Confederate Pledge of Allegiance

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Confederate Pledge of Allegiance

Here is a really irrational idea for you. ( YouTube video is really scary. I hear all the time that southern people are more modern thinking now, and that they are more accepting of minorities and can see the error of their historic ways. Apparently that's just  a face shown to the resat of the country while the real South is preparing for the next secession. It's a good bet every one of the adults behind this disgusting piece of crap calls him/herself a christian. So much for christian love.

I tried to link this, and the link function didn't work. Why not?

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That's actually from a

That's actually from a satirical Canadian documentary called "Confederate States of America," that follows an alternative history of the United States. It's a bit talky, and explains more than it illustrates, but it's worth seeing.

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The South and midwest are

The South and midwest are pretty backward-assed. Almost like a different country. I do like the idea of letting them secede but they should be called "Dumbfuckistan."

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magilum wrote: That's

magilum wrote:
That's actually from a satirical Canadian documentary called "Confederate States of America," that follows an alternative history of the United States. It's a bit talky, and explains more than it illustrates, but it's worth seeing.
Seriously? I've been whooshed? When I saw that thing I was livid.  It was believable because there are so many rednecks around who proudly display the Confederate battle flag.  It wouldn't surprise me if there really were a movement. Thanks, magilum, for pointing that out.  I'll go stand in a corner now and think about it.

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Ok, here's an example of

Ok, here's an example of how some of the people down here think...


I want to a private Christian high school, and in one of my history classes - the only one that dealt with the civil war - there were confederate battle flags and portraits of Robert E. Lee hung all over the place. Our teacher "taught" as if the Union was the 'bad guys' and the southern states were just exercising their constitutional right to secede. He even claimed that the war had absolutely nothing to do with slavery. That Lincoln just made it 'seem' like it was so no one would help the south. I mean, everyone knows what kind of an evil, sneaky man Lincoln was, right?

We took a field trip to the Shiloh battlegrounds, which are pretty much just right down the road, where we got to hear about how valiantly the confederates faught and how cruel and heartless the union soldiers were. We then gathered around a plot of confederate graves where we sang songs like the Bonnie Blue Flag and Dixie while the teacher played the guitar.

That guy genuinely believes that the world would be a better place if the south had won. That the "Confederate States of America" would be the only "country" filled with good, moral people.

By the way, this same teacher often brought his muzzle loader to school as a "demonstration." Not that I was or am worried... but I mean... come on. He brought a gun to school and played target practice on the lawn right outside classroom windows. That's gotta’ be against the rules. But no one seemed to mind.

And he was/is a member of a civil war reenactment team in which the confederates always outnumber the north by at least 5 to 1. Apparently no one wants to play union. They’re all good ole boys.


And yea... he's not the only one around here proud of his confederate heritage. There are flags all over the place.

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Largo: It did say that in

Largo: It did say that in the video's description...

Krehlic: I've heard that argument a lot, sadly. The Southern U.S.A. is a place I never wish to go to again...they'd tar and feather me right away, and probably dump me in Mexico, because I look "Mexican". They'd REALLY get me if they knew I was an anti-racist liberal atheist...

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I went back and saw it

I went back and saw it again. It was called a "mocumentary," but that was in the description under "more". I just didn't see it the first time.

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BenfromCanada wrote: They'd

BenfromCanada wrote:
They'd REALLY get me if they knew I was an anti-racist liberal atheist...

That's why when someone brings up religion around here I normally just give a wierd crooked smile and pretend like I didn't hear it.

That is, unless I don't mind getting into an argument.


...come to think of it... I don't think I personally know any non-religious liberals, except for maybe some of my professors.

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Krehlic wrote: Ok, here's

Krehlic wrote:

Ok, here's an example of how some of the people down here think...


There's a lot of them here in New England too. I know a guy that has a confederate flag tacked up on the outside of his garage and written beneath it---"I aint' commin' down!"

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Our Confederate Pledge of Allegiance

Krehlic you were standing in one of our respected battlegrounds in our beloved Southland, and yet you speak as though you were shocked to see a people express their love for their country. Of course we sing songs like the "Bonnie Blue" and "Dixie" and of course we hang Robert E. Lee  and Stonewall Jackson on our walls ...out of respect and undying devotion...they are our people and this is still our land. We walk upon our ancestors bloodied soil every day and are reminded of your unwanted presence every step we take because of stupid remarks like ya'll are making here. You people can't seem to understand that you might think you can "control" others but you will never take the love of ones land out of their heart. I had over 32 Confederate ancestors, including a great great grandfather who was Captain of the 62nd NC Infantry CSA fight and die for the "cause for which it stands" yankees think we are suppose to forget who our people were and what they died for.

Don't forget....Yankees invaded our land, burned our homes and our crops,  stole our things, raped our women and children, all the while trying to tell us they were right and we were wrong.

We had and still have our own way of life here in the South, (slavery was legal all over so don't even go there with me on that one, and NO Lincoln did not free the slaves because he thought they were true history)

We were a people who knew who we were and where we were from and what we were about at one time before Reconstruction and Yankee book learning came about. 

