There's plenty of proof for god! Search for it. :?

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Iron Will I am Bunker
Date: Aug 18, 2006 2:06 PMI am surprised by your logo!
An image of the Mother Mary appeared over Paris, France before millions of witnesses as flowers rained from heaven.
you're real, conscious, and living. What is so absurd about a real, conscious, living God?
----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Aug 18, 2006 11:15 AM
We don't believe that flowers really came down from heaven witnessed by millions. Look for good evidence with all amazing claims like that.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Iron Will I am Bunker
Date: Aug 18, 2006 2:32 PMthe reports of millions are fairly good evidence. i believe it.
what do you have to say about a real, living, conscious God?
the reports of millions are fairly good evidence. i believe it.
Find it odd that no major news outlet ever reported the story? Link me. I'm open to evidence.
what do you have to say about a real, living, conscious God?
That there's no proof.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server.
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If something like that happened, it would be all over the news. What is this guy on? Does he really think that happened? This mail actually creeped me out a bit. This guy is insane. 0_0
Wilson: "We were afraid that if you found out you solved a case with absolutely no medical evidence you'd think you were God." House: "God doesn't limp."
You're the one with the amazing claim, the burden of proof is on you. However in an effort to show you just how ridiculous this claim iis, I did do a google search and nothing came up on the first page, let alone credible.
Searched for Mary France Flowers Heaven
What the fuck are you talking about? I have no positive or negative attitude towards god. I have the same attitude towards god as I do leprechauns... neither exist... neither bothers me. Now what does bother me, is people who are so unreasonable that they'd actually believe in leprechauns and gods without appropriate evidence.
So then it shouldn't be that hard to link me to a story. Go ahead.
if there are mountains of proof why is it so hard for you to provide a mole hills worth?
What? How bout you provide the proof, none of what you just mentioned has appropriate proof. Start dishing some out.
As for prayer... here's a study of my own, proving it doesn't work... SCIENTIFICALLY!
Praise the evil god of knot tying! Dude seriously, you believe that even if this story was true, it's evidence of an invisible man in the sky? More specifically you believe that this is proof of an invisible man that had to come down to earth to sacrifice himself to himself so that others could escape the wrath of himself (to fix a rule that his perfect ass created)?
I'm open to em... start dishing out the evidence.
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They publish shit like this in crap Christian journals (and TV shows) all the time, it's amazing that people are that fucking stupid to fall for it.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
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Ever wonder why these apparitions happen only in heavily christian countries? You never hear of an apparition in China, or Iraq, or you now?
The vatican sponsors these so called apparitions due to the fact that it is the only way to keep "miracles" real.
Let me tell you guys a little story....I was born and raised in Italy...the bedrock of catholicism. I have been to the holy sites of apparitions, I have been to Father Pio's (if you do not know who he was, look him up) home, church and tombe. I have been to the most propagandized religios places in Italy..not to mention the vatican itself.
Italians (as most catholics) are very superstitious, as part of the nature of catholicism, and they will believe anything they see. These so called apparitions are nothing more than things like a cloud forming in a coincidental shape of mary, or a shadow or just plain hallucinations or just plain lies....and con artistry. Because Italy is so freakin catholic, the media buys in to this shit, wiht the vatican's blessing to make it a huge story..and then you have the tourism, millions from all over the world flock to these "holy places" bolstering the local economy. YOu have vendors wiht their holy water mary shaped bottles, crosses, rosaries..etcll the restaurants fill up. It's the largest con game ever played by the media, the vatican and the government. Wanna talk conspiracy here? ha...that's a prime example of a government ruled by the vatican to bolster up this bullshit to keep people in faith. It's all lies...because of this mass dementia, you have people like my aunt..who has completely lost all sense of reality and tells me she speaks with jesus in her dreams...when in fact it's just that, dreams...she is so devout, that she will believe the tiniest piece of coincidental "evidence" to prove to herself that god does exist..multiply this dementia on a mass scale and voila' you have..apparition stories everywhere...
but the biggest debunkment of this....YOU ONLY SEE THIS IN EXTREMELY CATHOLIC COUNTRIES. Next time a bunch of Muslims see an apparition of Mary... then you'll have my attention. HOwever, Muslims claim they see the written word for Allah all over nature..which is also bullshit. So you see...everyone sees what they are brainwashed to see...if you are doctrinated your mind will play so many tricks on you, it can be quite scary.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
I wonder how much of that shit is just made up.
