Am I the only unhappy atheist? -or- Life without god is hopeless and tragic
I've rarely met another atheist who wasn't okay with the reality he/she knew, but I'm one of them. I'm pissed that I had to be a part of this tragic species, and I'm pissed this tragic species ever came into existence. I know it's no one's fault, but it angers me that it happened, b/c throughout human history (say, the past 150 thousand years of modern Homo Sapiens) and every single day, countless 'good' people have suffered terrible physical and emotional pain at the hands of 'bad' people or the natural world. I myself have suffered pretty badly in life (just some abuse I got when I was a kid), but not nearly as bad as millions of other people.
And in the end, we all die forever. There's no man in the sky to protect us in life or save us in death, no mystical figure who loves us and created us- we are a tragic accident in a vast unconscious universe.
I'm really pissed off by all the above, and if I had a magic button that would kill all life on earth, I'd press it in a heart beat. No, I'm not going to kill anyone (I don't own any weapons, and besides, why would I go out and shoot a dozen people when that would just cause tons of suffering for innocent people as well as ending my life and not even making a dent in the global population?), but if I had a button that would end us all instantly and painlessly, I'd press it. All of us, as well as our species, are already as good as dead, and the only question is how much more our species will suffer on the way to eternal extinction.
ps: if you find it hard to believe i'm an atheist, feel free to say so. I'd be glad to defend atheism.
pps: I defy anyone to give me a reason why pressing the button would be inhumane and/or illogical.
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xkcd...pleasure to meet ya.
I'm Zeeboe, I'm a newbie not only to this forum but to being a non-believer as well and I know exactly how you feel. You sound just like me. I've been depressed and angry for quite some time now due to this life style change.
Hey guys, I think I finally made a friend!
Well it would be unethical by human standards first of all. And what gives you the right to make decisions for others regarding their life (however pointless it is)? Believe it or not but some of us atheists really do enjoy life, even though we do understand that death is permanent. Maybe you need a hobby, friends or a support group.
"I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."--Stephen F. Roberts
'Ethics' and 'having the right' (lol) to do something are all subjective, and my subjective values tell me to hit the button and end all suffering. Your subjective values may differ.
Support group? It's why i'm here, dude.
You seem to assume that you would be ending the suffering of the world.
Would you not have any issues in ending the lives of those who are happy, content, elated just to be alive? Or would it be worth wiping out the happy lives to end the pain of the others? If you really feel that way than I am saddened for you and your outlook.
Take this for what you will, but I hope you won't give up on humanity, there is plenty of happiness to be found, regardless of whether or not you believe in a greater power.
Five minutes from now, the entire world could come to a screeching halt, life would cease, and you would 'be' no longer.
What would you do with that five minutes?
Would you sit and bitch about the rest of humanity?
Would you throw a party and celebrate the end of the world knowing that the party would only be five minutes and have to come to an end?
Would you try to right any wrongs in vain in that five minutes?
Would you pray?
Regardless of ethics, subjective judgment, or some misguided suffering assessment
Why waste one moment by destroying the moment?
The only certainty is that if noone opens the box then noone knows what happens to the cat.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Holy shit, xkcd, the hubris of your post far outranks any theist who has posted on this forum. I'll give you a reason. You have no fucking right to decide who lives and who dies! Just because you think life sucks, doesn't mean I do. I want to live no matter how much it is "unjust." I suggest you seek professional help.
I didn't read the other responses to this post (way too tired to deal with it tonight), but I imagine some were confrontational. Instead of confronting you, I'd like to point you to two other threads:
In these threads there is some discussion of the fallout that comes when one leaves religion. You didn't specify that you left a religion, but I thought some of what is said could be helpful to you.
When I saw the title of your thread, I came in to lend moral support by pointing out that unhappy atheists are a pariah to both theists and atheists. The theists point at them and say, "See? That guy is unhappy because he's not a [insert religious faith here]." Atheists don't want to claim an unhappy atheist for the same reason. It's a lame argument for a belief in god, but I've often felt that atheists don't want to deal with the very emotional part of either leaving religion or being an atheist in America. (If you aren't American, please realize I'm generalizing.)
