New Earth Creationists frighten me.

Scary. That's the one word that comes to mind, besides uneducated, when I think about N.E.C.'s. They are FAR worse than any other theistic person, apart from radical islam. Here's a sample of the kind of people I went to school with.
ah but that word is not the one used in Genesis (In regards to Yohm... which it is)... and a little later on, it says that the world was literally made in 6 days... something about the sun rising 6 times and God rests on the seventh...
if u want to know what i really believe, go to this site
it is Creation Science... very factual very real and very believable
It's absolutely scary that they literally throw out anything they learn in classes like Biology, Chemistry, hell, even History, and substitute their own reality. No wonder the United States has gone severely down hill in terms of education.
Denying that the word Yohm isn't the word using in Genesis?
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It's probably a vicious cycle. Creationists atack science education, people become less educated in science making creationism more believable to them, Creating more creationists to atack science.
Oh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
It just scares me that such ignorance is out there. Such an absolute disregard for not only the English language and what context words are used, but common sense and science.
I'm not scared by the ignorance, just the desire to pass that ignorance onto their children and others
Oh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
The ignorance scares me mainly because I went to the exact same school as this guy.
I remember that survey where they found in the US a smaller percentage of people believe in evolution than any other country surveyed, except Turkey.
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Why does it seem that every young earth believer quotes Kent Hovind? That guy tells so many outright lies that it's impossible to respond to everything he says. He also refuses to debate if both sides are given time to research eachother's topics. His degree was from a non-accredited university. The degree was in Christian education. He has science related degrees (or any at all, technically). He lies constantly about this, which is just the first in a long series of red flags. His statements about evolution and practically all aspects of science show either minimal knowlege about science and mathematics, or that he purposely misleads people. Other young earth creationists disregard everything he says and consider him a disgrace. There are tons of websites that do a great job of refuting almost every word that leave that guy's mouth, along with sources, which 'Dr.' Dino fails to do.
I watched one of his videos. At one point, he describes logical fallacies. I couldn't decide whether he was making fun of his audience for not recognizing that the fallacies he was describing was exactly what he himself was doing, or if he genuinely believed it. The whole "Which you can see if you buy my other tape" thing doesn't help, either. He's a bad stand-up comedian...
The sentence below is false.
The sentence above is true.
This sentence doesn't care.
Hovind is a dumbass, and a felon.
How I feel about YEC's:
If you want to believe that the Earth was made in seven days, go ahead - it doesn't affect me. However, don't pretend science backs it up, or that mainstream science has an agenda against God. You are free to ignore science if you wish, just don't pick and choose scientific findings.
I hope that when the world comes to an end I can breathe a sigh of relief, because there will be so much to look forward to.
I went to a fundy school that taught young-earth creationism out of a textbook. I feel cheated.
Evolution and paleontology are fascinating and I didn't get to enjoy them until I could learn on my own.
I sometimes wonder how many of the people I went to school with stayed fundy. Judging by appearances only, most of them did. However, my brother and I have only one thing in common: neither of us are theists.
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