Sapient responds briefly to a Christian emailer
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Due to the fact it was Satan that tempted Eve into eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The devil has caused the entire human race to die. What about all those unborn babies that have been murdered just because their mothers didn't want them? At least GOD
doesn't kill babies. GOD does punish sin, matter of fact HE can do anything HE wants to. If you don't believe in HIM why are so worried about a being that you don't believe exists?
I responded:
Who created the devil knowing what the devil would do? Who had the power to stop it without affecting free will but didn't? Who's supposed to be loving?
Answer those honestly and you should abandon Christianity.
Answer those dishonestly and you'll prove your religion has turned you into a dishonest person.
Not only is god the largest provider of abortions in history by killing babies via miscarriage, but he created a system in which approximately 7 million lives (sperm) are killed during each ejaculation. Your god is the most murderous fictitious entity in history.
We're not so worried about a being that doesn't exist, we're worried for your benefit that you have been brainwashed to not see simple truths in front of your eyes. We don't care about things we can't prove, we care about things we can prove, and that would be you.
- Sapient
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So let me get this straight.
If god hadn't created the devil, we'd all live forever????
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Lol, maybe.![Smile Smile](/modules/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/emotions/images/smiley-smile.gif)
Sapient pwns.
put the theist in their fucking place Sapient.
I had to be honest with myself by viewing god as an angry drunk. Come along with me on this very short trip. The all knowing god creates the angels and man knowing ahead of time what they will do. Lucifer believes himself to be equal to god, is cast out of heaven to wreak havoc on man starting at the original sin. Because of original sin man suffers and dies until the second coming when god's son will make it all better.
So to me god sounds like a dysfunctional drunk who wanted to see suffering and now his son is trying to fix it but can only do so when the vast majority of mankind is wiped out.
Now tell me again why Lucifer shouldn't be angry at god?
This is the god that cares so much for us?
This is why Christians are hard to reason with. They are in a co-dependant relationship with a very dysfunctional yet all powerful father figure.
Like the abused wife on cops who just got punched in the eye by their drunk husband, they will in fact turn right around and bail him out over and over and over again. Now with a drunk husband the wife may stay in it until he finally whips her ass so bad he goes to jail, she runs away, he kills her or she kills him. With Christians however, they are usually in it for the long haul because, of course, god is all powerful so running away or fighting back is futile.
I am one of the lucky survivors. I found that you can kill god. He only existed in my mind so it was easier than I thought. It was in fact as easy as a thought.
Now for the boogieman that lives under my bed. I need help with this because I'm a big guy and the other night, while I was in the process of turning off the light switch and taking a running jump into my bed, I misjudged the landing, broke two slats in the bed frame, over shot and took the lamp off the night stand and knocked a hole in the wall. Thankfully I'm not injured but the trip to home depot is going to put a dent in my wallet.
Now some of you may say the boogieman doesn't exist but my big sister told me when I was a kid that he did and I know I can trust her. I haven't ever actually see him but I know he's there. I can just feel it. Sometimes there are little bumps in the night, or maybe my shoes wont be just like I left them or well, now I'm probably just starting to sound silly to you.
So for me when people speak of god, I don't see some majestic being, I see some drunk ass tweakin hillbilly in a dirty wife beater standing in front of his rickety mobile home with the Dale Earnhardt memorial NASCAR blanket that has been hung over the window so you can't see the meth lab.
Your god can kiss my ass!
Ps. No offense to hillbillies. I'm an Okie, but I'm no dumb Okie.
According to Bible, I don't think so. Neither Adam nor Eve ate from the Tree of Life (I guess God forgot to tell them not to eat from that tree). I guess Adam and Eve were supposedly allowed to eat from the Tree of Life if the didn't eat from the other tree, so maybe...
Eh, I don't know, it's all fiction to me anyways.
Again, that statement assumes that you have a better understanding on the nature of love then a being who is by definition love. I refer you again to the ameba/rocket scientist analogy.
Its important for atheists to realize that they are not capable of believing unless they are children of God. A person must be elect of God. A mind that is not infused with Divine illumination is not capable of believing and understanding. This is precisely why sin is so terrible, because it drives the grace of God from a person. The more one sins, the more his mind becomes darkened. I don't believe atheits are fully conscious. Once you begin exercizing the virtues, praying, and doing good deeds for people, you will attract the grace of God into your soul, heart and mind, and you will begin to understand. In a way, atheists are right. God doesn't exist -- not for them. But He exists for others. And in another way they are right. When we speak of the category of existing/created things, God does not exist in that category. He transcends the category of created and existing things. He even transcends existance itself. So, in a way God does not exist, as far as the limited and finite human mind perceives existance. But in another way He is beyond existence. This is a great paradox in theology. He is God transcendent, and God revealed.
"Impure souls give birth to impure knowledge."--- St. Isaac the Syrian
God exists or nothing exists --- Greg Bahnsen
Do you agree then, that God doesn't answer prayers? You seem to be saying (both here, and in other threads) that God has to allow terrible things so he doesn't interfere with "free will"... According to most christians I've met though, God DOES answer some prayers to heal people. Apparently he CAN use his powers while still allowing 'free will' sometimes.
So no Bible, no miracles, no divine intervention, no answered prayers, no messiah. All things things would affect free will but that doesn't leave you with much of a religion. Or do you just throw out the phrase "free will" when it's convenient to block an obvious flaw in your religion?
Christians repeatedly fail to notice the sadism involved in planting a failable creature in close proximity to temptation and then to ensure destruction to place a much older and cruel creature to entice them to disobey.
If I place a loaded revolver in my 3 year old daughters room,tell her not to touch it, and then put a psycopath in her room to tempt her to shoot her 2 year old sister those same christians would gleefully have me executed for being a monster.
If a human does it he's sick. If god does it it's divine will.
"I am an atheist, thank God." -Oriana Fallaci