You people disgust me...and if I had it my way you would never be able to see our beautiful land let alone write about.

Thank God we are finally removing the blinders off of our eyes after 140 years! Our Southern movements are growing more and more everyday and soon we will be our own country once again!!! Then people like ya'll can stay in your world and we will will happily remain in ours.

By the way you should have been paying attention while in that Christian Southern school you spoke might have actually learned some truth for a change.


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So, dixie1864, are you for

So, dixie1864, are you for real? Or am I just letting myself get whooshed again? And where do folks like you come from who sign on once to spew, probably only to disappear forever after. Are you really here to discuss atheism, or to deliver a sermon called "The South Shall Rise Again."? Did you type your diatribe yourself, or did you have your darkie do it for you?

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We can only hope that was a

We can only hope that was a hit-and-run drive-by post.

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dixie1864 wrote: Krehlic

dixie1864 wrote:

Krehlic you were standing in one of our respected battlegrounds in our beloved Southland, and yet you speak as though you were shocked to see a people express their love for their country. Of course we sing songs like the "Bonnie Blue" and "Dixie" and of course we hang Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson on our walls ...out of respect and undying devotion...they are our people and this is still our land. We walk upon our ancestors bloodied soil every day and are reminded of your unwanted presence every step we take because of stupid remarks like ya'll are making here. You people can't seem to understand that you might think you can "control" others but you will never take the love of ones land out of their heart. I had over 32 Confederate ancestors, including a great great grandfather who was Captain of the 62nd NC Infantry CSA fight and die for the "cause for which it stands" yankees think we are suppose to forget who our people were and what they died for.

Don't forget....Yankees invaded our land, burned our homes and our crops, stole our things, raped our women and children, all the while trying to tell us they were right and we were wrong.

We had and still have our own way of life here in the South, (slavery was legal all over so don't even go there with me on that one, and NO Lincoln did not free the slaves because he thought they were true history)

We were a people who knew who we were and where we were from and what we were about at one time before Reconstruction and Yankee book learning came about.

You people disgust me...and if I had it my way you would never be able to see our beautiful land let alone write about.

Thank God we are finally removing the blinders off of our eyes after 140 years! Our Southern movements are growing more and more everyday and soon we will be our own country once again!!! Then people like ya'll can stay in your world and we will will happily remain in ours.

By the way you should have been paying attention while in that Christian Southern school you spoke might have actually learned some truth for a change.


I debate a lot of racists online. That last page is for the League of the South, which is listed as a neo-confederate hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Centre. I'm not even going to bother with the others. The only reason I brought up the last page is because I recognized the URL.

Maybe we can put a "Racist" tag on there as well as a "Theist" one? 

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We don't have a "racist"

We don't have a "racist" tag.

I think the content of that post illustrates the intelligence level all by itself. 

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Susan wrote: We don't have

Susan wrote:

We don't have a "racist" tag.

I think the content of that post illustrates the intelligence level all by itself.

I know you don't, I was suggesting making one. However, you are right.

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Wait does Dixiedoda guy

Wait does Dixiedoda guy actually think that he's an American and the 'yankees' aren't?  ha ha ha!!  So, he's basically a racist twatwaffle, right?  Good thing it's a hit and run. 

On a side note - Is it true that down South the call the Civil War, the 'Northern Aggression'?

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pariahjane wrote: Wait

pariahjane wrote:

Wait does Dixiedoda guy actually think that he's an American and the 'yankees' aren't? ha ha ha!! So, he's basically a racist twatwaffle, right? Good thing it's a hit and run.

On a side note - Is it true that down South the call the Civil War, the 'Northern Aggression'?

As I pointed out, yes, this person is a racist. As for the Northern Aggression...I've heard some say this, I've heard others call it the Northern Invasion or the War of Conquest. I don't think this is a majorityopinion, however, thank no-god

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pariahjane wrote: On a

pariahjane wrote:

On a side note - Is it true that down South the call the Civil War, the 'Northern Aggression'?

"Some" people call it that, but very few.  I'm from the south and would just like to say, "Damn.....why did we give rednecks computers."  Most of the pople in the southern states have no historical ties to the civil war.  It is taught with passion in many high schools, but that has a lot to do with the way that the north chose to win the war.  I don't want to get into a big long tangent, but suffice to say that most of the rebel flag wavers you'll meet in the south are more "southern nationalists" than die hard racists.  I know the destinction is subtle but it does exist.


Krehlic: where are you from?  from the sounds of it you're either from middle Tenn, North GA or maybe North AL..... 

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Quote: Krehlic: where are

Krehlic: where are you from?  from the sounds of it you're either from middle Tenn, North GA or maybe North AL.....

Northwest Alabama 

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NinjaTux wrote: pariahjane

NinjaTux wrote:
pariahjane wrote:

On a side note - Is it true that down South the call the Civil War, the 'Northern Aggression'?

