Atheists/humanist charity groups

This topic came up this weekend as I was doing some volunteer work (bartending) at a local festival that raises money for the poor in guatemala for schools and shelter, since this is done by a local community group which is backed by a local anglican church (yes i do volunteer at a church for aid purposes) A few of the church goers had asked me if there are any atheist charity groups (they all know i am an atheists). I promptly told them about humanist organization of canada which has local branches in all the major cities, and the Society of ontario freethinkers which are currently raising money (ok last time i checked a few months ago) for Africa.
I was wondering what other humanist/secular/atheists local organizations are there which provide aid during times of crisis? I admit that i am pretty ignorant of any others, besides the ones mentioned here, and only because i have donated to them before. Besides the UN, amenesty international etc.
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I'm curious: how many charities and the like are run by atheists but without any explicit mention of atheism in the title?
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I would suspect that many animal groups have a lot of atheists. I'm not familiar with any animal groups at all that have affiliations with either religious or secular groups.
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I figured there would be many out there that don't call themselves secular/atheists/humanist. However for the sake of arguement I was wondering about those for crisis aids, natural disaster type aids, like what happened with the Tsunami in south east asia. I heard so few horror stories of missionaries and their requirments to give aid (a friend of mine's family member that was there went it happened was denied aid by christian missionaries unless he converted, they promptly chased the missionaries out and "stoled" the aid.) Plus in the news all i heard was about religious organizations helping out. Besides the UN what other non religious affiliated oranization helped? I figure there were many, but none come to mind.
How about Doctors Without Borders?
yes that's for sure one, i guess it would be nice to have a list of them i guess so that i can name a few of next time the question comes up. Might as well get started myself.