In your post you come across as very bitter, so if some of the atheists here become confrontational, I understand why. I'm not sure if you're asking for help in a round about way or just pushing buttons to see what happens.
I'm going to assume that you are very depressed because that's the sense I get from your post. I would very much encourage you to seek professional help. Feelings you're attributing to atheism could partially caused by other factors.
Books on atheism, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
I hope you get over this nihilism.
Look at my blog! It's awesome!
I'm also on this Twitter thing
Well I can say i have met people with your views, theists, agnostic and atheists alike. I would recommend seeking professional help first and foremost. For the other part of your rant about wanting to kill everyone and end suffering, I for one ain't suffering. I enjoy this life, it's the only life i get, and i enjoy it well, with lots of love and friends in my life, i have no reason to end it. Will i suffer, sure eventually but it will be temporary, it all ends eventually. Although i am fully aware that chances are only my friends and family will remember me after i pass away, i am comfortable with it, i do not require anything more than that.
What i ask is, if you don't seek professional help and have no desire for it, and with your thoughts regarding all this suffering and wanting to end it, why haven't you? I figure you probably aren't that suicidal at all, and most likely are afraid to die, which is natural for us humans. But for you to decide that I am suffering and therefore should die, seems to me that it's more of a power trip, probably due to something you lack, but i could be wrong here, I don't know you from jack shit.
I however will continue to enjoy this life, yes people suffer, and yes suffering will continue, but i enjoy my time here on this earth, i enjoy good friends, the love of my family, great food, beer, weed etc etc etc.
Hello! Im an atheist. I have been my entire life and I'm happy with my life. Its very nice thank you very much. I enjoy life a lot and the reality of it all does not bother me.
Look at all the wonderful things we have done. The art, the science, the literature, the music, understanding what we are, understanding the workings of the universe. We are an increadible and amazing species capable of all manner of good and wonderful acts.
But also every day countless people experaince the joys of love, of laughter, of wonderment at the world, of learning, of creating something. Yes there is shit in the world but the is more happiness inmy opinion.
Thats bad but don't let you experiances as a child cloud the rest of your life.
But what a wonderful accident we are!
Firstly you will end my life and I really love my life.
Secondly you will end the life of my girlfriend and she really enjoys her life.
Thirdly you will end the life of my brother and he really enjoys his life.
Fouthly you will end the life of my friend Chris, his wife and their baby daughter and they really enjoy their lives.
Fithly you will end the life of my other brother and he really enjoys his life
Sixthly you will end the life of my work colleague Sam and he really enjoys his lif
Seventhly..... you get the picture.
Just because you don't like your life does not mean other people do. It is completely illogical to end someones happiness just becasue you are unhappy. I happen to be very happy and content with my life and I want to emjoy it as long as possible.
None of you so far seem to realize how many pple out there in the world are suffering. For instance, 30 million are slaves, adn countless others are SEX slaves. Millions are murdered, burnt alive, raped, tortured, etc. each year.
Pull your heads out of the clouds and look at the shit of the world, motherfuckers. And yeah, you may be able to just brush off the horrible physical and emotional suffering of millions out there by saying 'shit happens', but unfortunately, b/c of my own pain in life, I now feel the pain of all good people in the world; their collective pain is my pain. So you can understnad why i'd press the button- I feel the horrible suffering of millions and it angers me, and I'd end it in a heartbeat even if that means ending the happiness of many good pple too, b/c in the end the happy pple are going nowhere for eternity so it's irrelevant whether they get there now or fifty years from now.
So anyways, besides the whole button hypothetical question, what do you think about unhappy atheists? Forget the button, just address my feelings.
You're focusing yourself on the negative of this. You shouldn't be sad and angry that your new found belief negates you from a God. You SHOULD be sad and angry that your old belief tricked and decieved you and offered nothing but lies and used scare tactics to now make you feel sad and what not.
You should feel happy that you are no longer a part of this.
Hooray! I'm going nowhere for eternity when I die! All my achievements and memories and knowledge will come to nothing! Yay!
ps: i was being sarcastic
How negative. If you want to go into a piss fest, I'm sure I could easily give you a fair share of how shitty my life's been, that is to say, if you want.