"Some" people call it that, but very few.  I'm from the south and would just like to say, "Damn.....why did we give rednecks computers."  Most of the pople in the southern states have no historical ties to the civil war.  It is taught with passion in many high schools, but that has a lot to do with the way that the north chose to win the war.  I don't want to get into a big long tangent, but suffice to say that most of the rebel flag wavers you'll meet in the south are more "southern nationalists" than die hard racists.  I know the destinction is subtle but it does exist.


Krehlic: where are you from?  from the sounds of it you're either from middle Tenn, North GA or maybe North AL..... 

That's really interesting, thanks guys.  The first time I heard that I was really surprised. 

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By the way, just echoing

By the way, just echoing what Ninja said...

Most people down here who display the rebel battle flag don't view it as a symbol of racism by any means. It's more or less a matter of them saying "I'm proud to be a southerner," not "I'm a racist redneck who can't wait for the next civil war."

My teacher wasn't/isn't a racist by any means. He is just a bit deluded, if only in his devotion to a non-existent country that was put down before it could rise up over fourteen decades ago, and his own rewriting of its moral foundations and adjustment of his history lessons to glorify it and demonize its contemporary enemy. I’m not saying he should demonize the south when teaching his class, but his obsession is a bit bizarre, though not as much as the loon who posted above. I actually rather like that teacher of mine, even if he is a bit nutty.


It is a disturbing thought, that there are people like the one above (Dixie1864), who would be thrilled to see another civil war consume our country, living within our society, boasting their incongruous delusions, and even converting a few other rednecks along the way.

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Krehlic wrote: By the way,

Krehlic wrote:

By the way, just echoing what Ninja said...

Most people down here who display the rebel battle flag don't view it as a symbol of racism by any means. It's more or less a matter of them saying "I'm proud to be a southerner," not "I'm a racist redneck who can't wait for the next civil war."

My teacher wasn't/isn't a racist by any means. He is just a bit deluded, if only in his devotion to a non-existent country that was put down before it could rise up over fourteen decades ago, and his own rewriting of its moral foundations and adjustment of his history lessons to glorify it and demonize its contemporary enemy. I’m not saying he should demonize the south when teaching his class, but his obsession is a bit bizarre, though not as much as the loon who posted above. I actually rather like that teacher of mine, even if he is a bit nutty.


It is a disturbing thought, that there are people like the one above (Dixie1864), who would be thrilled to see another civil war consume our country, living within our society, boasting their incongruous delusions, and even converting a few other rednecks along the way.

 There are some people in the North who appear to adopt that stereotypical 'racist redneck from the South' persona that are indeed very racist. Unfortunately, they also feel it necessary to plaster the rebel flag on every thing they own, with little regard to what its original meaning was.  I have friends who grew up in the South and then moved here and get furious when they see these twatwaffles driving around with the rebel flag.  I'm sure most of those people don't have a clue what actually occurred during the Civil War.  Some people would be very taken aback if someone hung a rebel flag outside their home. 


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pariahjane wrote: There

pariahjane wrote:

There are some people in the North who appear to adopt that stereotypical 'racist redneck from the South' persona that are indeed very racist. Unfortunately, they also feel it necessary to plaster the rebel flag on every thing they own, with little regard to what its original meaning was. I have friends who grew up in the South and then moved here and get furious when they see these twatwaffles driving around with the rebel flag. I'm sure most of those people don't have a clue what actually occurred during the Civil War. Some people would be very taken aback if someone hung a rebel flag outside their home.

The one thing that I have to give most "southern nationalists" credit for is the fact that alot of them know the history.  They do take the time to study what happened where and why and how.  Alot of them even give Sherman begruding respect for his drive to the sea.  But don't get ,e wrong, there are still some very racist people in the south, just as there are in every other part of the country.  I think the south just gets more shit for it's racists.   

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dixie1864 wrote:Krehlic

dixie1864 wrote:

Krehlic you were standing in one of our respected battlegrounds in our beloved Southland, and yet you speak as though you were shocked to see a people express their love for their country. Of course we sing songs like the "Bonnie Blue" and "Dixie" and of course we hang Robert E. Lee  and Stonewall Jackson on our walls ...out of respect and undying devotion...they are our people and this is still our land. We walk upon our ancestors bloodied soil every day and are reminded of your unwanted presence every step we take because of stupid remarks like ya'll are making here. You people can't seem to understand that you might think you can "control" others but you will never take the love of ones land out of their heart. I had over 32 Confederate ancestors, including a great great grandfather who was Captain of the 62nd NC Infantry CSA fight and die for the "cause for which it stands" yankees think we are suppose to forget who our people were and what they died for.

Don't forget....Yankees invaded our land, burned our homes and our crops,  stole our things, raped our women and children, all the while trying to tell us they were right and we were wrong.

We had and still have our own way of life here in the South, (slavery was legal all over so don't even go there with me on that one, and NO Lincoln did not free the slaves because he thought they were true history)

We were a people who knew who we were and where we were from and what we were about at one time before Reconstruction and Yankee book learning came about. 

You people disgust me...and if I had it my way you would never be able to see our beautiful land let alone write about.

Thank God we are finally removing the blinders off of our eyes after 140 years! Our Southern movements are growing more and more everyday and soon we will be our own country once again!!! Then people like ya'll can stay in your world and we will will happily remain in ours.

