Shame on you for helping people out of their mind crutch!
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Child of God
Date: Jul 31, 2006 2:12 PMshame on you if you dont believe in God then dont but dont try and stop other people from believing in God what does it matter to you????
If you're friend believed that there was an alien behind him shooting lasers at his head, and that everytime he shot the laser he was losing a day of his life... would you help your friend realize that the alien wasn't there? If not, shame on YOU!
and just to let you know there is a God and he is very much alive today and Jesus Christ walked this earth died for our sins on the cross and arose agian to sit at the right hand of God and he is returning some day to judge the world now
That fairy tale is nice and all, but there just isn't any proof. Until there is you're no different than the friend who thinks an alien is shooting lasers at him. Watch out behind you, I think I see him!
what will you say when you stand face to face with God the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings????
And what would you do if that God turns out to be Allah, and man is he pissed at you! Christians, Muslims, etc... one MUST be wrong. Is it you? Are your beliefs logically defendable? No. Considering they aren't quite possibly, you have it wrong. Don't feel bad though, Muslims can't defend their belief logically as well.
dont believe in God well we can help the!!!!!
Feel free to go ahead and help. We're all ears. We just need a little proof. We're honest with ourselves on the issue of god, unlike theists.
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Is there something about Christianity that precludes proper spelling, punctuation and capitalization? :roll:
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Yes. People who believe ridiculously irrational and foolish things tend to be foolish and ignorant. As I posted for you before, if you remember, there is a direct correlation with lack of intelligence and propensity to become a theist. The smarter you are the more likely you are to be an atheist. It's ashame, it really is.
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Well, when I type online, I'm not exactly mr. prefect grammar speller either. I'm too much in a hurry to worry about all that. so, i guess you can't really judge them on that level. However, it's the way they talk, that you can sense a level of ignorance, they way they formulate their statements and points...that shows their ignorance.
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Does anyone have a link to any study where they found the more educated you are, the less likely you are to be religious? I've read that already.
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Guess it won't work to use it though. The Christians will find some reason to criticize any study done. No evidence will ever be good enough for them to think rationally about religion.![Sad Sad](/modules/smileys/examples/009.gif)
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
I can't prove God ever did anything to me, as I can't prove it exists. You can't either.
So not only do you know that god exists, but you know exactly what he's done to me good and bad, too? Please keep in mind, your god is supposedly the creator of all things, and this includes everything bad that ever happens. Sure you could say that Satan is the cause of bad things, and you'd selectively be forgetting who created Satan.
Yes, the people kill each other, duh. It's the belief they held that made them decide to do it. Keep denying reality though.
Duh. And it's the beliefs of the person holding the gun that lead them to use the gun. Like for example 19 hijackers who gave their lives on 9-11 because they knew God would reward them.
I'm not blaming something that doesn't exist. I'm blaming the people who actually fall for that load of irrational horseshit, kind of like it's not the gun that does the killing it's the people. Well it's not God that I blame, it's his ignorant followers who I blame for falling for it. Oh and prayer doesn't work. Here's proof.
Oh by the way, that was the worst run on sentence I've seen this year.
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I wasn't saying God was shooting someone, don't be so dense man. I was saying that belief in the alien behind you is the same as belief in god, it's a delusion with absolutely the same amount of proof.... which is NONE. You have no proof for God and the same amount of proof for the alien shooting lasers at you.
19 men killed themselves on 9-11 for God and over 2,000 Americans died that day. Don't be so out of touch with reality, SHAME ON YOU!
God is "trying?" Wow dude, you've lost it. God is supposedly all powerful and all knowing. He would've known exactly what the world would've turned into. He had the power to change it before he created it, he has the power to save it if he really wanted to. And the concept of "trying" is a human characteristic. It's what us finite creatures do. God is supposedly infinite, he has no reason to try.. he just is. But I'm sure this is all over your head. Elevate yourself to a higher level of thought, you are the epitome of irrational.
Which is it? Is there proof or are you supposed to have faith? You're a walking contradiction. You know there is no proof, and just saying so doesn't make it so.
Well duh, of course I haven't seen him. I can however see his signature and his writings on many documents. I can see paintings of him from artists who were in his presence. I can visit his grave, his home. There are plenty of evidences to prove he existed that come from the time he lived. There isn't a single proof of Jesus from the time when he was alive, he likely never even existed. And there is certainly no scientific proof to prove a god exists, which is what any logical and rational person would need to believe. If you have that contemporary proof of Jesus, win $666 right here.
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The fact that in order for something to be logically coherent it can't be contradictory and it needs to have some repeatable testable proof. Christians are illogical.