There are two ways you can look at life:
1. In a good way.
2. In a bad way.
You are looking at it in a bad way. In fact, you're looking at nothing of the good things. You sound like you are clinically depressed... only able to look at things you can observe and measure. If you think atheism entails such a thing, you are mistaken.
Atheism is nothing more than an unbelief in any god. Nothing more, nothing less. It does not force you to only look at measurable, testable things and I think this is your problem. As an atheist I believe that things such as love exist and are one of the sole reasons for living. That isn't to say that a lack of love gives you no reason to live, though. I also think that a life devoid of music is meaningless, shallow, and emotionally obscure. But that's just me.
You will have a legacy. What that legacy entails is up to the person. The people who will remember your legacy and pass it on will be your family, friends, and those closest to you (whom should be the most important in your life). You seem to also be saddened and distressed from things that are outside your grasp, such as slavery.
If you were TRUELY upset about the slavery issue, you would actively do everything in your power to help these people, however, you complain about it instead... probably because you realize there isn't anything you can actually do about it.
Here's my question to you. Why worry yourself over something that you can not control, can not have a part in, or will never experience in your life? For example, why would you worry yourself over a gamma ray blast from a distant star when there's really nothing one can do about such an event.
Imagine if you had a daughter (maybe you do), and she was kidnapped. then you get a video sent to you showing her being raped and abused nightly. a note w/ the tape says the guy will keep doing it for years to come. You try to find the guy, but the cops can't catch him. So you lvie each day knowing she's out there but you can't get to her. How's that feel? Why worry yourself over something that you can not control, can not have a part in, or will never experience in your life?
B/c you love her, of course, and it's horrible what she's going through. That's the way I am, just replace the daughter with 'all good pple in the world'; of course, I'm not nearly as upset about their suffering as you would be about your daughter's , but still, it does perturb me, much more than it perturbs most pple like you, so I wish maknind had never existed, and that it will end ASAP, which is why i'm unhappy and why i'd press the button. You understand, it's not that complicated really.
It's just a matter of me caring more about the suffering of the world than you or most others; which isn't to say i'm a 'better' person, but rather someone who sympathizes with them b/c of what i've personally experienced. Of course, feeling empathy for other humans is a nonsensical outdated instinct called reciprocal altruism, I know
. But it's who I am!
ps: having a 'legacy' does not = actually being immortal and alive. Nice try, though.
You've assumed that I don't care about the suffering of others. Of course I do. Thinking about masses of people suffering does make me feel sad, if I think about such a thing for a long enough period of time. I used to think about stuff like this all the time when I was in my early teens. I used to be sad all the time and had extreme views like the one you had with the button pressing.
Then I realized that focusing all of my thought power on such negative things didn't help anything and made the world worse (as I was surely effecting others as well). My hate and anger reflected in my actions, which someone surely felt the effects of. So, what did I do to change this?
I put all of this thought power into positive things. If I couldn't change the world on a massive scale, surely I could change it on a local scale. I started doing community events, supporting canned food drives by buying a literal box load of canned foods using spare cash I had saved up, etc.
No one man, unless driven by an intense conviction, can make any sort of impact on the world. Even those figures in history we see making a huge impact did not do such a thing by themselves. Accepting the fact that I'm nothing more than a normal person helps me realize that things such as global slavery is outside my grasp and even dwelling on such issues will bring down the people around me.
Right, but i'm just saying that if i had the magic button, the suffering of all mankind would no longer be 'outside my grasp', and i'd press it.
You would also end massive amounts of happyness, joy, pleasure, love, and a plethora of other positive things.
I don't care- all I care about are the Innocent Victims of life, like me or the slaves or david ritcheson. I would kill everyone for the people like me. I was unfairly brought into the world, I've suffered terribly, and I get nothing in the end. I would kill this species in a heart beat. And in the end, all those happy memories you mentioned? Gone forever when everyone dies forever.
Fucking ridiculous. Discontinue the human race. Fuck.
By this logic its also pointless ending the suffering because that will end naturally when these people die. I do understand fully the amount of shit that goes down in the world. Its a horrible place much of the time. But look at the progress we have made. Certainly in the first world much of our suffering has been eliminated. Life today in Europe or America is far far better than it has ever been. We no longer have to suffer from all manner of nasty diseases, we are no longer slaves, poverty is far lower, infant mortaility is at its lowest rates, we have near 100% literacy, we are far more equal its better than its ever been and I see no reason why this trend can't continue.