By the way you should have been paying attention while in that Christian Southern school you spoke might have actually learned some truth for a change.


People like you give Americans a bad name. And Bush is already doing that job. No need to help things along now ya hear?

Edit: You also might want to learn your history. Even I, a foreigner, know the south started the war in the first place.

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giving americans a bad name

Vastet.. I am proud to say I do not consider myself an "American" because I am a "Southerner" and believe it or not the true Southerners here in the South realize we have always had a heritage, tradition, and Identity that is totally different than that of the Industrial loving North. And to your statement about how we started the war...the war was started because we refused to give in and lose our indentity to people who I imagine were alot like y'all. If a country is about to be attacked , they usually fire first right?

As for me being a hit and run poster here..let me say that in all honesty I could care less about any of you God -hating, fag loving, multi - cultural marxist. There was a time when people like y'all were taken care of so you could not polute the rest of the world with any of your offspring let alone breathe any our air.. Now there are so many of you vermin that the world is in ruin...BUT...there has been a great awakening created from your existence...Southern people are becoming aware of truth and now there are 1000's and 1000's of us who want to escape your madness! Take a look at the sites I posted and see for yourself. We WILL be a country again and people like y'all can have your "America" and you can live in complete deprivity and sin all you want to!

Now clap your hands when I say this is my final post..the only reason I spent any energy at all here to begin with is because I wanted to defend my  flag.. and I have. And by the way I am a woman ...not a man.


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How many teeth do you have?

How many teeth do you have? I'm guessing 3.

What's you're IQ? I'd give the same guess.

Go away you black-hating, church-going, big-hari spraying, nazi-loving, gay-bashing, knowledge-ignoring, sothern accented bitch.

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I wonder if she read that,

I wonder if she read that, Matt. She . . . or it. Maybe she-it! is closer to the truth. You have to wonder how the trolls find sites like this. You would think they would be repelled by intelligence.

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Ok, where to begin.

 Most of the time slavery was legal in the USA the slave states and non slave states benefited.  Slave states had the cheapest labor possible and the North got cheap goods and the nation as a whole benefited from the trade it created.

 We know the north moved toward an industrialized economy while the South stayed the course and went with plantation farming.

 The Non slave states only got tough on slavery when thier economy was stable with or without slavery.  So they didnt do it out of the goodness of there heart they took their sweet time pushing the issue.

It should have been handled right after we declared independence.  I know all the reasons why it wasnt but I just want to point out the every Northern bussinessman who got rich off cheap goods is just as guilty as every overseer with a whip.


And I am in Maryland so am I Northern, Southern? you decide...we faught with the Union but were a slave state.   And my family wasnt here yet either way except my Native American relatives and I dont think they got much benefit from slavery in the US.

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You make some good

You make some good points, iluvc2h5oh. And since we're in an atheist site, you might check out;&version=9;, which many white christians, south and north,  still use to justify the slavery of dark skinned people (Ham was supposedly the father of the black race). 

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I don't think anyone would

I don't think anyone would argue that the North was all good and moral, while the south was full of heartless racist bastards. I would say, though, that far more people in the north viewed slavery as immoral at the time than did the south. But the question as to whether slavery was the issue that divided the country is hardly controversial. But that's not to say all the southerners were fighting to preserve slavery, that wouldn't be true at all. In fact, less than a quarter of people in the south owned slaves. And very few of them owned plantations with many slaves. Many of the soldiers were fighting for their homes, their states, states rights in general, etc. But slavery was the heart issue and cause of it all.

When it comes to the north, not all states were free states. But then again, no free states seceded. And while Lincoln believed slavery to be immoral, it was by no means his agenda to abolish it. His first and foremost concern was preserving the union (as was the cause fought for by many soldiers). He even said that he would free all of the slaves, only some of them, or none of them, whatever it too to reunite the country. But he did not make the war about slavery, as many people like to claim. His Emancipation Proclamation ensured that another civil war couldn't erupt over slavery soon after the war ended. But it did not free the slaves in the union states. They were taken care of after the war.

EDIT: Just to clear up... Conclusion is that while for many individuals during the Civil War were fighting for causes other than slavery, the war was very much about it and the cause of it. No states would have seceded in the first place were it not the issue. And even after the war, many southern states took a long time to accept the new constitutional ammendments freeing slaves and giving them rights. And, of course, you have groups like the KKK sprouting up in the south. 

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dixie1864 wrote:Vastet.. I

dixie1864 wrote:
Vastet.. I am proud to say I do not consider myself an "American" because I am a "Southerner" and believe it or not the true Southerners here in the South realize we have always had a heritage, tradition, and Identity that is totally different than that of the Industrial loving North.

Whether United or Confederate, it is America. Accept it, move on.

dixie1864 wrote:
And to your statement about how we started the war...the war was started because we refused to give in and lose our indentity to people who I imagine were alot like y'all.

No, the war was started because the Confederates attacked a fort. Again, I suggest you learn your history.

dixie1864 wrote:

If a country is about to be attacked , they usually fire first right?

