A Christian Shows Us Her War Face
wow. i mean...wow. i dunno if anybody's seen this yet, but....wow.
this is a clip from the show "Trading Spouses".....watch this crazed Christian bitch (literally) completely alienate her entire family!!
Fear out
Fear is the mindkiller.
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Simply...wow, I don't even know...wow
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
does anyone know where you can get the full episode of that show? And wow.. just wow. I must say that from what i saw of that, I'm glad to be a supporter of the Rational Response Squad, American Atheists, etc.
We run little snippets of her in the show from time to time. I've even sent her an invitation to come on. I have yet to receive a response.
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If anyone can find the episode of trading spouses with infidel guy, i wana see it
Here's some more of ummm whatever you want to call it. I never saw this. lol.
Can we have the sound bite of her puking on the drunk show sometime? Pleeeaasse?
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server, which houses Celebrity Atheists.
What a nut!
Sapient, I think her response would go
Yer darksided, in Jesus name I pray, just darksided. I'm hungry. GEEETTT OUUUUTTT!!!
The paper read yesterday, the earth exploded, nobody noticed the passing of this hapless planet.
LMFAO...i remember seeing some of this on ytmnd.com
cripes. what a creepy shit. if she were my mom i'd file for a seperation. that poor cute little girl.
i love how it sounds like she's saying "dork-sided" too...haha. astrology and tarot cards are fun. what i wouldn't do to meet that woman.
check out this spoof, its the shit
*Our world is far more complex than the rigid structure we want to assign to it, and we will probably never fully understand it.*
"Those believers who are sophisticated enough to understand the paradox have found exciting ways to bend logic into pretzel shapes in order to defend the indefensible." - Hamby
Ok, I've posted some comments on this page, and there's some girl trying to have an argument with me. Our replies have gone as follows:
Tim12321 (1 week ago)
Hahaha... God is just pretend.
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goodgirl2244 (3 days ago)
The truth will come soon enough.
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Tim12321 (3 days ago)
Oh no, I'm quaking in my boots. Have you ever heard of Darwin? Have you ever heard of evolution? Do you understand punctuated equilibria? Then shut the fuck up.
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goodgirl2244 (1 day ago)
By the way, I suggest that you "shut the fuck up" as you put it if you don't even know the concept behind all of the things that you just tried to mention. Just hearing the names doesn't qualify. You actually have to know what it is which I'm pretty sure by the ignorance of your comments that you don't.
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FUnlandduCK (3 days ago)
You know, millions thought that the earth was flat. I wonder what happend?
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Tim12321 (2 days ago)
Is that directed at me or at the girl who reckons that "the truth will come soon enough"? I suppose she reckons that the Bible is correct because it says it is correct. Clearly she has never heard of "circular reasoning".
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goodgirl2244 (1 day ago)
Somebody actually got out there and tested what everybody thought was true. I wonder who actually tested evolution?
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Tim12321 (13 hours ago)
Stop lying, there is not a single shred of evidence to show that anything in the Bible is true. Of course I understand everything I listed above, otherwise I wouldn't have posted it. Now, can you please give me a source that shows a valid study into the truth behind Genesis?
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goodgirl2244 (6 hours ago)
I don't have any reason to lie. There is an even more lack of evidence for the evolutionist's theory or any other theories for that matter that deny creation. Thanks: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/rossuk/c-links.htm# c-links-science
Do you have anything that validates any of your other theories, sir? I would really LOVE to get into it.
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goodgirl2244 (6 hours ago)
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goodgirl2244 (1 day ago)
Yeah, so Mr. Dumbass, there is scientific evidence that the Bible is true, and there is also historic evidence. I have a 4.0 GPA in the history of Science and of History itself. I've heard of more than you probably ever have. So, let's be real. You just showed everyone on this comment page that you are complete ass with a one tracked mind. Thank you, sir.
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Tim12321 (13 hours ago)
Please tell me more about this "scientific evidence" that shows us that the Bible is true, I'm dying to hear about it. And while you're at it, you can check out this site: www.rationalresponders.com I'm sure that it will help put an end to your irrational delusions.
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goodgirl2244 (6 hours ago)
Ah hahahahaha!!! This site is highly hilarious! Certain scriptures are picked and chosen out of context just to be twisted into an atheist remark. Anyway, I checked your's, so check mine...well, I really don't care if you don't...http://www.biblelife.org/evolution.htm,
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I have to admit that I'm not very good at these sort of arguments, so if anyone wants to join in, I'd be very happy.
Is it just me, or does that GPA statement make 4.0 seem completely worthless? Scientific evidence that the bible is true? What? Historic accuracy doesn't prove the bible to be the word of god, anymore than the accuracy in the description of New York in a Spiderman-comic makes spiderman real. And what about all the historical inaccuracys in the bible? If she has a 4.0, I take it the demands to get that grade doesn't involve any critical thinking at her school.
I also like it how when you said something like "show me the scientific evidence that the bible is true", she said "Somebody actually got out there and tested what everybody thought was true. I wonder who actually tested evolution?". Very smooth. Now, instead of her having to defend her claim, she now pushed the discussion over into you having to defend evolution. Very dishonest.
Today I quized Campus Crusade for Christ's people on their opinions and bible knowledge. They are all over campus, them and other student church groups and pro-life organizations. It was great fun
She probably goes to a Christian school.