I don't understand the dangers of religion...

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Klein Chassmore
Date: Sep 3, 2006 10:43 PM
what's MOST amusing about this, are your extravagent claims against god and your crusade against irrational throught surrounding god...if there is anything rational about devoting your free time toward building like a cult around a subject you don't even believe to begin with, please lemme know. i just don't see the sense in trying to communicate to people what you yourself don't believe in. you don't believe in god, lucy doesn't believe in the easter bunny and i don't believe you...so where does it all end? no where...because there are as many beliefs as there are people. maybe you think you are right,..i certainly don't think i am...but my concern isn't with god and your disbelief in him. i'm a logical thinker and santa....well...i never bought it. but my concern is with your ambition to try and curb peoples' beliefs. that's not your job..but it IS america...which is why you are allowed to have this..and why i am allowed to politely disagree.
all your scientists and scientist back up (which i also found humorous, and would LOVE LOVE LOVE a list of names of those people and where they studied) doesn't really explain shit, cause in the big picture... none of us know shit. all i know is, if everything in the world is energy...in one form or another...and energy is neither created nor destroyed...well then how'd this all start...i dunno. ask your cracksquad of savvy scientists i guess..cause whether it's god, or buddha or the boogyman or whatever..SOMETHING started all this...and until that is figured out, which will never happen,, maybe you should focus on not trying so hard to know everything.
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Ah, the old argument that nothing could exist without having been created. Ok, then what created God/The boogeyman/fFlying Spaghettin Monster/ Whatever? If He/She/It could have always existed, then so could the universe, and your argument that nothing could exist without having been created is ad hoc and therefore irrational.
Matt Shizzle has been banned from the Rational Response Squad website. This event shall provide an atmosphere more conducive to social growth. - Majority of the mod team
Wow, I don't really know how to begin. This is an extremely irrational piece of mail and you didn't even divide it up for us. Oh well, here goes.
First of all, I really don't like how you try to prove us irrational by asking us why we are fighting against something we don't believe in ourselves. This statement is either dishonest or was made because you are ignorant to what the Rational Response Squad is really trying to accomplish. We are not fighting against God as we are atheists, which means we have a lack of belief in a God or Gods. We are fighting against the irrational idea of believing in and worshipping a supernatural being with no evidence supporting it's existence. No matter what you believe this is not fighting against a God or gods, we are fighting against the religions that have been created around their supposed existence.
What do you mean by "curb peoples beliefs?" I'm not sure, but I will say this: it is our job as human beings to make sure that anything that indangers our survival is irradicated. Religion is a huge threat to our way of life and ultimately the survival of the human race. On a planet filled with so many different religious beliefs, it is inevitable that they will come into conflict with each other. This has been the case since the very first religions sprung up on our lovely planet and will continue until they have been wiped from it.
However, now with our advanced technologies these religions have the power to destroy the entire Earth if they wanted to. On top of that religion itself is already an irrational, false concept that is a complete waste of life to anyone who succumbs to it. So why shouldn't we fight against it? It's pointless, false, and extremely dangerous.
Science doesn't explain shit? What are you talking about? It seems to me that you are familiar with anything in relation to science and you are simply stating this out of ignorance. I suggest that you take the time to read The Big Bang Theory and also the Theory of Evolution. I assure you that we have practically figured out what happened so your statement suggesting we never will is completely false. Please do not try to speak of something you know nothing of. I am by no means an expert on the subject, however, I know enough that you are in fact speaking from ignorance.
We don't claim to know everything. I don't know how to speak every language on earth, I don't claim to know what you ate for lunch today, etc. We claim to know only what we have learned. Nothing more.
"If only God would give me some clear sign! Like making a large deposit in my name at a Swiss Bank."-Woody Allen
"Atheism is life affirming in a way religion can never be."-Richard Dawkins
"but it IS america..."
No, dude, it ain't America... there are other countries in this blasted world than America... Some are far more democratic and free-thinking than America...
Why this "unholy crusade" ? Good question... How about the actual crusades ? Can you answer that ? Missionaries, priests, JWs coming door-to-door, etc... Can you explain those ? Of course not...
Why argue with somebody whose ideas you don't believe in? Yeah, that would be a good question... IF you are a moron.
Inquisition - "The flames are all long gone, but the pain lingers on..."
If you were to actually pick up a book by an astrophysicist, (say Hawkings Universe in a Nutshell" then maybe you can see a couple ideas that perhaps the universe collapsed, and then created, and collapsed, etc. But yes, if you want to go the route of saying something must of started this all, then what created that something? And so on. Scientists want to learn the world as it really is, not some made up "maybe god did it" mentality. I am sorry, but scientists have proven most of what you know about the world. And look up the definition of a cult while you are at it before you start flinging around insults. We are a group of people that respect rational thought, freethinking, and secular humanism. Religion is the antithema of that, so of course a lot of what we talk about is religion. As many, many religious people come on here asking why we believe different from them, should we just ignore them? You have obviously missed the complete point of this site and people like us. I don't know about everyone, but I want to promote a positive social environment who consider themselves atheists and the like, to come together and promote science and reason.