Getting interviewed by Newsweek on behalf of Atheism!

You may have remembered my video question on YouTube for CNN, it is now the most popular question. It asks "How will you appeal to non religious voters?" You can see and vote for it at
Earlier today I got an email from a Newsweek reporter saying they will interview me about my video. This is great! Thanks everyone who voted!!
Support our voice in politics by voting for the question "Is America unofficially a Theocracy?" at so it can be asked live at the CNN/YouTube debates!!
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that's awesome!!
Awesome! Would love to hear them answer that.
That is awsome! Let us know when it prints so we can rush to the newstands!
And thanks to Newsweek for for giving this atheist a voice. Hopefully it wont be a hatchet job.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Thanks guys, it will be available next week!
That's excellent news!
Hopefully it will not only be in print, but will be on their website.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
I assume it will be online along with the rest of the Debates story. It's really awsome how much of a voice we might have to the next President!
Support our voice in politics by voting for the question "Is America unofficially a Theocracy?" at so it can be asked live at the CNN/YouTube debates!!
Anyway, if you want to check it out but an issue of Newsweek next week. The story I'm sure will also be available online.
Support our voice in politics by voting for the question "Is America unofficially a Theocracy?" at so it can be asked live at the CNN/YouTube debates!!
Have they interviewed you yet? How did it go? Did the interviewer seem unbiased?
Details! We need details! That way we'll have an idea how fairly the article was written.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
He was actually very nice and cool about it, and seemed to agree with the question's viewpoint. I told him how this country isn't supposed to be a theocracy and the Candidates and our current President seem to ignore this along with the non religious voters. He seemed to agree and was interested in it.
Also, since this is being printed in Newsweek, and the votes are already going up and down, this will be a tough interesting ending. We need all the support you can give! Please, if you know anyone non religious, let them know about this question and site! Thanks much!
Support our voice in politics by voting for the question "Is America unofficially a Theocracy?" at so it can be asked live at the CNN/YouTube debates!!