I believe in God, got a problem with it?

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I believe in God, got a problem with it?

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Rebecca! at the Disco
Date: Jul 31, 2006 4:04 PM

i believe in God, got a problem with it?

No, you're free to your beliefs. Got a problem with me being sure that your belief is irrational and untenable?

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I believe in God, got a problem with it?

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Rebecca! at the Disco
Date: Jul 31, 2006 4:43 PM

read the bible thats proof

I have, I grew up a Christian, reading the bible is what made me realize that it's contradictory. Furthermore, you can't use a book to prove that the same book is true. It's called "circular logic" and is a logical fallacy. It fits the very definition of what I just told you, that your belief is not rational.

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I believe in God, got a problem with it?

Not much I can say to that. She got burned.

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I believe in God, got a problem with it?

Circular logic seems to be popular among the masses. :roll:

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I believe in God, got a problem with it?

who says that it is not possible for a book such as the bible to prove itself true? the bible is written in code, many of the things in the bible are taking place in the Israel right now, or in the process, almost exactly as the bible states. Don't ask me what or how i can prove it, i haven't been to church or bible study in a long long time. but someone who knows the bible well will know who to explain better, i'm not too good with getting my point across with words.

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I believe in God, got a problem with it?

Moby Dick is written in code to, kill. That book has foretold numerous assassinations:


And if it is correct on that, then Moby Dick must also be proof that malevolent white whales stalk our seas! Don't deny the evidence!

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I believe in God, got a problem with it?

How come the Bible code hasn't predicted anything until after it happened? You get a book that size, of course there's going to be patterns that say almost anything. I bet you can find "this is just a bunch of bullshit" or something similar there! Laughing out loud

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