I don't think your unhappiness has anything to do with your atheism. You seem angry about what has happened to you and this anger is manifesting itslef as depressive thinking. My advise get some help. I doubt anything anyone here says will be able to sort out your problems. If you are genuily suffering from depression then you will need to seek professional help. No amount of logical discusion or pursasion will actually help you here. Trust me I know. My girfriend has suffered with depression all her adult life when I first met her over 4 years ago she used to get depressed a lot. Nothing I said could ever pursude her that she was looking at things wrong, that her perspective was skewed. I dubbed this mode of thinking as "looking at the world through shit smeared sun glasses"
When she did this rational discourse simply did not work becasue she was not thinking rationally. This erronious view of the world has now largely been cured by years of therapy and much love from myself. Your view of the world is erronious and irrational. You need to get this changed. The first step in doing this is working out why your brain is not working in the normal rational way that most people opperate in. But that will require a professional - from what you have said it could be teh abuse you have suffered, or it might be something else entirely.
The good news is that depression is a very treatable and manageable condition. Its also increadibly common. You are not alone.
I am occasionally one of them but more often now when I start having those nhilistic thoughts I stop and remind myself "Whatever happens in the future, you're alive now. If it all ends at some point that only makes it more important that you stop obsessing about it and enjoy this moment, and however many more you get."
I would rather have however many more years I have coming to me. You're quite welcome to erase yourself but erasing me does not benefit you at all. Your decision to take me with you is rather selfish and from a purely utilitarian point of view (greatest good for greatest number) it would be wrong. There's no benefit to you or anyone else from removing me from existence (my life continuing is not causing anyone suffering) and it would cost me.
There are millions, possibly billions who would also prefer to keep living, and who's continued existence is not inflicting suffering on anyone else. Like me removing them would be no benefit and would cost them.
So your choice involves a massive cost for no benefit. Wrong by almost any measure.
Even those who are suffering, would they prefer to not exist? Is it your choice to make?
Oh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
My unhappiness is of course caused by my pain from the past, but if there was a god and an afterlife i'd be okay about that pain. Since there's no god and no afterlife, I'm pissed as hell. Ergo, saying this has nothing to do w/ my atheism is bullshit, but much of what you say is okay.
Guys, this is ridiculous. We're all going to be dead forever some day. This is crazy. End this lie.
I mean seriously, life is ridiculous. Wer'e just animals who die all the time and are headed towards eternal death some day; the world is full of pain suffering and tragedy, and our species is going nowehre. All we do is distract ourselves and rationalize this absurd existence- and most people delude themselves about 'god' and 'afterlife' and all that bullshit to get by. Really, all 'life' is is a period of time during which your ape brain is aware of it's own existence before you die forever; our personalities are just things we evolved to help us survive. This is ridiculous. Fuck.
This is fucking ridiculous. I think we should start planning how we can cause WW3 to begin, so we can end this absurd tragic lie asap. Who's with me?
I can't ever be happy, b/c I want to live forever in a paradise with a 'god' and all my loved ones. Fuck. Discontinue the human race.
I'm serious about the ww3 thing too. How can I help kill this species?
How am I supposed to be happy? I want paradise and eternal life. I don't want to be an animal headed towards eternal death in a world of pain suffering and tragic shit. This is ridiculous!
Why? I enjoy my life. Its fun. For example I had some fantastic sex with a woman a truely love last night. That was fun. Today I have entered into serveral intersting discusions on various forums that have entertained and challanged me intellectually that was fun. I'm getting married in a couple of weeks and am looking forward to honey mooning in Italy, a country I have never visited before. I am looking forward to great food and great wine topped off with more passionate sex. Soon I will be having children (hopefully) and I look forward to the challanges that thsi new expriance will bring.
I'm really sorry that you view your life as so meaningless but really you can define your own meaning. Look to the things you enjoy and find meaning in those.
Errr not me I'm enjoying life to much.
You can be happy it just you have your shit smeared shades on. Take them off.
