Donate money through us for Richard Dawkins Foundation

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Donate money through us for Richard Dawkins Foundation

We were called in by the Richard Dawkins Foundation team to lend any support we could. We're asking for all of our members to please make a small donation to the RDF through us. We'll then present a check for the combined total to Richard Dawkins on November 2nd when he visits our studio to record a show with the Rational Response Squad. We'll present him with one of those overly large fake checks in a photo op situation. The actual gift from RRS members will be sent to Richard via paypal and a print screen will be posted here for you folks.

Dig deep people. Think of all of those tithes you've saved! Give 10% of your life's income today! Eye-wink

RRS supporters and members support Richard Dawkins:

Text link for donations.

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We've raised $395 so far

We've raised $395 so far from a total of four contributors, please donate!! We want to raise at least $1,000 and the RRS will make a donation of it's own based on how much you contribute. The more you contribute, the more I'll have us contribute.

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Well, it's $420 from 5

Well, it's $420 from 5 contributors now! Smiling