No. Historically a country doesn't attack someone because they suspect they may be attacked themselves.

dixie1864 wrote:
As for me being a hit and run poster here..let me say that in all honesty I could care less about any of you God -hating, fag loving, multi - cultural marxist.

I don't hate that which doesn't exist. I don't love gay people any more than I love you or my neighbour or anyone else who isn't family or friend. I think you could use some multi-culturalism to settle some of your problems. And I identify with Orwell, not Marx.

dixie1864 wrote:
There was a time when people like y'all were taken care of so you could not polute the rest of the world with any of your offspring let alone breathe any our air..

And if you're not lucky the time may come when those roles are reversed.

dixie1864 wrote:
Now there are so many of you vermin that the world is in ruin...

The world looks a lot better today than it would in your fascist idealism.

dixie1864 wrote:

BUT...there has been a great awakening created from your existence...Southern people are becoming aware of truth and now there are 1000's and 1000's of us who want to escape your madness!

Your becoming mad is what may lead to your own extinction.

dixie1864 wrote:

Take a look at the sites I posted and see for yourself.

I don't need to. It's because of idiotic sites like that and people like you that I'm here destroying your sides foundations piece by piece.

dixie1864 wrote:
We WILL be a country again and people like y'all can have your "America&quot

Good for you if you manage to seceed. I couldn't care less in general. It'll make it easier for you to be shut out of progressive society, so power to you.

dixie1864 wrote:
and you can live in complete deprivity and sin all you want to!

There's no such thing as sin, and you are the depraved.

dixie1864 wrote:

Now clap your hands when I say this is my final post..the only reason I spent any energy at all here to begin with is because I wanted to defend my  flag.. and I have.

Rather pathetically and ineffectively. You've made it look even worse than it did before you posted. Congrats.

dixie1864 wrote:
And by the way I am a woman ...not a man.

You think that wasn't obvious somehow?

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way to condemn half a

way to condemn half a country - the half that brought us rock n roll, blues and SXSW

 If you ever wonder why there arent as many freethinkers as there ought to be, think about your bigoted, prejudiced stereotypes that you blanketly apply


An action many of you pretend to oppose! - spreading the REAPER Madness!

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pipelineaudio wrote: way

pipelineaudio wrote:

way to condemn half a country - the half that brought us rock n roll, blues and SXSW

 If you ever wonder why there arent as many freethinkers as there ought to be, think about your bigoted, prejudiced stereotypes that you blanketly apply


An action many of you pretend to oppose!



Noone is condemning half a country. Quit making strawman ad hominem attacks. It makes you look worse than you suggest we look.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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pipelineaudio wrote: way

pipelineaudio wrote:

way to condemn half a country - the half that brought us rock n roll, blues and SXSW

If you ever wonder why there arent as many freethinkers as there ought to be, think about your bigoted, prejudiced stereotypes that you blanketly apply


An action many of you pretend to oppose!

It's important to look at how many of those who dissed your South are southerners. And also, to see how they were referring to a specific group amongst them.

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I disagree, in this thread

I disagree, in this thread were many blanket statements, and through this forum and most "atheist" forums are all manner of prejudiced bullshit. It shames me to be counted among such bigots.

Rationality doesn't care where you were born, what color your skin is, how you pronounce "you all", what political party you may be affiliated with, what kind of car you drive, your views on gun ownership, whether you eat meat, or any of those sorts of personal choices.

Thru rational though we may of course examine those things, but it burns me up to see so often the religious left (and if you don't ike that term, lets say the "dogmatic, fascistic, thought police FAR left&quotEye-wink (as opposed to the left in general) seems to hold power over so many of these discussions.

Some "atheist" forums are made useless by this nonsense and divisiveness. Not this one thankfully, but there's enough of it here to be a problem.

I know the instinct is to attack me for this, but I implore you, if you dont want a country full of mindless Jesus Campers, PLEASE examine your own prejudice. I know I'm guilty of some, I admit it, but lets not try to deny that irrational political, mind police, PC dogma isn't infecting our "cause" ( I use cause loosely, because all I care is people take the time to think, Im not voting for them)


BTW its not "my south" I dont live there. I just hate to see useless bigotry that derails discussion - spreading the REAPER Madness!

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pipelineaudio wrote: I

pipelineaudio wrote:
I disagree, in this thread were many blanket statements, and through this forum and most "atheist" forums are all manner of prejudiced bullshit. It shames me to be counted among such bigots.

All you're succeeding in doing is proving that you are the bigot who is full of bullshit.

pipelineaudio wrote:
Rationality doesn't care where you were born, what color your skin is, how you pronounce "you all", what political party you may be affiliated with, what kind of car you drive, your views on gun ownership, whether you eat meat, or any of those sorts of personal choices.

That's because rationality isn't a being with emotions. Not because some of those things have nothing to do with being rational. Though a few of them have everything to do with being rational, suggesting further that you are irrational yourself.

pipelineaudio wrote:
Thru rational though we may of course examine those things, but it burns me up to see so often the religious left (and if you don't ike that term, lets say the "dogmatic, fascistic, thought police FAR left&quotEye-wink (as opposed to the left in general) seems to hold power over so many of these discussions.