No you are not serious you are just seeking atention.
Well you are an animal - deal with it. One thing one learns fairly early on in ones life is that one does not always get what one wants.
Goodness! I must say that as a person who subsists on angst, you have provided me a banquet beyond my wildest dreams. Obviously, you are new to the recognition of the existentially absurd milieu into which we are all thrown. Welcome to the quagmire!
It is true. You are just an exceptionally adaptable animal with a limited lifespan, like any other. What you do has little impact, and your life will be remembered for what it was for a decade at most. This seems depressing, and I see you struggling against this recognition. Like any quagmire, however, you sink faster when you struggle.
Go, read La Peste by Camus, and return. You will see how one person dealt with this realization. There is no transcendental oversoul to provide you with meaning. Provide your own. Decide what the gauge is and aim for it. If you are incapable of self-imposing value, then suicide is a natural response. Does the suicide make the absurdity any better though? That is a question to be pondered at length.
As for the rest of the human race, allow them to decide for themselves. Just because there is no God, it does not mean that you may fill the transcendental void. In fact, absurdity means absolute freedom. Everyone has it. Who would you be to impose on the freedoms of others? If you wish to come to a decision ex nihilio, as it were, you may. Do not expect the vast majority of us to follow you. We are animals as well, and our wiring tells us to survive no matter what.
"Tis better to rule in Hell than to serve in Heaven." -Lucifer
End your own lie if you must. Most of us enjoy ours. Why do you feel the need to include everyone else in your own destruction? Does it make your own death more meaningful if everyone else dies with you?
Can't help you there. I'm having far too much fun. Maybe you should cut the emo crap and look at how great life really is.
So? It's ridiculous, then laugh. If it all means nothing then just enjoy the ride. Everything ends, that doesn't mean it's not worth enjoying while it's there. Movies last 1.5 to 3 hours but I enjoy the movie for that time. I'm a slow reader so novels last me about a month but they end, should I not enjoy reading? Eventually we'll both move on from this site. Should we not bother reading and posting here?
Everything is temporary. that's what gives each moment value. Think of how uttely meaningless each year would be if you had an infinite number to experience.
Oh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
Instead of complaining about something you can't do (kill several billion people who would rather live), why don't you actually do something you can do? That would be spend your time helping people who are suffering? Devote your entire life to making their lievs better. Feed homeless, help the poor, etc.
Then instead of just being a complete waste, you'll be using your life to make the lives of people who actually like being alive better.
You are fucking rediculous. How about you drink the koolaid first and I'll continue enjoying the life I have?
Get professional help, you need it.
"A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven." -- former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien
You're being fucking ridiculous. There will be those who suffer and those who do not. It happens in every species and it happens everywhere. You have some balls to propose killing me because someone else out there is suffering. I like my life, thank you.
Stop acting like a victim and a martyr. There are lots of people out there who have suffered terribly and cruelly at the hands of another yet they manage to perservere and actually do something with their lives instead of crying about it.
I strongly suggest that you seek mental help immediately. You sounds extremely unstable and I'm sure that some medication and proper therapy might allow you to a live a more comfortable life.
If god takes life he's an indian giver
This may not be comforting, but I think you need to hear it:
I'm choking on the self-absorbtion, self-righteousness and selfishness evident in your posts. You are complaining about being unhappy, and that your unhappiness is caused by the unhappiness of all "Innocent Victims" everywhere. You are so unhappy, in fact, that you would seriously contemplate eradicating human life from the planet just so you didn't feel what you're feeling anymore.
In short, you want to kill me because you don't have what you want in life. You can't figure out how to be happy, so no one gets to be happy (or sad or hungry or content or woeful or joyous or scared or optimistic) ever again.
What are you feeling so guilty about? You mentioned that you suffered earlier in life; are you feeling guilty that your suffering stopped when others' did not? Are you feeling guilty about your capacity for happiness in the face adversity?
Others have already suggested that you get some help. Please listen to them.
maybe if this sig is witty, someone will love me.
I agree. You need Psychiactric help.
You're really egotistical to compare yourself to slaves.
