The dumb of the dumb, answers staring him in the face

Evolution is both a fact and a theory. It's ashame that theory is so often confused with a claim yet to be proven, ignorance like this is inexcusable. The data to prove that evolution is occuring, is all around us. The theory or mechanism in which it occurs is being discussed by the worlds best scientists everyday.Here is a small list of Evolutionary references I've compiled:
29 Evidences for MACROEVOLUTION. A great summation of evolution. A rebuttal to someone who doesn't understand evolution.
On Observed Speciation and Speciation Models:
Salamanders and Songbirds More details on the salamanders, with additional links London mosquitos Another article on Himalayan song birds Speciation by reinforcement Lots of examples here More examples Speciation models Links on examples and models More on the London mosquitos Ringed-speciation model and examples, plus links In Drosophila (fruit flies)
On Behavior, Reciprocal Altruism and the Evolution of Behavior:
Behavior models (registration required) The Origins of Right and Wrong in Humans and Other Animals Chimps show sense of fair play Genes, altruism and evolution (with more links) Reciprocal altruism Kin selection and reciprocal altruism
On the Evolution of ..Complexity..
Biochemistry Evolution of human intellect and diet Evolution of language Music and the relation to language (registration required) Evolution of religious memes Bacteria flagella Avida .. Digital evolution More on the evolution of religion Complex evolution in the laboratory The eye YouTube Video on Eye Evolution. The brain
In Scientific Reality,
Mike (Yellow Number 5)
The Rational Response Squad Scientist
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Michael
Date: Sep 28, 2006 11:37 PMEvolution, as in we all came from monkeys and all that, IS just a theory, not fact.
LMAO. Did you notice the link that will TEACH you as the school system has apparently failed you that evolution IS a fact and a theory at the same time?
Here it is again: Evolution is both a fact and a theory.
A theory written by Darwin who himself denied on his deathbed.
You should freshen up on those research skills and watch out which members from the dishonest evangelical community you believe, a simply google search for "Darwin recanted" would yield tons of results debunking that lie that the religious people have told.
The first link that shows up in google is from a well known creationist site which supports many of your evangelical positions, but easily refutes this particular lie you just told, you make Jesus sad with your dishonesty you "god warrior." (I read your profile a little)
Heres that link. The link concludes with:
It therefore appears that Darwin did not recant, and it is a pity that to this day the Lady Hope story occasionally appears in tracts published and given out by well-meaning people.
Theory is NEVER fact.
How bout you jump up in the sky and fly away then? OH WAIT!! That darn theory of gravity explains why you wont be able to!
Most tests that scientists use to determine any 'fact' out of evolution use circular theory where 'if this is true' then 'this can be true' and so on. Which means any 'fact' that is found is founded on a theory making it still a theory, someone's idea or guess, nothing more.
ONE MORE TIME: Evolution is both a fact and a theory.
Evolution is just man's excuse for not wanting to believe in God.
Funny, however you neglect the fact that many scientists and atheists were perfectly content believing in a god, but honest inspection of the facts led them to realize that the biblical account of creation is simply false. And since it was false this belief that they wanted to have, couldn't be held if one were to be honest with themselves.
If you're gonna be a soldier in God's army, why not try a new tactic... try some honesty, oh and try to be educated. Nobody in gods army has a fucking clue about science.
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Maybe you should have a poll asking "why are you atheist?" Then list some common reasons/misconceptions plus other. That might clear up this up a bit and give you some data to give people who ask about it.
God's Army has yet to impress me. The armies of the most backwater countries on this planet are more impressive than these nutters.
They have a bunch of raving, elderly lunatics and corrupt politcians as their "leaders". Who do we have? Intellectuals like Richard Dawkins and Richard Carrier. Also, our war hero champion, Sam Harris.
With the RRS and other groups in the trenches.
"If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss Bank."-Woody Allen
"Atheism is life affirming in a way religion can never be."-Richard Dawkins
It may take a smart guy to come up with the idea of a bomb, but it don't take a genus to get one and blow the shit out of something.
I think 90% of Christians should be required to write "A theory is not just a guess" on a blackboard 500,000 times.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
No they just need to say the same damn thing when they do gravity. That or require at least one smart ass freethinking kid in every class to keep things in check.
Why would God need an army anyway? Isn't he all powerful? Guess it's in case we have iron chariots! :
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
I got to remember that one. Hey you know it would be cool to get a neckless with a little iron chariot. I would love to have one of those.
God repellent!
How about a chariot with "Anti-God weapon" written on it!
Another point is that the thing is got to be hard so it could double as a fundy violence deterrent.