Blanket statement that applies to less than 1% of this forum.

pipelineaudio wrote:
Some "atheist" forums are made useless by this nonsense and divisiveness. Not this one thankfully, but there's enough of it here to be a problem.

That's because we invite theists here.

pipelineaudio wrote:
I know the instinct is to attack me for this, but I implore you, if you dont want a country full of mindless Jesus Campers, PLEASE examine your own prejudice.

Look in the mirror. If you don't want to be attacked, then don't be a prick and attack first. Fucking hypocritical asshole.

pipelineaudio wrote:
I know I'm guilty of some, I admit it, but lets not try to deny that irrational political, mind police, PC dogma isn't infecting our "cause" ( I use cause loosely, because all I care is people take the time to think, Im not voting for them)

I don't know of a single person here who wants to see a thought police, so perhaps you should re-examine your irrational position.

pipelineaudio wrote:
BTW its not "my south" I dont live there. I just hate to see useless bigotry that derails discussion

Noone gives the slightest shit about a south or north or east or west. This is about confederate bigot assholes who deserve the slapping they get when they stand up and spout a lot of horseshit about them rising up and taking over the country.

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Sad, I figured that was

Sad, I figured that was coming but its sad nonetheless

I promise you, from someone who deals with many on the fence daily, its the bigotry that sets people away from freethought in many cases. That you wont admit to it means we will keep dealing with them for all eternity. - spreading the REAPER Madness!

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pipelineaudio wrote: Sad,

pipelineaudio wrote:

Sad, I figured that was coming but its sad nonetheless

I promise you, from someone who deals with many on the fence daily, its the bigotry that sets people away from freethought in many cases. That you wont admit to it means we will keep dealing with them for all eternity. 

You haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about, and have shown you are a far bigger asshole and bigot than anyone here. Go fuck yourself.

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pipelineaudio wrote: I

pipelineaudio wrote:

I disagree, in this thread were many blanket statements, and through this forum and most "atheist" forums are all manner of prejudiced bullshit. It shames me to be counted among such bigots.

Rationality doesn't care where you were born, what color your skin is, how you pronounce "you all", what political party you may be affiliated with, what kind of car you drive, your views on gun ownership, whether you eat meat, or any of those sorts of personal choices.

Thru rational though we may of course examine those things, but it burns me up to see so often the religious left (and if you don't ike that term, lets say the "dogmatic, fascistic, thought police FAR left&quotEye-wink (as opposed to the left in general) seems to hold power over so many of these discussions.

Some "atheist" forums are made useless by this nonsense and divisiveness. Not this one thankfully, but there's enough of it here to be a problem.

I know the instinct is to attack me for this, but I implore you, if you dont want a country full of mindless Jesus Campers, PLEASE examine your own prejudice. I know I'm guilty of some, I admit it, but lets not try to deny that irrational political, mind police, PC dogma isn't infecting our "cause" ( I use cause loosely, because all I care is people take the time to think, Im not voting for them)


BTW its not "my south" I dont live there. I just hate to see useless bigotry that derails discussion

What sort of prejudice are you talking about?  I don't think anyone on this thread, with the exception of Dixie-whatever, was really being prejudice.  Would you care to let us know what statements you thought were prejudicial? 

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pariahjane wrote: Would

pariahjane wrote:

Would you care to let us know what statements you thought were prejudicial?

Great question

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BenfromCanada wrote:
pariahjane wrote:

Would you care to let us know what statements you thought were prejudicial?

Great question

Huh.  Guess my question was just a bit too much.  I always love how a person can go on and on about something but when asked to provide details... poof!  They're gone. 

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I pledge,allegience,to the

I pledge,allegience,to the flag,to the intolerance to idocy of america,for the bigoted moronity,for which it stands,one nation,under fuck those who dont believe what iu do,under idocy for all.
Heartless fuckwads,ju
st die.we are supposed to be secular,pass reliogion aside for the betterment of man.Feel free we are wrong,but motherfucker goddamn shtut the fuck up!
I am Very tolerant of beliefs,when im not being bullshitted into dogma.Just shut youre fucking hole,Dont make youre bullshit la
w,be tolerant,respect what we think,take it mind,we are usually more more mopral than mainstream rel;igion,we dont condone religionn as a reason for killing,We thinbk let people believe what they want,do the moral thing,and moral ISNT=bible.

"Faith does not give you the answers, it just stops you asking the questions."--Frater Ravus

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pariahjane wrote:
BenfromCanada wrote:
pariahjane wrote:

Would you care to let us know what statements you thought were prejudicial?

Great question

Huh. Guess my question was just a bit too much. I always love how a person can go on and on about something but when asked to provide details... poof! They're gone.

I'll do his homework for him.

I looked all throughout this thread.

Mattshizzle said 

The South and midwest are pretty backward-assed. Almost like a different country. I do like the idea of letting them secede but they should be called "Dumbfuckistan."