I don't think you really do care about them, I think you only care for yourself, and you pretend to care for slaves because it might make us care about your "message" which is "I am hurting, and you should care". Get some help, go out, and do somethng enjoyable.
Anyway, you pretend to care about innocent victims, yet you wish to make them innocent victims of your magic button. By depriving them of all pleasure, you are victimizing them.
[MOD EDIT - fixed quotes]
Look at my blog! It's awesome!
I'm also on this Twitter thing
I wish my lawn was emo so it would cut itself.
"A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven." -- former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien
HAHA!!! That's the best emo wisecrack I've heard in a while.
Your god's silence speaks loud and clear
Another illogical issue is that, in all probability, the earth is not the only planet with life on it, so even if you did "push the button" on the planet, what about the rest of the universe?
Let's take this another step. Even if you could "push the button" on all life in the universe how will this prevent another bigbang from happening to start it all over again?
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
Sure I've considered that, which is why I'd really rather press a button that would destory all matter, energy, and whatever and end all existence for all time in this and any other universe that might exist.
So basically, to sum up for this thread and the responses:
"I wish there was a god and an afterlife, b/c life w/o those things sucks."
Then kill yourself?
"I don't like the suffering of the world"
Stop caring about it, or go out and do some insignificant charity that barely helps anyone, or kill yourself
"So b/c of those two reasons, I'm unhappy"
Go see a shrink- even though psychiatrists are generally theists or agnostics, not to mention idiot sheep; and of course, they can't make a god or an afterlife exist, or end the suffering of the world. Still though, go do it.
Thanks for all your help. In actuallity, there will never be an answer- we are all doomed to nothingness, and we as a species will suffer terribly every day until then. We are a tragic accident headed nowhere, when all our 'achievements' and memories will dissapear forever. Can I just get someone to admit that?
You say we are doomed to nothingness...but, what were we before we even existed? Nothing. Consider yourself fortunate that you do exist. I've thought about the 'nothingness' issue many times myself.
People who think there is something they refer to as god don't ask enough questions.
Noone here (I hope) really wants you to kill yourself. We value our lives and would rather you value yours. We say 'Then kill yourself" to point out how ridiculous wallowing in self pity is, you have an obvious, easy escape... But if life sucks, why not stop complaining and do something about it. If you've already concluded that life is painful and pointless then what do you have to lose by taking a risk and trying to make things better, for yourself or others? The worst that could happen is you die, but atleast you'd die trying.
That suggests to me that you don't really care about everyone else's suffering as much as you claim. "But it's all so much bigger than me, I'll never make a significant impact" is such a cop out. It's an excuse so you don't actually have to do anything about it but you're still not one of the evil indifferent because you 'feel bad' for those who are suffering.
As little as a kind word at the right moment can make a huge difference to someone. Think of how many lives you could improove by putting your empathy into action.
Depression (in it's clinical sense) is not the result of a negative idea. It's a problem with the chemistry of a person's brain. I don't know if we have any qualified psychiatrists on the board and even if we did I doubt it would be very professional to diagnose you based on a few posts in a forum. However if this is something you've been feeling long term it might be a good idea to see a psychiatrist so that if it is depression you can get some help.
It also may not be the ideas you're expressing that are the real cause of your feelings. There may be some deeper issue and talking with a psychologist could help you figure out what it is and start to deal with it. You haven't said what it was that happened when you were younger but that may be much more responsible for these feelings than your atheism. It could also be any combination of a massive number of other things.
In the end you're right. This life is all we get, so you have a choice: waste it obsessing about things you can't change or live it.
Oh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
I'll admit that as long as there are humans there's probably always going to be some level of human suffering but there will also be happiness. We are constantly working on improoving that ratio and have already had so much success.
I'll admit that we are an accident (in the unplanned sense, not the fuck up sense) but not a tragic one. A beautiful one. Out of all the bits of energy and matter in the universe we are some of the few that get to experience the wonder of it.
I'll admit that we are going nowhere but the journey is what matters, not the destination. We are all on a round trip from nowhere to nowhere but there's some amazing stuff to see and do along the way.
I'll admit that all of our memories and achievements will eventually dissapear forever but I will not agree that that makes them worthless now.
Is the glass half empty, half full or twice as big as it needs to be?
