Does there exist a website listing all the instances in which the bible promotes hate and intolerance?

I'm having a "discussion" with a Xian who keeps insisting that the bible doesn't teach hate and intolerance, which just goes to show he's never read the damn thing. I don't feel like going out to steal one to compile all the quotes myself. I was rather hoping someone else had already done so on a website somewhere to make things easier for me.
I'm also sick of him harping on about how it is mainly Xian's who go to the "darkest most dangerest" parts of the world to help people, all just out of the kindness of their widdle hearts. ... Um, yea, last I checked it mainly had to do with this need to convert people, as a way to buy their way into their heaven. Also, the help comes with a price. They often require people to convert to recieve their help. Ugh... When I was down on my hardest times, I've had to lie to get food at foodbanks to avoid harassment. If I can ever get enough money up, I'd love nothing more than to start a secular foodbank, and make damn certain to make it very clear that it is a secular foodbank. No Conversion Necessary, and there would be no attempts at such a thing! Why? Because we're better people than they are. Or, at least I am... LOL!
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The Skeptics Annotated Bible has a gold mine of information. Take a look and click on the topic of interest (Cruelty and Violence, Intolerance, Injustice, etc.) and you will see a list of passages.
Responsibility: A detachable burden easily shifted to the shoulders of God, Fate, Fortune, Luck or one's neighbor. In the days of astrology it was customary to unload it upon a star. ~Ambrose Bierce, The Devil's Dictionary, 1911
Thank you so much, you rock!
This one's a bit more specific about bad things in the bible rather than all the other problems:
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
goescrunch, I love your idea. I've often wished there were more secular organizations and charities, because Christians (young ones in particular, I think) think there are more Xian charities because they're better people, when it's because they have more money (and majority doesn't prove them right).
Thank you, guys, for the links! Trés cool!
Oh, FRAK! I forgot I had a question I wanted to ask: What do you tell Xians when they tell you that you're taking the quotes out of context?
Yes, I'm needing a better response for that one. It really annoys me when they tell me that. "Out of context"? Even in context, it's fucking awful and vile. Oh, but the best is this guy on youtube telling me it is not to be taken literally. His quote to me? "Stories often convey truth rather than raw historic fact." ... um, what?
They were attacking my Blasphemy Challenge vid at first on a purely superficial level due to my fashion choices in the video, due to the fact I was going with a more innocent look. OH NOES! When that was an EPIC FAIL, they moved on to trying to actually debate. However, they fail at debating because they won't source anything, or provide any examples. It's all pure opinion, or pleas to emotion.
A good point to bring up might be "What did Jesus say about slavery?" Answer: Just don't beat your slaves to death. Straight from the big JC himself.
Now I have one over at my MySpace who sent me this:
You mentioned "The God Who Wasn't There", and I thought you'd be interested in this debunking on the excellent Christian apologetic site Tektonics....
The site looks like pretty much shite to me. Yea, saying "Flemming appears to be a man with serious psychological problems. ... His eyes look more dead than toxic waste." is totally serious critique. Especially when I think the guy has very nice eyes, that aren't the least bit 'dead' looking. **sigh** Would it KILL these people to come over to THIS site and read EVERYTHING here? I don't mean the arguments on the forums. I mean the actual articles, and listen to the free shows, and the live shows. Just challenge themselves a bit. I've read the damn bible, surely they too can open themselves up a bit.
That article was so silly that Brian Flemming blogged about it here.
How amusing! ^_^ I pointed out to the person that sent it to me that I found the "article" to be childish and rather rife with ad hominem attacks. Glad to see I wasn't the only one to pick up on that...
I find it cute in a sad way that they'd say HE had psychological problems, when they are the ones who are believing in that which cannot be proven, simply on the basis of fear. IMNSFHO, that is by far more psychologically disturbing...
**EDIT** Oh yea, and my sister, a Xian, thinks Brian Flemming is totally hot, so that HAS to say something. LOL! She wouldn't give up her beliefs for him, but she certainly wouldn't argue with him. ^.^ She said, "he looks like he belongs on T.V." I had her watch the DVD and she was like, "Wow, he's really a good looking guy... Why do all the really good looking guys have to be atheists?"
What is IMNSFHO?
In My Not So Friggin (or other popular F-word) Humble Opinion
"I do this real moron thing, and it's called thinking. And apparently I'm not a very good American because I like to form my own opinions."
— George Carlin