The first sentence was pretty bad, because it didn't specify that not all people in those states are like that. He also asked if dixie had 3 teeth, which is a stereotype, though I'd almost let that one slide given the racist ideals she advertised to us.

Freethinker posted the website "fuck the south". The site is not that bad, if you read it, but the title sounds nasty and bigoted. 

 That is IT. One legitimate claim, one halfway legitimate claim, and one that could be seen as legitimate but isn't.

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BenfromCanada wrote:
pariahjane wrote:
BenfromCanada wrote:
pariahjane wrote:

Would you care to let us know what statements you thought were prejudicial?

Great question

Huh. Guess my question was just a bit too much. I always love how a person can go on and on about something but when asked to provide details... poof! They're gone.

I'll do his homework for him.

I looked all throughout this thread.

Mattshizzle said 

The South and midwest are pretty backward-assed. Almost like a different country. I do like the idea of letting them secede but they should be called "Dumbfuckistan."

The first sentence was pretty bad, because it didn't specify that not all people in those states are like that. He also asked if dixie had 3 teeth, which is a stereotype, though I'd almost let that one slide given the racist ideals she advertised to us.

Freethinker posted the website "fuck the south". The site is not that bad, if you read it, but the title sounds nasty and bigoted. 

 That is IT. One legitimate claim, one halfway legitimate claim, and one that could be seen as legitimate but isn't.

Thanks Ben!  I'd see if others wanted to reply but since this guy can't be bothered to come back here I suppose we don't owe him the courtesy. 

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Sorry, Im in the middle of

Sorry, Im in the middle of a move, but I did want to mine the thread for instances. I will do so soon

 Honestly though, if you do not see a faddish "pick on the guy to pick on this week" type thing, or memes among many in these types of boards, your eyes are shut.

 This board is the only one Im posting at for the most part, anymore, as so many of the other ones are just overrun by trendy nonsense.

I can tell you, as someone who lives among "redstaters" that they feel, rightly or wrongly, and I claim that its rightly, a prejudice against them that is quite unfounded.

I live in the heart of "elephants NEVER forget" type republicans who HATE Bush, I mean more than even a Berkleyite might hate bush (oops another stereotype see we ALL do them Smiling ). Most are Baptists. Most also say "Son, you can't argue with science" about apparent contradictions between the bible and science. Many have a very good hands on knowledge of geology and disagree with the YEC's. Many have guns. Many like to say about religion " I dont care if they worship rocks or trees, the constitution says they can." about religion.

Yet I see them slighted. They see themselves as slighted

I'm just asking that we examine honestly some of the bigotry that goes around these issues. I will also say you are lying or blind if you don't see this constantly.

Attacks on gun owners

Attacks on republicans

Attacks on Fox news as if it were any more slanted than CNN

Deny any of these three and I'll call you a liar - spreading the REAPER Madness!

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pipelineaudio wrote:

Sorry, Im in the middle of a move, but I did want to mine the thread for instances. I will do so soon

Honestly though, if you do not see a faddish "pick on the guy to pick on this week" type thing, or memes among many in these types of boards, your eyes are shut.

This board is the only one Im posting at for the most part, anymore, as so many of the other ones are just overrun by trendy nonsense.

I can tell you, as someone who lives among "redstaters" that they feel, rightly or wrongly, and I claim that its rightly, a prejudice against them that is quite unfounded.

I live in the heart of "elephants NEVER forget" type republicans who HATE Bush, I mean more than even a Berkleyite might hate bush (oops another stereotype see we ALL do them Smiling ). Most are Baptists. Most also say "Son, you can't argue with science" about apparent contradictions between the bible and science. Many have a very good hands on knowledge of geology and disagree with the YEC's. Many have guns. Many like to say about religion " I dont care if they worship rocks or trees, the constitution says they can." about religion.

Yet I see them slighted. They see themselves as slighted

I'm just asking that we examine honestly some of the bigotry that goes around these issues. I will also say you are lying or blind if you don't see this constantly.

Attacks on gun owners

Attacks on republicans

Attacks on Fox news as if it were any more slanted than CNN

Deny any of these three and I'll call you a liar

OH COME THE FUCK ON! Not trusting people who are armed, and adamant about their guns, is BIGOTRY? Disagreeing with someone else's political views is BIGOTRY? Thinking that FOXNews is more biased than CNN (which is pretty obvious, though it's changing as of late) is BIGOTRY?

Am I bigoted against racists for making videos that make fun of them? Am I bigoted against Germans for not liking Polka music? Am I bigoted against the colour purple by my not owning any purple clothes? Do you see how ridiculous this is? 

I'm sure I could like you if you lightened up just a smidgen. Labelling everything as bigotry is not only inaccurate, but it cheapens the word "bigotry".

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pipelineaudio wrote:

Sorry, Im in the middle of a move, but I did want to mine the thread for instances. I will do so soon

 Honestly though, if you do not see a faddish "pick on the guy to pick on this week" type thing, or memes among many in these types of boards, your eyes are shut.

 This board is the only one Im posting at for the most part, anymore, as so many of the other ones are just overrun by trendy nonsense.

