proof.
I was bored one day and made it up when I was arguing with a christian who tried to tell me how the bible is true because it says it is.But just like the FSM and IPU,it flew right over their heads,so easy for them to say "Whatever,thats clearly fiction and anyone whod believe it is gullible."I just said take a look in the mirror and think about your beliefs based on a book of fiction,left it at that and did something more productive,went to bed.
"Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions."--Frater Ravus
Are you asking for a link to the comments that i speak of? I didn't quite understand. If so most people here will definately get mad at some of these comments. I so wanted to go into a rant on some of these comments. Also, if you read my thread called "A little debate i'm having" it's one of the others that mentions this same belief.
This is such a true post.
Ignorance gives way to more ignorance.
Ignorance breeds hatred.
Hatred gives way to more ignorance.
Cycle after cycle.
I always point out Christians feel oppressed when they are prevented from oppressing others.
That pretty much sums it up.
But Matt they are just expressing their religion. If you try to stop them you are therefore stopping them from their freedom to express religion.