Ok folks, we can now have anything we want printed on a shirt and added to our new store.
What would you folks like to see on a shirt? Each shirt must have a direct correlation to the Rational Response Squad, and must have our web address. There are enough general atheist shirts out there, so let's keep all ideas specific to the Squad.
The shirts are full color, printed only on white (for now), and need to be about 8x 10 or about 1600x2000. They also need to be done at least 200 dpi. BMP files usually dont use image compression so it's normally a better quality to use that over jpg. You can make it in a higher quality and convert to bmp I suppose.
No ideas taboo... hit us with it... I'm guessing we'll have folks with ideas, and friends like Cynagen and jane_k_le who can create the graphics.
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"Be big. Be meaty. BE RATIONAL."
Coolness, I'll start buying when they can be printed in black.
White ruins the "I hate the world, fuck off" stereo type.
Question, how many designs are you allowed to submit?
Cynagen, you could do as many as you want as long as you're not offended if they don't all get posted at EvolveFish. Quality over quantity. EvolveFish allows you to put any image you want on a shirt, so I suppose we could host them and if users really want something they could just send your art to EvolveFish.
Additionally part of the reason we want this done by our friends is that maybe Doubledoh can have them printed in black but I didn't want to put the cart in front of the horse.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Can we have a shirt that says on the front
"Why does The Da Vinci Code piss so many Christians off?"
and then on the back
"Because obviously they cannot tell the difference from fact and fiction"
Maybe a pic of a bible...
then below that
Ok, due to even more interest than I expected, I've branched into the CafePress world in addition to EvolveFish.
If you want to design a shirt front and back feel free, by all means go ahead.
Here are specifications on images:
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
2 Very simple things, Kinda need non-white t-shirts for this

Excellent work, anyway to make them 2000x2000 pixels? That image will show up as the 3 inch by 3 inch square it is now, on a shirt designed for a 10 inch picture.
You irish? We can put them on black shirts with CafePress.
Vote for Democrats to save us all from the anti-American Republican party!
Please become a Patron of Brian Sapient
Oops, sorry for that: here are the links:
And Yes, I'm Irish indeed. (infact, the building I went to secondary school used to be used for 'taking care of' orphaned or troublesome boys, and where the Christian Brothers order abused the fuck out of them, After you watch the Magdalene Sisters, watch 'Song for a raggy boy' ( )Or just rent the two) you kinda get an idea of what went on, wonderful example of when a religion gets responsibility of something )
I thought it would be a fun thing to have a Big Ol? IRA on a T-shirt, I just made the colours to make people to assume even more.
I'll get back to you when I think of something worthwhile to say.
A colleague at my jobplace had an idea... A T-Shirt with a sign on it saying:
"God is currently busy. May we be of any assistance?"
"God is currently unavailable. May we take your order?"
I think the idea was pretty nice
Inquisition - "The flames are all long gone, but the pain lingers on..."
To check out the new design I just made, you can go to this link. More on the way!
Here are my three:
Sorry for the other 2 thumbnails, I thought having a clear background with black and white text would be more useful, and I kept the first thum because its not been retarded by imageshackes thumbnailing.
I'll get back to you when I think of something worthwhile to say.
Now those are cool!
Drawing on the computer never managed to fully capture my fancy so I'm basicly still an oldfashioned on-paper illustrator/cartoonist. Fastest I can produce digital material is by scanning drawings.
One slogan I'm partial to is "Pimp your bullshit-detector"
If you want more decoration on there, you could scatter the names of logical fallacies in a subtle colour (they serve as a backdrop) perhaps in different fonts to liven it up a little, and at differing angles. The RRS badge-logo should fit under the oneliner snugly.
~Let us be reasonable~
You want to claim there's such a thing as "the supernatural"? Fine. I hereby declare you to be "paracorrect" in doing so.
I've seen one the other day that read "God is busy. Can I help?"
Short, simple, get's the job done. Sounds more personal than "we" too I think.
~Let us be reasonable~
You want to claim there's such a thing as "the supernatural"? Fine. I hereby declare you to be "paracorrect" in doing so.
Saw the quote thought it would make a good shirt.
How about
" You say God hating/less commie like its a bad thing"
"I worship Santa Clause"