I can tell you, as someone who lives among "redstaters" that they feel, rightly or wrongly, and I claim that its rightly, a prejudice against them that is quite unfounded.

I live in the heart of "elephants NEVER forget" type republicans who HATE Bush, I mean more than even a Berkleyite might hate bush (oops another stereotype see we ALL do them Smiling ). Most are Baptists. Most also say "Son, you can't argue with science" about apparent contradictions between the bible and science. Many have a very good hands on knowledge of geology and disagree with the YEC's. Many have guns. Many like to say about religion " I dont care if they worship rocks or trees, the constitution says they can." about religion.

Yet I see them slighted. They see themselves as slighted

I'm just asking that we examine honestly some of the bigotry that goes around these issues. I will also say you are lying or blind if you don't see this constantly.

Attacks on gun owners

Attacks on republicans

Attacks on Fox news as if it were any more slanted than CNN

Deny any of these three and I'll call you a liar 

You prove your own bigotry even more than before. Republicans are getting attacked? How about the term liberal? I see republicans banding it around as if it were the word "nazi". Attacks on Fox news? What's the problem? Fox isn't news, it's biased propoganda. Even more so than CNN, and I used to think they were bad. Attacks on gun owners? Where? All I see are attacks on guns.

Your comments have absolutely no value except to prove your own bigotry, and you are a dumb shit.

Enlightened Atheist, Gaming God.

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pipelineaudio wrote:

Sorry, Im in the middle of a move, but I did want to mine the thread for instances. I will do so soon

Honestly though, if you do not see a faddish "pick on the guy to pick on this week" type thing, or memes among many in these types of boards, your eyes are shut.

No, I don't. Do you mean that we often go back to the same topics and or maybe focus on the same people/subjects? Did you happen to notice that this is an atheist forum?

My eyes are also not shut. I go through the threads carefully.

pipelineaudio wrote:

I can tell you, as someone who lives among "redstaters" that they feel, rightly or wrongly, and I claim that its rightly, a prejudice against them that is quite unfounded.

Oh well, we must apologize then to the right wing who feels they've been prejudiced against. Well, I'll focus on some other groups than who've been prejudiced against... let's think... how about... atheists!! Sorry dude, but a lot of right antics are prejudiced as well. Or do you think Ann Coulter is a sweetheart? Everything she says is completely unbiased, correct?

pipelineaudio wrote:

Yet I see them slighted. They see themselves as slighted

You think we're 'slighting' people because we don't agree with them? I think I have a right not to agree with them. Apparently you're suggesting that my disagreement is offensive in some way and I'm not entitled to it.

pipelineaudio wrote:

I'm just asking that we examine honestly some of the bigotry that goes around these issues. I will also say you are lying or blind if you don't see this constantly.

Attacks on gun owners

Attacks on republicans

Attacks on Fox news as if it were any more slanted than CNN

Deny any of these three and I'll call you a liar

I actually considered answering this until I got to your last sentence. You see, that last sentence simply states that no matter what any one person on this forum says, if it goes against YOUR beliefs, they are a liar.

I honestly wanted to know what you were so offended about in the original thread. Ben pointed out some possibilities. I could see others. However, after reading that last sentence, I know it would just be futile on my part to try to have any discourse with you. Your mind is made up about us. Boy, talk about prejudice and bigotry, huh.

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Well, the attacks on gun

Well, the attacks on gun owners who want unrestricted gun ownership are legit since we have one of the highest gun murder rates in the world - same with Refublicanators seeing the stuff they do. And Pravda back in the day was more "fair and balanced" than FAUX "news"

Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team

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BenfromCanada wrote:
pariahjane wrote:
BenfromCanada wrote:
pariahjane wrote:

Would you care to let us know what statements you thought were prejudicial?

Great question

Huh. Guess my question was just a bit too much. I always love how a person can go on and on about something but when asked to provide details... poof! They're gone.

I'll do his homework for him.

I looked all throughout this thread.

Mattshizzle said 

The South and midwest are pretty backward-assed. Almost like a different country. I do like the idea of letting them secede but they should be called "Dumbfuckistan."

The first sentence was pretty bad, because it didn't specify that not all people in those states are like that. He also asked if dixie had 3 teeth, which is a stereotype, though I'd almost let that one slide given the racist ideals she advertised to us.

Freethinker posted the website "fuck the south". The site is not that bad, if you read it, but the title sounds nasty and bigoted. 

 That is IT. One legitimate claim, one halfway legitimate claim, and one that could be seen as legitimate but isn't.


I dont think either of those are bad statments...He aaid the area were bassackwards not the people...we could say Iraq is a fucked up country, that doenst mean we think or dont think the Iraqis are a fucked up people.

The three teeth comment could be made a stereotype of a racist not just a southerner.  So you could say "go burn a cross" you are insulting him as a racist not as a southerner. 

"When the missionaries arrived, the Africans had the Land and the Missionaries had the Bible, They taught us how to pray with our eyes closed. When we opened them, they had the Land and we had the Bible." - Jomo Kenyatta