I received a sign from god....

Ok, I just thought this was kinda funny and decided to post it. I was just in the grocery store check out line when right infront of me with the tabloids and other crap there was "The complete idiots guide to faith". (you know, that how to type of book serries) I flipped through it for the hell of it, was disgusted, checked out, and left. While I was leaving the parking lot, who do I almost run over? None other than my old pastor..... I know some people who would interpret these set of events as a sign from god. I just thought it was kinda funny.
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Its good that you recogonize it for what it is. It was you assigning meaning when there was none, that is why you thought it was "funny".
What people dont realize, and even I have to catch myself on any given issue, is that we precive a "hit" while ignoring all the misses which if we recognized the misses would end up being a crap shoot.
I had this guy I used to work with that swore that customers would call when if he attempted to smoke a sig. He bitched about getting interupted but never took into account how many times I observed him not getting interupted.
He once claimed that there was something to the fact that 3 people called in and ordered the same pizza one after the other. He said that to a customer. I pwned him in front of the customer by saying "Thats not amazing at all, we sell something we advertise. What would be amzing to me is that if 5 people who never met called in and asked if we sold steel belted radials"
So, ironic yes. But fortunatly you are not too deluded to see it as anything more than irony.
"We are a nation of Christians and Muslims, Jews and Hindus -- and nonbelievers."Obama
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Sounds to me like someone has read "Why People Believe Weird Things" by Michael Shermer. There were two main reasons in his book, one was that humans are patern seeking animals, and the 2nd was that we have a poor understanding of probability. This is a pretty clear example of the 2nd.
Put simply people make a big deal when they think of a person and decide to call them, then on the way to the phone that person calls. Well how many times do you think of someone and they don't call? How many times does someone call you without you thinking about them? It's not just that people don't count the misses, they don't even realize what would be considered misses.
"It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring." - Carl Sagan