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I wanted to congratulate the entire RRS. I saw you guys on youtube then nightline. You guys are good for the atheist and skeptic movements. I'm also from philadelphia and it's good to know that people from my area are doing such great things.

I've been skepical of religious claims for a long time and I never thought i'd really see religion being questioned out in the open like it is today and I'm 28. I pretty much thought that religion would just be around and pretty much unquestioned except maybe at small forums. So again I think you guys are doin a great job.

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  Yeah dr3, and just think

  Yeah dr3, and just think if the TV was the peoples tv .... are ya really pissed yet !  LOUDER !  

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Thanks so much, dr3! I hope

Thanks so much, dr3!

I hope this doesn't sound too um... Jim Bakker-ish... but so much of what we do depends on contributors, I just have to do it.  If you aren't aware, Sapient just spent several thousand dollars from his ever dwindling savings account for a new server to handle our ever-growing bandwidth.  He's also been putting $25 a day into advertising.  We've got some money coming in from clicks, but it's not nearly enough to sustain us.

If you love what we're doing, please consider becoming a subscriber.  Even the bronze level ($3/month) helps.  When we get the whole site moved over to the new version of drupal, we'll have some pretty spiffy perks for bronze, and some really good ones for silver and gold.  (And you'll get the badge!)

If you want to contribute specifically to ADVERTISING or SERVER FEES, you can earmark a donation for either of those as well. 

Again, thank you for your post and your support.


Atheism isn't a lot like religion at all. Unless by "religion" you mean "not religion". --Ciarin
Books about atheism

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Thanks so much.  Isn't

Thanks so much.  Isn't even cooler to think how we're ending religion out of our homebase: the city of brotherly love.  Definetly hang around, we need you as part of the movement.  We're winning and we will continue to.  Don't give up hope even if it looks like you should.


We rock, Philly rocks, Ben Franklin rocks, am I drunk?  Sticking out tongue

(if I go any further this post will start to look like I am god as you, I am celebrating some recent accomplishments with champagne)

Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!

Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient

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   Careful with that 

   Careful with that  "champagne" Brian , not a good choice. Bad headache hang overs. Wine too. All the sweet alcohol stuff is a NO. Go with the beer, or whatever Hitchens' drinks! Google knows about booze ....  I KNOW a little !

Don't forget to take our B vitamins , really Smile

I love this RRS man , all should learn to PARTY ! Work for FUN only !  Bob Black ! 

, in pod cast too, somewhere , what a gut ripper that guy.

LOUDER !  I must get rich

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dr3 wrote: I wanted to

dr3 wrote:

I wanted to congratulate the entire RRS. I saw you guys on youtube then nightline. You guys are good for the atheist and skeptic movements. I'm also from philadelphia and it's good to know that people from my area are doing such great things.

I've been skepical of religious claims for a long time and I never thought i'd really see religion being questioned out in the open like it is today and I'm 28. I pretty much thought that religion would just be around and pretty much unquestioned except maybe at small forums. So again I think you guys are doin a great job.


Hey welcome. I am a new member myself.  I am aslo fromt he Philly area.  Great to know there are many others who think like me in my own backyard.

I do have to personaly thank Sapient tho. If it was not for him I never would have found this amazing place.  As soon as I get to some funds cleared up I am going to be a subscriber and contribute Smiling

Hey I don't know if the billions will survive, But Ill believe in God when 1 and 1 are 5 - Greg Graffin