She's having an abortion tommoro at 9:30, my boss is religious, I feel obligated to go... but I just found out today.

I've always been honest with my boss. My honesty cost another empolyee his job. This is my career, of three years now. I love my job and the people I work with.
Tonight I got a phone call from a former partner. It was a quick fling of around a month. Very heated, very intense, very unprotected. We found out around 2 weeks ago she was pregnant, right after we broke up. She ambushed me with the news while I was intoxicated late one night. Whatever, I knew she would have hit the eject button right there and then if she could have. If life could only be that easy.
We're still friends though, it wouldn't of worked out we can agree. I'm going to help her with this however I can. Tommoro I want to be there for her when she visits the pediatric Kevorkian. Only problem is I just found out tonight I'd have to be there at 9:30am. I never call off work. If I'm taking off, I'm telling my boss to his face and not over the phone. He wouldn't respect that, neither would I.
Too bad he's religious, and I get the impression he wouldn't be too pleased with me asking off work so I can help some girl pay for an abortion. I'm not sure what to tell him. I can just say it's personal, but that would be totally out of character of me. Completely out of character. Some of my co-workers know I'm an athiest, but this might be a little over the top for them.
"There was a 100% chance I was going to write this" - Heisenberg.
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You are an employee, they pay you to do your job when you are there and be responsible. It honestly is none of their business if you need time off for a personal matter. If you are entitled to personal time, then you tell them you need a personal day and you take it, your private matters should be of no concern to them.
A greed as an employee your employer does not need to know why you need time off outside of personal reasons. If he insists just say you are not comfortable speaking about it, as it is due to personal reasons period. Being an employer myself, I personally don't care to know my employees personal lives, unless it affects work (to much drinking, drugs, stuff that will affect their work) a personal day is not affecting work.
Yes, you are absolutely right. However everyone knows why everyone else takes off, we're very honest with each other. To say otherwise would be out of the ordinary, enought to raise suspicion. I'm sure I can come up with a vauge yet satisfying explanation.
"There was a 100% chance I was going to write this" - Heisenberg.
Believe it or not, it's not nearly as tough as you think.
"I'm sorry, boss. This is something very personal, and I need it to stay outside of the office. Everything will be fine, and I'll be back tomorrow."
End of story.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
By the way... boss... that's me... I have about 35 employees, and I would NEVER think to say another word about it if someone said what I said in my last post.
If you're due the time, then you can use it for whatever you want. If the boss, or other employees have problems with your privacy, that's their problem, not yours.
This will cause WAY more trouble if you bring it into the open.
(Which is one of the reason I really, really can't stand the way abortion is demonized, but that's another topic entirely.)
Please, please, please, take our advice and just tell him it's too personal for the office, and then never mention it again.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
Even if it results in some kind of highly critical inquiry that could possibly jepordize my future? I mean what do I have to worry about right?
"There was a 100% chance I was going to write this" - Heisenberg.
Not all religious people are anti-choice. And if you'd get fired for that you have a BIG lawsuit coming.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Just kidding, I know your advice was the way to go about it from the get go. I'm just weighing my options for amusement. Plus, I really really wanna tell my boss just to see what would happen.
"There was a 100% chance I was going to write this" - Heisenberg.
{wiping brow} Phew...
It's hard to tell in here sometimes.
Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism
You need the time off for a unexpected medical appointment. You boss doesn't need to know if it's for an abortion or for getting your tonsils removed since you still have a right to medical privacy in this country (unless the fundies get Roe v. Wade overturned).
Since your boss is a jesusfreak he may take it upon himself to make your life a living hell for not being a part of the cult. You could be the best employee ever but not being part of his crowd will earn you a pinkslip so it's best that he never knows; not because you're doing anything wrong but because your boss may be a religious bigot with a narrow mind.
I must agree that the time is yours. I have a very close relationship with the vast majority of people who work for me. If they told me that they had a sudden need to attend to a physician, I would ask if they were alright. When they would reply in the affirmative, I would ask if they wanted to chat on the subject. If they say "no," then I tell them to have a good day and good luck at the physician's office.
Just because someone is your "boss," does not mean that the person has become the master of your existence. Honestly, I would be upset if one of my employees felt they needed advice as to how to approach me for a purpose such as this.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
You could honestly say that you're helping a friend with a very personal medical problem. It's no one's business what your friend's medical condition is.
At the very worst, you can always say it's "girl stuff" and say it's your friend's private matter.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
So, what word, Rightborn?
Shhhhhh, HERETIC! I like mine to fear the wrath of Josh. Plus it's a lot of fun to hear the bullshit excuses.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
A happy workforce is a productive workforce. Plus, you are a lot more likely to get a BJ at the company Xmas party.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
Better yet, why not "boy stuff"?
"There was a 100% chance I was going to write this" - Heisenberg.
SHUUURRRE! If you're into getting sexual favors from the cast of 'Deliverance'.
When I was a 'flunkie', I'd simply tell the manager that I needed to be off and tell him/her when I'd be back. I guess I probably require more of a reason than any of my past bosses ever did of me. I've always been really dependable and reliable, so it never mattered in the work relationship.
Too bad it isn't like those days anymore. The Zinger-Miller 'force-fed' training conditioned me away from that mindset years ago.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.