Do you "witness" to Theists?

I'm wondering who here is actively trying to deconvert people that they don't nesessarily know, sort of like how a Christian may ask you if you know who Jesus Christ is. I've recently started doing it...and honestly I dunno how Christians do it, it takes some balls. But as I finished I felt like I did something really important. I was on an online dating site (lol shutup I can get women if I want but I was bored) and this chick named JesusChristHeart looks at my profile and sends me a message asking if I know Jesus. I immediately become annoyed because I hate when people ask me about Jesus, because they don't have any idea that it's impossible at this point to make be believe in their bullshit. I contemplate for awhile letting it go, but then I proceed to write the following.
I don't know you, but I can already tell alot about you. I write this with a heavy heart because I know what I'm about to try and accomplish is an uphill battle. You have already been preconditioned to believe that something of this nature is "a test" or "the devil working", however I assure you that is not the case. I'm merely COMPELLED to try and set you free. For the exact reason you feel compelled to tell people about Jesus, is the same reason I feel compelled to reveal to you that it is all a terrible lie to control you. To be as highly indoctrinated as you obviously are I'm not going to change your mind immediately but I just want to tell you some things that you should know.
Let's start with the most BASIC thing. You believe in Yahweh, the God of the bible. While I can't make any legitimate claim that NO god exists whatsoever, I can EASILY within minutes disprove the validity of the Christian god. It's just not true...whether you CHOOSE to believe me or not is an entirely different story. I continue to stress, that if you ignore the FACTS and REASON that I give's NOT a good thing or something to be praised. "Resisting the temptation put before you" in this case will mean you have chosen to ignore reality. I assure you my intentions are in both yours and this whole country's best interest. My own deconversion from this fairy tale nonsense started when I wanted to be a GOOD Christian and sat down and asked myself what do I believe and why do I believe it. But as the research of the bible actually piled up....the conclusion could NOT be denied.
I'm not even going to give you ALL of the things I have to prove the bible is fiction, but I'll just throw a couple things out there, and if they actually get you to thinking independently of the people who indoctrinate you feel free to get back at me and you can lean more if you want. I also urge you not to take MY or your PASTER'S (or peers) words as truth. Do your OWN research and find out the truth for yourself. But without further ado, here's the heresy that should help to truly open your eyes so that you can wake up from "the matrix".
1. The story of Moses...couldn't have have happened. Nevermind the fact that it's a completely impossible story, you would be able to just use your faith to say "well god can do anything". Well I don't even have to argue that because there is another reason that the story could have never happened. The Ancient Egyptians were a proud and smart people. They kept records of their advancements and things of that nature and they also kept records of the people they enslaved. They offered sacrifices from the slaves that they had to their god Amen Ra so that they would have a prosperous civilization. However, there is NO RECORD of the Egyptians ever EVER enslaving any group of Jews. So why would there be a guy named Moses talking to a burning bush, telling him to free a group of people from bondage....who were never enslaved in the first place? So...the plagues...the blood, the death of the first born none of that happened because the Semites didn't need to be freed.
2. Noah's Arc and the flood ALSO DID NOT all. Once again you have to look at the Egyptians to figure out why the story of Noah's Arc is erroneous. The story itself is NOT ORIGINAL. Back in Ancient Africa the Nile River flooded Egypt every year. It destroyed alot when it came so the Egyptians called the flood "the waters of chaos". But they also recognized that the flood was nessessary as it brought new life and much needed water. During the time of the flood there was a crescent moon in the sky so when they celebrated the flooded yearly they called the celebration Arga-Noa or "arc of the flood". Does that sound familiar to you? That's where the story of Noah's Arc comes from and conclusively proves that the story is a plagarization.
Now these are a mere TWO examples of MANY I can give you to prove that the bible is merely a work of fiction. Some of the other knowledge I have is even more shocking than that, but it doesn't matter if you wont' accept or have no interest in what I have to say.
And again, I have to say one final time. I am not "of the devil" and this is not some "test" of your faith that you have to "pray over". Reality..that is where all of the rest of us live DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY. The cloud man in the sky doesn't actually help you out in situations like these because he's NOT THERE. Just be open minded about this and look some of the stuff up from a NON BIASED SOURCE (ie. a non Christian website..there's not way you'll get the truth there).
But really just open your mind up and you'll be able to eventually accept the way you've been living is false. It may make life harder on you actually...losing friends and have people think of you differently..having them "pray" for your "eternally damned soul" but I gaurantee you that there is MUCH MORE FREEDOM in living life by virtue of reason and logic and not an imaginary friend who demands you bow to his will 24/7.
So really, is the the right approach? Who's for or against, trying to get people out of this mindset?
The more you know about the world around you, the less you have to make up.
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I've really found that the reason for debating is not to try to get people loose of their religious mindset, but to show those out there who are not so zealous that it's okay to question it and that it's RIGHT to question it. A debate with a firm believer generally finds little ground, that's true. But not debating at all and never bringing up religion just lets more and more unsuspecting children and those on the fence fall into a trap of complete falseness.
Our responsibility is not to change people like JesusChristHeart's minds, but it is to make it known to the public at large that there are large, very large groups of people who are open to and accept atheism. We need to make it known that the critique of religion is not wrong and it is something that everyone should do, religious or otherwise.
I say that you at least try it. If one day it causes her to question her religion, then we're one person closer to ending religious garbage.
Great post, IntellectualTitan.
So - did you get a date with JesusChristHeart or not?
Dude, Noah's Ark has been found...right where it should be.
Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
*Cartman laugh* Ha......hahahahahahaha.....
Yes and evidence of a pretty big boat could hold every animal ever and those animals were ALL able to get to the parts of the world they hailed from, some indigenous to specific areas of the world...areas of the world that a man around the Meditteranian could NEVER get to.
Ok, we don't even need to discuss the impossibility of Noah's Arc because the story is fraud so w/e.
The more you know about the world around you, the less you have to make up.
Just letting people know that it should be okay to question is enough. Make skeptics and they'll more than likely be atheists eventually. That's my opinion.
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