Our parents.
Yes, all the way through, over 4 years. I was a Christian growing up, but as an honest person I had to accept reality.
Ben Franklin was more of a deist, who embraced science. Lincoln is pegged as an atheist in his private papers, and Einstein was certainly no Christian. In fact all three you mentioned were not Christian. Was this a lie your pastor duped you on?
Here's some quotes:
I have found Christian dogma unintelligible. Early in life I absented myself from Christian assemblies.
-- Benjamin Franklin, quoted from Victor J. Stenger, Has Science Found God? (2001)
The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason: The Morning Daylight appears plainer when you put out your Candle.
-- Benjamin Franklin, the incompatibility of faith and reason, Poor Richard's Almanack (1758)
Lighthouses are more helpful than churches.
-- Benjamin Franklin
What is to be, will be, and no prayers of ours can arrest the decree.
-- Abraham Lincoln, quoted by Mary Todd Lincoln in William Herndon's Religion of Lincoln, quoted from Franklin Steiner, The Religious Beleifs of Our Presidents, p. 118
The Bible is not my book nor Christianity my profession.
-- Abraham Lincoln, quoted by Joseph Lewis in "Lincoln the Freethinker"
The only person who is a worse liar than a faith healer is his patient.
-- Abraham Lincoln, quoted by Victor J. Stenger in Physics and Psychics
My earlier views of the unsoundness of the Christian scheme of salvation and the human origin of the scriptures, have become clearer and stronger with advancing years and I see no reason for thinking I shall ever change them.
-- Abraham Lincoln, to Judge J. S. Wakefield, after Willie Lincoln's death (Willie died in 1862
I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own -- a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human frailty. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotisms.
-- Albert Einstein, obituary in New York Times, 19 April 1955, quoted from James A. Haught, "Breaking the Last Taboo" (1996)
I do not believe in immortality of the individual, and I consider ethics to be an exclusively human concern with no superhuman authority behind it.
-- Albert Einstein, 1954, from Albert Einstein: The Human Side, edited by Helen Dukas and Banesh Hoffman, Princeton University Press
It seems to me that the idea of a personal God is an anthropological concept which I cannot take seriously. I also cannot imagine some will or goal outside the human sphere.... Science has been charged with undermining morality, but the charge is unjust. A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death.
-- Albert Einstein, "Religion and Science," New York Times Magazine, 9 November 1930
Scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action of people. For this reason, a research scientist will hardly be inclined to believe that events could be influenced by a prayer, i.e. by a wish addressed to a Supernatural Being.
-- Albert Einstein, 1936, responding to a child who wrote and asked if scientists pray. Source: Albert Einstein: The Human Side, Edited by Helen Dukas and Banesh Hoffmann
It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.
-- Albert Einstein, 1954, from Albert Einstein: The Human Side, edited by Helen Dukas and Banesh Hoffman, Princeton University Press
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Amen to that Sapient. (lol)
And your friend knows in his heart that the alien is shooting lasers at his head. You just don't get it.
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There you go again with this anthropomorphic god. He "wants?" Infinite beings don't act finitely. Like I said, I'm sure this is way above your head anyway. An easier way to understand would be to realize that an all knowing being would know everything everyone would ever do. An all powerful being would have the ability to make any changes he wants ahead of time, WITHOUT affecting anyones free will. If god wants anything at all, it;s that he "wants" everything to happen exactly as it's happening now. He would want me to be proving to others that he doesn't exist. But I speak about a metaphorical "want" since like I said, God can't "want" he just "would."
The crusades, Osama Bin Laden, and the Christian who blows up abortion clinics are all examples of those who believe "hurting" someone.
There you go, with "want" again. You're god knew those men would fly into those towers. He's all knowing. He had the power to change it before he even conceived a world to create without affecting anyones free will. The only rational conclusion if an all knowing all powerful god exists, is that those 19 hijackers are part of gods plan. Furthermore this would lend credence to the notion that Allah is actually the one true god.
And it also taught to kill. If you don't know this, then it is you who hasn't read the bible.
If it's proof, you don't need faith. Like I said, you're a walking contradiction... just like your version of god. By the way, you can't use a book to prove that the book is true. It's called "circular logic" it's a logical fallacy, and thusly not logical.
Because we have contemporary data that is corrobarated over and over and over. We don't have contemporary data of Jesus, or current day proof of god, let alone coroborated.
I don't want to talk to you about how humans got here, you don't have the minimum intellectual reasoning capacity to have that discussion. Go search "evolution" online and do your own research, I'm only willing to discuss God with you for now. First recognize god is a myth, then you can seek more reality.
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