The Rational Response Squad is a group of atheist activists who impact society by changing the way we view god belief. This site is a haven for those who are pushing back against the norm, and a place for believers of gods to have their beliefs exposed as false should they want to try their hand at confronting us. Buy any item on AMAZON, and we'll use the small commission to help improve critical thinking. Buy a Laptop -- Apple |
This really disgusts me. |
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Kid seems pretty respectful to me. She didn't want to say the prayer because she felt it would lessen it for the others. I must admit that I am impressed.
So much for sticking to one's convictions. I suppose they could have burned her at a pep rally.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
My heart breaks for Nicole and her family.
Too bad she wasn't carrying a recording device of some type so she would have evidence of what the bigots said to her. Yes, I believe that even the teachers joined in on the verbal abuse.
I hope the lawsuit bitch slaps that entire town.
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When I was in high school, only 3 of my closest friends new I was atheist, for that reason. Always seemed to me that people thought atheists where like nazi's or something. Wasn't until recently that I was open about it. Before the school got forced to ditched the organized prayer, I'd still sit there and pretend to pray with em just cause I feared what everyone would say if I told em.
Like Susan said, I hope the lawsuit bitch slaps that town.
In school I was very open about being an atheist. I didn't start any crap, but I refused to pray and walked out of a pep rally with a group of students when the praying started. Because of this, all but three of my teachers tried to fail me. They would put the wrong grades in the grade book, score my tests falsely, and do a plethora of things to try to get me to fail.
One teacher marked me absent for half a semester, although I only missed 3 days... all of which where doctors appointments. When asked where I was, I told them I was there. I had the counselor come in and ask the class if I had come to class, all of which said yes.
That school did everything in their power to fail me, however, I still graduated with pretty decent grades. Because of my move from Texas to Oklahoma, they made me re-take all of my history and science classes since IPC (Integrated Physics and Chemistry) wasn't a real science course.
So I took all of my sciences and histories over, passing them all. I struggled with anatomy legitamately though. My teacher was atheist but was quiet about it. She helped me out a lot since she knew the other teachers where trying to fail me (this is how I found out about it all).
My English teacher (I had one for two years) was great.
However, my Health teacher literally taught out of the bible. "I don't care what scientists say about Margerine. The Bible says to eat butter (lol) so I'm going to eat butter. On this next test, if any of you answer "Margerine" on the question about which is better, I'll count it wrong. Just write "Butter is better because 'The Good Book' says so."
He didn't try to fail me though.
It's reasons like this video that this website is so essential.
Sadly, when crap like this happens, folks are going to have to start documenting, filming and recording everything to prove the harrassment.
Can't you just imagine how mortified the teachers would be if they swore on a bible that they didn't say rude things, only to have a recording of the comments show up?
Atheists have to fight back and expose the hypocrits.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
I saw that on TV, and it made me cringe. I'm so glad that I'm up here in the northeast. I was teased enough for other things, I couldn't imagine what would have happened if I grew up down south.
JESUS SAVES!!! .... and takes only half damage!
I know that sounds sick. There should be no contest among who suffers most because of religion. But take a look at this youtube channel posted by an ex-muslim. Any sympathy you feel for Islam will evaporate.