What evidence? I've seen stuff that didn't amount to evidence of ESP, but nothing that proved it.
Then prove it! You still haven't done anything to prove it!
Duh. Thanks Captain Obvious, now obviously you realize that you failing to provide a reference leaves it unproven.
Where? Give me a link to CIA recordings of the events.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Fantastical bullshit. Ah the apparition stories, my brother did a paper on apparitions in College...let's see if we can post it here...I'll ask him.
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
Thought I'd join in, just because I'm a bit of a bastard really:
Original Message -----------------
From: Tim
Date: Aug 28, 2006 12:52 AM
Hey man, I read your message to Brian Sapient from the Rational Response Squad:
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Iron Will I am Bunker
Date: Aug 18, 2006 2:06 PM
I am surprised by your logo!
An image of the Mother Mary appeared over Paris, France before millions of witnesses as flowers rained from heaven.
you're real, conscious, and living. What is so absurd about a real, conscious, living God?
Have you got a link to this story? It sounds pretty amazing, I expect that it will have been well documented. When did this all happen, I didn't hear anything about it in the news. With millions of witnesses there, I'm sure that some of them would have had cameras with them, so I expect that there are plenty of photographs of it on the internet. Can you send me a link to some of them?
Take care buddy!
His response:
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Iron <>< Will I am Bunker
Date: Aug 28, 2006 11:02 PM
There are numerous apparitions listed here. I didn't find the one I referred to. I will examine where I heard of it first. I was told of it and believed, and I do not regret it. Numerous such fantastic events have actually occured, and I have experienced certain like them in scope.
<>< Iron
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
"I was told of it and believed, and do not regret it"
Sounds a bit defensive, in light of complete lack of evidence.
i bet you can sell this guy dirty underwear for a shit load of money. (pun intended)
Atheist Books, purchases on Amazon support the Rational Response Squad server which houses Celebrity Atheists.
So if someone told you the moon was made of green cheese you'd just believe it?
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Iron <>< Will I am Bunker
Date: Aug 28, 2006 11:02 PM
There are numerous apparitions listed here. I didn't find the one I referred to. I will examine where I heard of it first. I was told of it and believed, and I do not regret it. Numerous such fantastic events have actually occured, and I have experienced certain like them in scope.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Tim
Date: Aug 29, 2006 2:19 AM
Oh, so you just believed it because you were told about it? Do you believe everything that you're told about without being given proper sources? If I tell you that millions of people once saw an apparition of the Invisible Pink Unicorn appear above Munich while daffodils rained from the sky, will you believe that too? When it happened it was a major news story and was reported everywhere, but strangely there are no sources whatsoever to confirm it. I'm afraid that you'll have to believe it though because I told you it was true.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Iron <>< Will I am Bunker
Date: Aug 30, 2006 5:43 AM
I may have mentioned that I believed it because I have experienced things nearly as unusual. I am an empath and experience ESP on a fairly regular basis. I have had spiritual experiences and examined a considerable amount of science related to spirituality. Taken together, about 6000 pieces of exceptional science, many in the quantum and non-euclidian mathematical category, medical, ER, NDE, and reincarnation related exercises, and countless bizzare experiences make it far easier for me to believe that miraculous events happened.
I may not be able to prove to you that the mother Mary appeared over Paris, France, but that is a single event in a history of fantastic events. Did you explore the website that I showed you?
I can prove to you examples of ESP and spiritual events if you'd like, documented regularly in emergency rooms.
<>< Iron
Fucking nutter. haha. I'm very interested in seeing his "evidence." I'm positive it will be a bunch of bullshit as well.
"If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss Bank."-Woody Allen
"Atheism is life affirming in a way religion can never be."-Richard Dawkins
Basically little internet stories are considered proof for this goof.
I've said this many times before and I'll probably say it many more times. Anecdotes do not serve as proof. Anecdotes are what they are. Anecdote-short entertaining story. Using an anecdote in the place of fact is proof of ones ignorance. The person who sent that message to RRS is ignorant to such a point that they could possibly be used as proof against any gods. Why would a god make a human so stupid?