Oh, a lesson in not changing history from Mr. I'm-My-Own-Grandpa!
Sadly, very few actually think this. I have a large group of friends that play MMO's who buy accounts from people at the top and then complain about how the game sucks. They don't see why I enjoy these games as much as I do, especially since I rarely get to the end game.
A few of these friends have realized that it's much funner to start from the begining than it is the end... but the rest still piss and moan about it instead of trying something new.
You wouldn't be able to read replies to your post then.
The fact that you've bothered to post this tells me that there is an underlying ambivalence to your complaint: you feel this way, but you also have a hidden optimism that grants you the very power to voice this opinion and hope, somehow, to find a way to falsify your claim...
"Hitler burned people like Anne Frank, for that we call him evil.
"God" burns Anne Frank eternally. For that, theists call him 'good.'
I read about 3 lines into your fucktard comments and decided to tell you what I'm pissed about.
I'm pissed that people can't figure out that life is an amazing, astonishing, and beautiful adventure, (with or without a f@cking nonsense god and his/her ideals of supposed perfection).
I'm pissed that people like you can't grow the f@ck up and accept what is, and move the hell on, and appreciate the amazing facts of existence: an imperfect, amazing existence, that we all can work to improve, both individually and collectively if only 98% of humanity would grow the f@ck up and stop "waiting on jehovah" to fix it.
Geez! Fix it your damn, stupid selves!
P.s. I'm drunk, f@cktard, so take it as it comes and come as you take it.
Fuck you.There's nothing beautiful or amazing about living for a short time in a shit hole, then dying forever, all the while never getting to truly understand existence, yearning for things you can't have, and seeing the suffering of the world. Fuck.
P.S. When you do pass on, your time of non-existence will last even quite a lot longer than the many, many eons that you did not exist before you were born, (which, to paraphrase Mark Twain, did not bother you in the least), so just enjoy the tiny speck of existence you'll be able to enjoy now, with the astonishing consciousness that you've already got going for you. It only lasts so long, so focus on the positives. They just might increase. No guarantees, but, some say it's so. Good luck with this existence, and make the best of it! Sorry you're feeling miserable; hope you get over it. Been there, done that, and this too shall pass!
Anyone else getting the vibe that this guy is a theist perpitrator who's trying validate his twisted views on how atheists feel about death?
"A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven." -- former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien
Dude! You called him the T-word! That's not nice.
But seriously, xkcd, Get some psychiatric help, please. Or at least re-read shikko's post a few times. I noticed that you have yet to reply to it.
Also, I have to assume, based on your screenname, that you get some small amount of joy from a particular, awesome, webcomic, right?
That was amazing! I was thinking the same thing.
Really if he is so upset that he is atheist and its possible that this life is all we have, then maybe he should go towards religion. Really no point in getting yourself upset. If believing in a god makes you happy and makes life worth living for you, by all means do it! Instead of hoping for a button that will destroy everyone(lol) go worship something that makes you feel good.
Everytime I think I have witnessed everything someone on these boards shows me I havent seen anything yet.
I just forgot what I was going to say....because Im drinking beer.......Beer makes me happy.
Yeah.. He's a theist.
He says there's nothing beautiful or amazing about living, talks about his greed, and then pretends to care about suffering in the world.
Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer. - William S. Burroughs
Yep we are indeed doomed to nothingness. So what? It really does not bother me in the slightest. I think you are still in a religious mode of thinking. Religion is perhaps the most egotistical thought system ever devised. It deludes the victim into thinking that they are important, that the creator of the uinverse takes a personal interest in their lives. This inflates the victims ego to rediculous proportions so much so that they expect the universe to have a meaning.
Once in this mode of thought its hard to get out of even when one realises that God does not exist. Theists and those still in a theist mode of thought are like spoilt and over indulged children. This means they are oft ill equiped to deal with the reality of the world. They have had it drummed into them so many times that the entire universe revolves around them and what they do. I can kind of understand how that would impare ones world view. But seriously why worry about it? Let go. You are not important, mankind is not important, this galaxy is not important. But so fucking what? Why should that bother you? It does not bother me. I accept all that and just enjoy my life so should you. Why do you need to be important and special?